Deer Controlled Hunt Extra Antlerless Season

Hunt Area 15-1X
Deer Controlled Hunt 1126 100 Tags

Non-resident tag quota of 15,500 total deer tags. See the Nonresident Tag Quotas for availability.

8/30/2024 - 9/30/2024

White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
Antlerless White-tailed Deer
Only deer without antlers or with antlers shorter than 3 inches may be taken in any season which is open for antlerless deer only.
Archery ONLY.


Archery only, White-tailed deer only

Hunt Area 15-1X
That portion of Unit 15 on or within one mile of private agricultural lands within the South Fork Clearwater River drainage downstream from and including the Earthquake Creek and Dump Creek drainages below milepost 12 on State Highway 14. "Private agricultural lands" are defined as privately-owned lands that are used for growing or storing plants for profit, in the form of pasture or stored feed for animal production, croplands, nurseries, vineyards, or orchards, but which do not include private timberlands. Area Size: 48,216 acres
pdf View a High Resolution Adobe PDF Map of Hunt Area 15-1X
More information about the Game Management Unit(s) in this hunt: 15 15

Controlled Hunt Harvest Statistics

Year Hunt# Area Hunters Harvest Success% Days Antlered Antlerless %4+Pts %5+Pts %Whitetail
2022 1126 15-1X 74 43 58 491 4 38 0 100
2021 1129 15-1X 69 35 51 346 35 100
2020 1133 15-1X 78 52 67 308 52 100
2018 1132 15-1X 76 44 58 390 44 100
2017 1132 15-1X 90 54 61 415 1 53 0 100
2015 1135 15-1X 86 58 67 369 58 97.9
2014 1121 15X* 68 47 69 342 1 46 94.4
2011 1096 15X 75 45 60 381 45 100
Source: Harvest Statistics Database compiled from Mandatory Harvest Reports and Check Station Records
* In 2000 hunter information not collected.

Drawing Odds for 1st & 2nd Choice Applicants (controlled hunts only)

Hunt Information 1st Choice 2nd Choice Total
Year Hunt# Area Draw* Applicants Permits Awarded Success% Applicants Permits Awarded Success% Total Awarded Permit Quota
2024 1126 15-1X 1 243 100 41 41 0 0 100 100
2024 1126 15-1X 2 57 10 18 22 0 0 10 10
2022 1126 15-1X 1 0 0 0 0 0 300
2022 1126 15-1X 1 117 100 85 75 0 0 100 100
2022 1126 15-1X 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
2022 1126 15-1X 2 37 10 27 5 0 0 10 10
2021 1129 15-1X 1 267 100 37 75 0 0 100 100
2021 1129 15-1X 2 57 5 9 8 0 0 5 5
2020 1133 15-1X 1 300 100 33 98 0 0 100 100
2020 1133 15-1X 2 79 6 8 19 0 0 6 6
2019 1133 15-1X 1 240 100 42 77 0 0 100 100
2018 1132 15-1X 1 262 100 38 110 0 0 100 100
2018 1132 15-1X 2 57 4 7 14 0 0 4 4
2017 1132 15-1X 1 256 100 39 77 0 0 100 100
2017 1132 15-1X 2 49 4 8 17 0 0 4 4
2015 1135 15-1X 1 246 100 41 81 0 0 100 100
2015 1135 15-1X 2 36 6 17 12 0 0 6 6
2014 1121 15X* 1 294 100 34 107 0 0 100 100
2014 1121 15X* 2 77 10 13 21 0 0 10 10
2011 1096 15X 1 237 100 42 94 0 0 100 100
2011 1096 15X 2 46 9 20 22 0 0 9 9
Source: Drawing Odds Database
* Beginning in 2004, a second drawing was held for unclaimed tags.

Drawing Odds for Resident & NonResident Applicants (controlled hunts only)

Hunt Information Resident NonResident Total
Year Hunt# Area Draw* 1st Choice Applicants Permits Awarded 1st Choice Success% 1st Choice Applicants Permits Awarded 1st Choice Success% Total Awarded Permit Quota
2024 1126 15-1X 1 236 98 42 7 2 29 100 100
2024 1126 15-1X 2 54 10 19 3 0 0 10 10
2022 1126 15-1X 1 0 0 0 0 0 300
2022 1126 15-1X 1 117 100 85 0 0 100 100
2022 1126 15-1X 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
2022 1126 15-1X 2 36 9 25 1 1 100 10 10
2021 1129 15-1X 1 265 99 37 2 1 50 100 100
2021 1129 15-1X 2 57 5 9 0 0 5 5
2020 1133 15-1X 1 298 98 33 2 2 100 100 100
2020 1133 15-1X 2 78 5 6 1 1 6 6
2019 1133 15-1X 1 239 100 42 1 0 0 100 100
2018 1132 15-1X 1 261 100 38 1 0 0 100 100
2018 1132 15-1X 2 57 4 7 0 0 4 4
2017 1132 15-1X 1 255 99 39 1 1 100 100 100
2017 1132 15-1X 2 49 4 8 0 0 4 4
2015 1135 15-1X 1 246 100 41 0 0 100 100
2015 1135 15-1X 2 36 6 17 0 0 6 6
2014 1121 15X* 1 293 99 34 1 1 100 100 100
2014 1121 15X* 2 76 10 13 1 0 0 10 10
2011 1096 15X 1 237 100 42 0 0 100 100
2011 1096 15X 2 46 9 20 0 0 9 9
Source: Drawing Odds Database
* Beginning in 2004, a second drawing was held for unclaimed tags.

Resident Tags and Permits

  • Adult Deer Tag
  • Jr./Sr./DAV Deer Tag
  • Controlled Hunt Application Fee
  • Handicapped Motor Vehicle Permit*

NonResident Tags and Permits

  • Junior Mentored Deer Tag
  • Adult Deer Tag
  • Controlled Hunt Application Fee
  • Handicapped Motor Vehicle Permit*

A valid hunting license is required for all hunting and trapping activities.
* Indicates this item is optional.

Where to purchase

Learn more about IDFG Licenses, Tags & Permits

Surface Management

For government land, these data show the managing agency of the land, which may or not be the same as the owning agency.

Graph illustrating 48.9 percent Private 23,575 acres   48.9%
Graph illustrating 47.64 percent U.S. Forest Service (USFS) 22,970 acres   47.6%
Graph illustrating 2.56 percent State of Idaho 1,234 acres   2.6%
Graph illustrating 0.88 percent U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 423 acres   0.9%
Graph illustrating 0.03 percent Indian Reservation / Bureau of Indian Affairs 16 acres   0%

Make your own map of Hunt Area 15-1X Deer Controlled Hunt 1126
Land management via Inside Idaho

Access Yes! Properties

Access Yes! is Fish and Game program designed to improve hunting and fishing access to private land or through private land to public land by compensating willing landowners who provide access.

No properties are currently available in this hunt area.
View all Access Yes Participants.

Federally-designated Wilderness Areas

No motorized vehicles are allowed in these areas.

There are no wilderness areas in this hunt.