Mild Winter Keeps Idaho Deer and Elk Herds Strong
Anonymous (not verified)
After a banner year for Idaho hunters, deer and elk populations continue to benefit from mild winter conditions. Preliminary harvest surveys suggest high harvest and high success rates in 2014.
In the 2014 hunting season, Fish and Game sold more than 157,000 deer tags and more than 93,000 elk tags, exceeding numbers sold in any of the six previous years. Deer hunters went into Idaho's backcountry in high numbers, in part because of some of the highest winter survival rates this century. Biologists documented the highest rate of fawn survival since monitoring began 15 years ago. Adult doe survival was extremely high during the last two winters at 95 percent and 97 percent respectively.
Cow elk populations are meeting cow population objectives in 16 of 21 zones with numerical population survey goals, and bull elk populations are meeting objectives in 14 of 21 zones with numerical population survey goals (estimate for Smoky-Bennett zone pending).
While high country snow is above normal in many parts of Idaho, a lack of snow cover at lower elevations is making this winter another mild one for deer and elk and managers expect good over-winter survival and recruitment among both species in Idaho.
Hunters who have not yet completed harvest reports for 2014 are encouraged to do so as soon as possible. They provide critical information used to set future seasons.
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