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Idaho Fish and Game

Challis Conservation Officer Receives Shikar-Safari Award

Anonymous (not verified)
Each year, Shikar-Safari Club honors a "Wildlife Officer of the Year" in Idaho, and this year's honoree is Senior Conservation Officer Malcolm Clemenhagen. In nominating Clemenhagen for the award, his superior officer praised him for work effort, conservation law enforcement, productivity, calls for service, covering vacant patrol areas, hunter education and public outreach/communication. The nomination attributed Clemenhagen's success to his own passion for fishing and hunting. "Malcolm's passion and experience for hunting, fishing and trapping have served him well as a Conservation Officer and Hunter Education/Trapper Education Instructor for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game," said District Conservation Officer Cole Wilkie. "Although he has only been an officer for just over 5 years, his experience and talent level seems to be that of a 15 year seasoned officer." The nomination also noted Clemenhegen's commitment to the "Enforcement Creed". A portion of that creed says: "To assist the public in their compliance with the regulations, to have no compromise for crime and to resolutely seek the violator, but with judgment charitable toward the minor offender, never scold or reprimand but rather to respect and inform". In addition to the regular duties of a Fish and Game Conservation Officer, Clemenhagen was praised for his contributions to the children of Challis during the Free Fishing Day at Blue Mountain Pond. Shikar-Safari Club strives to recognize officers who have done an outstanding job in enforcement of wildlife laws, the protection of wildlife and the implementation of conservation programs.