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Idaho Fish and Game

Fish and Game Considers Rescinding Hagerman Goose Closure

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will host a meeting February 16, from 5 to 7:30 pm at the Snake River Grill in Hagerman, to discuss a proposal to rescind the Hagerman Goose Closure Area. "Current goose populations are high in the area and opening more of it would increase the opportunity for goose hunting in the Hagerman Valley," said Toby Boudreau, Fish and Game Regional Supervisor. "We have also had some agricultural producers reporting crop damage from geese in the closed area, and we believe this will help the problem." Reopening this area does not affect the Hagerman Wildlife Management (WMA) waterfowl closure, which will remain closed to waterfowl hunting. The area outside of the WMA is currently open to the taking of ducks, but not geese for the past three decades. The closure was originally designed to take pressure off the geese to keep them from moving from the valley when goose numbers were low. You can view and comment on the proposed change on our website at Or call (208) 324-4359. Individuals with disabilities may request meeting accommodations by contacting the Jerome Regional Office at the Idaho Department of Fish and Game directly at 208-324-4359 or through the Idaho Relay Service at 1-800-377-2529 (TDD).