Help Shape Fishing Rules/Seasons for 2016-2018
Anonymous (not verified)
Fisheries managers with Idaho Fish and Game are asking for input as they craft fishing seasons and rules for 2016 to 2018. Every three years, managers look at the current rules booklet closely and consider updates for future seasons. While the current seasons/rules booklet is valid through 2015, now is the time managers are considering suggestions for the next booklet, which will provide seasons and rules for the following three years.
Fisheries managers stress that when anglers offer ideas about how fishing can be improved, those ideas are considered carefully.
"We work for the people of Idaho and manage fish and wildlife on their behalf," said Program Coordinator Dave Parrish. "If we can adjust our management to make better fishing or more opportunities for the majority of Idaho citizens and sustain our resources - we all benefit."
Parrish points to slot limits on the Boise River, catch-and-release rules on Silver Creek and special rules on the Selway River as just a few examples of how public input has influenced management decisions.
A series of meetings and open-houses is in progress. For a list of upcoming meetings in your region, go to:….
Attendees can also learn the latest forecast information for the upcoming Chinook salmon season, and provide input regarding salmon seasons and limits.
Fish and Game is also taking comments through the internet. To comment online, go to:….