Bibliography and Citations

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Whiting JC, Doering B, Wright G, Englestead DK, Frye JA, Stefanic T.  2018.  Bat hibernacula in caves of southern Idaho: implications for monitoring and management.  Western North American Naturalist.  78(2):165-173.
Stefanic T.  2013.  Bat hibernacula inventory and monitoring 2012–2013: Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve.  
Slocum K, Stefanic T, Rodhouse TJ.  2017.  Bat hibernacula surveys in Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve: 2017 status report.  :1-13.  Available from
Slocum K, Millet A, Stefanic T, Rodhouse TJ.  2016.  Bat hibernacula surveys in Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve: 2016 status report.    Available from
U. S. Forest Service.  2008.  Bat management plan for the Caribou National Forest. 4th ed.  
Abel B.  2015.  [Bat observation] datasheet and [environmental] specimen collection datasheets [for Minnetonka Cave, Bear Lake County, Idaho].  
Genter D.  1989.  Bat occurrence data for INEL project [memorandum].  
Wackenhut MC.  1990.  Bat species overwintering in lava-tube caves in Lincoln, Gooding, Blaine, Bingham, and Butte counties, Idaho, with special reference to annual return of banded Plecotus townsendii.  Biology.  :64.
Petterson J.  2009.  Bats and mines surveys: Salmon-Challis National Forest.  
Moisset B, Buchmann S, Buchanan S.  2010.  Bee Basics: An Introduction to Our Native Bees. FS-960.  Stritch L, Nelson J, Prendusi T, Adams LDavies, editors. Washington (D.C.): USDA, Forest Service.  
Rhoades PR.  2016.  Bee observation data, Palouse Prairie, ID and WA, 2012-2013.  
Greaser D.  2012.  Bethlehem Mine: bat survey and data logger deployment report.  
Cushman RM.  2014.  Biogeography of the caddisfly genus Arctopsyche McLachlan, 1868 (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) in North America.  Pan-Pacific Entomologist.  90(4):174–181.  Available from
Sanborn AF, Phillips PK.  2013.  Biogeography of the cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of North America, north of Mexico.  Diversity.  5(2):166-239.  Available from
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2013.  Biological opinion for the Billingsley Weir replacement, 01EIFW00-2013-F-0269.  
Pearson DL.  1988.  Biology of tiger beetles.  Annual Review of Entomology.  33:123-147.
Marshall JT.  1988.  Birds lost from a giant sequoia forest during fifty years.  Condor.  90:359-372.  Available from
Doering B, Bybee B, Cavallaro R, Dixon R, Englestead D.  2014.  BLM bat data: "Water Well N" [memos].  
Tetra Tech.  2014.  Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line Project.  
Tetra Tech.  2014.  Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line Project.  
Musil D, Stutz WR.  1989.  Boreal owl winter survey: Nez Perce and Clearwater National Forests, Idaho.  
Franklin AB.  1988.  Breeding biology of the great gray owl in southeastern Idaho and northwestern Wyoming.  Condor.  90(3):689-696.  Available from
Lichthardt J.  2015.  Bryophyte herbarim label data compiled by Idaho Natural Heritage Program staff.  
Lichthardt J.  2015.  Bryophyte herbarim label data compiled by Idaho Natural Heritage Program staff.  
Lichthardt J.  2015.  Bryophyte herbarim label data compiled by Idaho Natural Heritage Program staff.