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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

F&G Range Grant Committee to meet Feb. 9 at 6 p.m. MST in Boise and virtually

| idfg-rphillips

The Idaho Fish and Game Range Grant Committee will have a meeting Feb. 9 at 6 p.m. MST at 600 S. Walnut St. and in Boise and online through a video conference. 

Agenda items include: 

Staff and Committee member welcome (Adam Park, IDFG Communications and Marketing Bureau Chief) Review of available… more

F&G's Nampa Public Shooting Range is open and looking for shooters

| idfg-bpearson

Idaho Fish and Game’s Nampa Public Shooting Range is a one-of-a-kind facility right in the heart of the Treasure Valley. A few months after its soft-opening to the public, Fish and Game and its non-profit partners – AIR Idaho Inc. and the Nampa Bow Chiefs – are ready to open the floodgates.

“We’ve been working… more

Some Cascade Reservoir ice access areas will remain open later than signage indicates

| idfg-bpearson

Despite signage indicating that a closure to protect birds runs from Feb. 1 through July 1, hardwater anglers will have an additional month to use several ice fishing access areas around Cascade Reservoir, including popular access sites like Crown Point and Sugarloaf.

Many of the ice access areas… more

Many instructor-led hunter education courses are coming soon to Southwest Idaho

| idfg-bpearson

Instructor led courses are ramping up in Southwest Idaho. Seven courses with open seats are slated to start in the next few weeks, with many more to come.

“We are thrilled that we have a number of classes currently available to students throughout the region, each of which is an opportunity for them to learn… more

Be respectful of birds and their habitats while observing or photographing them

| idfg-bpearson

A great gray owl — a relatively uncommon raptor in Southwest Idaho — was recently spotted by birders at a popular birding location in the region, and Fish and Game biologists are reminding people who are eager to snap the perfect photo to be respectful of birds and their habitats.

While the majority… more

F&G biologist Frances Cassirer receives national award for her bighorn sheep research

| idfg-cliess

Idaho Fish and Game Senior Wildlife Research Biologist Frances Cassirer was recently named the 2022 recipient of the Wild Sheep Foundation’s Statesman Award. 

“Frances is a leader among our state and regional partners, and her research is cutting edge,” said Idaho Wild Sheep Foundation President, Bill… more

From Hatch to Catch: Hayspur Hatchery near Picabo is Idaho’s rainbow trout capital

| idfg-cliess

There are few moments in an angler’s life that rival catching their first rainbow trout, and whether you caught it on a hare’s-ear fly or a nightcrawler, chances are good there’s a special place in your memory for the first time you hooked one of Idaho’s most precious fish.

The story of a hatchery trout’s… more

Applications for 2022 spring turkey controlled hunts open Feb. 1

| idfg-cliess

Applications for 2022 spring turkey controlled hunts open Feb. 1. Turkey hunters looking to apply can do so through March 1.

On Jan. 27, Fish and Game Commission adopted the proposed 2022-23 upland game, turkey and furbearer seasons and bag limits. The proposed seasons and changes were open for public comment… more

Hunter Education instructors needed in the Southwest Region

| idfg-bpearson

Are you a safe and responsible hunter or trapper? Are you passionate about hunting ethics? Do you like sharing your knowledge and skills with youth and adults new to Idaho’s hunting traditions?

If so, you should consider becoming a volunteer hunter education instructor for Idaho Fish and Game's Southwest… more

Reminder that most roads in the Panhandle’s wildlife management areas are not maintained during winter

| idfg-tjross

It’s no secret, Jack Frost has brought winter to the Panhandle in full force. As pretty and serene as the snow is, it certainly brings unique challenges when it comes to motorized vehicle access and use.

The Panhandle is home to six wildlife management areas managed by Idaho Fish and Game for the benefit of… more

Farragut Shooting Range Center will remain closed due to lingering icy conditions

| idfg-tjross

Due to continued icy and unsafe roads and conditions, the range will remain closed until further notice.  Please check our website for future updates on when the range will reopen, or you can call the Panhandle Regional office at (208) 769-1414.  Thank you for your continued patience.

The roads… more

Stairway at Harpster Access site now completed and open for use

| idfg-jbruns

The steel galvanized stairs to our new fishing access site at Harpster on the South Fork of the Clearwater River is now completed. In 2020, Idaho Fish and Game purchased this popular fishing site property from the Scott Family. Not only is this a popular site for fisherman it is also one of the more productive sites… more

Latest Fish and Game wolf population estimate is 1,543 and stable since 2019

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho’s wolf population has remained stable and consistent over the last three years based on camera surveys done last summer and since 2019. The 2021 population estimate for Aug. 1 was 1,543 wolves. The 2020 and 2019 estimates were 1,556 and 1,566.

Fish and Game staff deploy cameras… more

Hunter Education instructors needed in the Magic Valley Region

| idfg-tthompson

Are you a safe and responsible hunter or trapper?

Are you passionate about hunting ethics?

Do you like sharing your knowledge and skills with youth and adults new to Idaho’s hunting traditions?

If you answered yes to these questions you should consider becoming a volunteer hunter education… more

Magic Valley Region Winter Feeding Advisory Committee Tour

| idfg-jguthrie

The purposes of the Magic Valley Winter Feeding Advisory Committee is to provide recommendations to IDFG regional staff on the implementation of emergency winter feeding for big game. The purpose of this meeting and tour is to show the Winter Feeding Advisory Committee locations where winter feeding occurred during… more

Cascade and Payette Lakes ice conditions - Jan. 25, 2022

| idfg-mthomas

On Tuesday, January 25th we checked surface and ice conditions on Cascade and Payette Lakes. On Lake Cascade,  surface and ice conditions are excellent on the majority of the lake. However, poor ice conditions (white ice) exist between the Sugarloaf Island and Crown Point areas. These conditions are a… more

Idaho Fish and Game will host spring/summer Chinook fisheries public meetings, request public input in February

| idfg-jdupont

Don’t miss an opportunity to attend one of six public meetings to provide comments and opinions on how best to manage the 2022 spring/summer Chinook salmon fisheries in the Clearwater, Hells Canyon, lower Salmon, Little Salmon, and South Fork Salmon river drainages.

Free pizza and refreshments will be provided… more

Feeding backyard deer and elk does more harm than good

| idfg-cliess

Seeing a herd of deer outside your door or a head of elk may seem idyllic, and during winter they can almost seem tame. But truth is they’re wild animals that need to remain wild animals, and feeding them can quickly create a variety of problems.

Here’s how a simple well-meaning act can lead to a neighborhood-… more