Elk Controlled Hunt Antlerless Season

Hunt Area 76
Elk Controlled Hunt 2104 700 Tags

Non-resident tag quota of 12,815 total elk tags. See the Nonresident Tag Quotas for availability.

10/25/2024 - 11/15/2024

Elk (Cervus canadensis)
Antlerless Elk
Only elk without antlers or with antlers shorter than 6 inches may be taken in any season which is open for antlerless elk only.
Any Weapon
Rifle, Archery, Muzzleloader, Shotgun, or Handgun.

  • Motorized Hunting Rule (MHR): Motorized vehicle use by all big game hunters is restricted to established roadways legally open to travel by full-sized automobiles. The motorized hunting rule applies only to big game animals, including moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goats, in designated units from August 30 through December 31. Learn more about the Motorized hunting Rule at idfg.idaho.gov/hunt/access/motorized-vehicles

Motorized Hunting Rule Applies

Hunt Area 76
All of Unit 76. Area Size: 890,232 acres
pdf View a High Resolution Adobe PDF Map of Hunt Area 76
More information about the Game Management Unit(s) in this hunt: 76

Controlled Hunt Harvest Statistics

Year Hunt# Area Hunters Harvest Success% Days Antlered Antlerless %Spike %6+Pts
2023 2104 76 606 214 35 3269 214
2022 2110 76 596 260 44 2898 1 258 100 0
2021 2110 76 648 263 40 3450 263
2020 2115 76 716 276 39 3933 276
2019 2115 76 708 288 41 3225 288
2018 2144 76 647 286 44 3605 286
2017 2144 76 607 246 41 3474 246
2016 2134 76 597 166 28 3201 166
2015 2134 76 652 286 44 3348 286
2014 2125 76-1 645 195 30 3558 195
2013 2127 76-1 641 186 29 3900 186
2012 2118 76-1 669 195 29 3448 195
2011 2118 76-1 630 125 20 3783 125
2010 2109 76-1 641 247 39 3203 247
2009 2109 76-1 640 174 27 3745 174
2008 2114 76-1 918 284 31 5406 9 274
2007 2118 76-1 920 213 23 5237 213
2006 2119 76-1 1328 399 30 7927 6 381 0 0
2005 2120 76-2X 152 110 72 499 1 109 0 100
Source: Harvest Statistics Database compiled from Mandatory Harvest Reports and Check Station Records
* In 2000 hunter information not collected.

Drawing Odds for 1st & 2nd Choice Applicants (controlled hunts only)

Hunt Information 1st Choice 2nd Choice Total
Year Hunt# Area Draw* Applicants Permits Awarded Success% Applicants Permits Awarded Success% Total Awarded Permit Quota
2024 2104 76 1 851 700 82 397 0 0 700 700
2024 2104 76 2 204 58 28 69 0 0 58 58
2023 2104 76 1 842 700 83 351 0 0 700 700
2023 2104 76 2 175 28 16 53 0 0 28 28
2022 2110 76 1 952 700 74 396 0 0 700 700
2022 2110 76 2 214 20 9 58 0 0 20 20
2021 2110 76 1 862 700 81 424 0 0 700 700
2021 2110 76 2 212 19 9 89 0 0 19 19
2020 2115 76 1 1062 800 75 556 0 0 800 800
2020 2115 76 2 312 33 11 44 0 0 33 33
2019 2115 76 1 905 800 88 607 0 0 800 800
2019 2115 76 2 262 34 13 54 0 0 34 34
2018 2144 76 1 768 700 91 467 0 0 700 700
2018 2144 76 2 167 28 17 83 0 0 28 28
2017 2144 76 1 789 700 89 561 0 0 700 700
2017 2144 76 2 189 29 15 48 0 0 29 29
2016 2134 76 1 831 700 84 482 0 0 700 700
2016 2134 76 2 235 23 10 60 0 0 23 23
2015 2134 76 1 915 700 77 672 0 0 700 700
2015 2134 76 2 240 26 11 47 0 0 26 26
2014 2125 76-1 1 828 700 85 576 0 0 700 700
2014 2125 76-1 2 245 23 9 68 0 0 23 23
2013 2127 76-1 1 794 700 88 540 0 0 700 700
2013 2127 76-1 2 154 27 18 55 0 0 27 27
2012 2118 76-1 1 806 700 87 488 0 0 700 700
2012 2118 76-1 2 168 35 21 64 0 0 35 35
2011 2118 76-1 1 877 700 80 489 0 0 700 700
2011 2118 76-1 2 205 39 19 60 0 0 39 39
2010 2109 76-1 1 994 700 70 558 0 0 700 700
2010 2109 76-1 2 263 36 14 51 0 0 36 36
2009 2109 76-1 1 1093 700 64 545 0 0 700 700
2009 2109 76-1 2 294 42 14 95 0 0 42 42
2008 2114 76-1 1 1135 1000 88 751 0 0 1000 1000
2008 2114 76-1 2 210 45 21 86 0 0 45 45
2007 2118 76-1 1 1260 1000 79 785 0 0 1000 1000
2007 2118 76-1 2 309 58 19 93 0 0 58 58
2006 2119 76-1 1 1449 1449 100 1054 51 5 1500 1500
2006 2119 76-1 2 237 81 34 146 0 0 81 81
2005 2120 76-2X 1 198 198 100 33 0 0 198 200
2005 2120 76-2X 2 42 18 43 3 0 0 18 18
Source: Drawing Odds Database
* Beginning in 2004, a second drawing was held for unclaimed tags.

Drawing Odds for Resident & NonResident Applicants (controlled hunts only)

Hunt Information Resident NonResident Total
Year Hunt# Area Draw* 1st Choice Applicants Permits Awarded 1st Choice Success% 1st Choice Applicants Permits Awarded 1st Choice Success% Total Awarded Permit Quota
2024 2104 76 1 772 633 82 79 67 85 700 700
2024 2104 76 2 185 52 28 19 6 32 58 58
2023 2104 76 1 775 644 83 67 56 84 700 700
2023 2104 76 2 161 25 16 14 3 0 28 28
2022 2110 76 1 865 638 74 87 62 71 700 700
2022 2110 76 2 193 20 10 21 0 0 20 20
2021 2110 76 1 797 647 81 65 53 82 700 700
2021 2110 76 2 203 18 9 9 1 11 19 19
2020 2115 76 1 983 741 75 79 59 75 800 800
2020 2115 76 2 280 33 12 32 0 0 33 33
2019 2115 76 1 852 750 88 53 50 94 800 800
2019 2115 76 2 247 33 13 15 1 7 34 34
2018 2144 76 1 718 652 91 50 48 96 700 700
2018 2144 76 2 162 26 16 5 2 40 28 28
2017 2144 76 1 761 676 89 28 24 86 700 700
2017 2144 76 2 173 26 15 16 3 19 29 29
2016 2134 76 1 800 671 84 31 29 94 700 700
2016 2134 76 2 232 23 10 3 0 0 23 23
2015 2134 76 1 889 678 76 26 22 85 700 700
2015 2134 76 2 234 25 11 6 1 17 26 26
2014 2125 76-1 1 804 681 85 24 19 79 700 700
2014 2125 76-1 2 236 23 10 9 0 0 23 23
2013 2127 76-1 1 772 680 88 22 20 91 700 700
2013 2127 76-1 2 151 27 18 3 0 0 27 27
2012 2118 76-1 1 781 675 86 25 25 100 700 700
2012 2118 76-1 2 166 35 21 2 0 0 35 35
2011 2118 76-1 1 849 681 80 28 19 68 700 700
2011 2118 76-1 2 195 38 19 10 1 10 39 39
2010 2109 76-1 1 968 684 71 26 16 62 700 700
2010 2109 76-1 2 257 36 14 6 0 0 36 36
2009 2109 76-1 1 1062 678 64 31 22 71 700 700
2009 2109 76-1 2 285 39 14 9 3 33 42 42
2008 2114 76-1 1 1095 967 88 40 33 82 1000 1000
2008 2114 76-1 2 201 43 21 9 2 22 45 45
2007 2118 76-1 1 1223 971 79 37 29 78 1000 1000
2007 2118 76-1 2 294 55 19 15 3 20 58 58
2006 2119 76-1 1 1398 1444 100 51 56 100 1500 1500
2006 2119 76-1 2 234 80 34 3 1 33 81 81
2005 2120 76-2X 1 197 197 100 1 1 100 198 200
2005 2120 76-2X 2 42 18 43 0 0 18 18
Source: Drawing Odds Database
* Beginning in 2004, a second drawing was held for unclaimed tags.

Resident Tags and Permits

  • Adult Elk Tag
  • Jr./Sr./DAV Elk Tag
  • Controlled Hunt Application Fee
  • Handicapped Motor Vehicle Permit*

NonResident Tags and Permits

  • Junior Mentored Elk Tag
  • Adult Elk Tag
  • Controlled Hunt Application Fee
  • Handicapped Motor Vehicle Permit*

A valid hunting license is required for all hunting and trapping activities.
* Indicates this item is optional.

Where to purchase

Learn more about IDFG Licenses, Tags & Permits

Surface Management

For government land, these data show the managing agency of the land, which may or not be the same as the owning agency.

Graph illustrating 42.99 percent U.S. Forest Service (USFS) 382,698 acres   43%
Graph illustrating 39.84 percent Private 354,708 acres   39.8%
Graph illustrating 7.27 percent U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 64,681 acres   7.3%
Graph illustrating 3.89 percent State of Idaho 34,625 acres   3.9%
Graph illustrating 1.92 percent U.S. National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) 17,100 acres   1.9%
Graph illustrating 0.07 percent Indian Reservation / Bureau of Indian Affairs 667 acres   0.1%
Graph illustrating 0.02 percent Other 146 acres   0%

Make your own map of Hunt Area 76 Elk Controlled Hunt 2104
Land management via Inside Idaho

Access Yes! Properties

Access Yes! is Fish and Game program designed to improve hunting and fishing access to private land or through private land to public land by compensating willing landowners who provide access.

Federally-designated Wilderness Areas

No motorized vehicles are allowed in these areas.

There are no wilderness areas in this hunt.