Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
COSEWIC(Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada), James J.  2007.  COSEWIC assessment and update status report on the greater short-horned lizard Phrynosoma hernandesi in Canada.    Available from
COSEWIC(Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada), Howes BJ, Lougheed SC.  2007.  COSEWIC assessment and update status report on the five-lined skink, Eumeces fasciatus (Carolinian population and Great Lakes/St. Lawrence population) in Canada.  
Hall FC, Martinez P.  1995.  Correlation of plant associations; draft.  
Patla DA, Peterson CR, Corn S, Bennetts R, Daley R, Cathie J.  2008.  Cooperative amphibian monitoring protocol for the Greater Yellowstone Network [Peer Review Draft].    Available from
Hatfield R, Jepsen S, Mader E, Black SHoffman, Shepherd M.  2012.  Conserving bumble bees: guidelines for creating and managing habitat for America's declining pollinators.    Available from
Hallock LA, Haugo RD, Crawford R.  2007.  Conservation strategy for Washington State inland sand dunes.  Prepared for Bureau of Land Management, Spokane, WA.    Available from
Thomas JW, Forsman ED, Lint JB, Meslow EC, Noon BB, Verner J.  1990.  A conservation strategy for the northern spotted owl: a report of the Interagency Scientific Committee to address the conservation of the northern spotted owl.  
Munger JC, Peterson CR, McDonald M, Carrigan T.  1997.  Conservation strategy for the Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris) in Idaho.  
Lichthardt J.  2004.  Conservation strategy for Idaho Panhandle peatlands.  
Jankovsky-Jones M.  1996.  Conservation strategy for Henrys Fork basin wetlands.    Available from
Jankovsky-Jones M.  1997.  Conservation strategy for Big Wood River basin wetlands.    Available from
Lysne SJ, Krouse BR.  2012.  The conservation status of Margaritifera falcata: using GIS to demonstrate the decline of a freshwater mussel in Idaho.  
Jepsen S, Schweitzer DF, Young B, Sears N, Ormes M, Black SHoffman.  2015.  Conservation status and ecology of the monarch butterfly in the United States.    Available from
Idaho Sage-grouse Advisory Committee.  2006.  Conservation plan for the greater sage-grouse in Idaho.    Available from
Boreal Toad Recovery Team and Technical Advisory Group, Loeffler C.  2001.  Conservation plan and agreement for the management and recovery of the southern Rocky Mountain population of the boreal toad (Bufo boreas boreas).    Available from
Hill J, Lichthardt J, Pekas K, Erhardt B.  2012.  Conservation of the Palouse Prairie Ecosystem - Phase 3. Site Assessment of Potential Remnants of Palouse Grassland in Latah County, Idaho. 2011 Progress Report and Final Report (2008-2011).  
Pekas KM, Lichthardt J.  2014.  Conservation of Palouse and canyon grasslands in Nez Perce County, Idaho Phase 1: Mapping of potential remnants.  
Hafner JC.  2013.  Conservation biology and status of kangaroo mice, genus Microdipodops, in Idaho.  
Smith BE.  2003.  Conservation assessment of the tiger salamander in the Black Hills National Forest, South Dakota and Wyoming.    Available from
Connelly JW, Knick ST, Schroeder MA, Stiver SJ.  2004.  Conservation assessment of greater sage-grouse and sagebrush habitats.    Available from
Gervais J, Rosenberg D, Barnes S, Puchy C, Stewart E.  2009.  Conservation assessment for the western painted turtle in Oregon (Chrysemys picta bellii).    Available from
Olson DH.  2011.  Conservation assessment for the Rocky Mountain tailed frog in Oregon and Washington (Ascaphus montanus).    Available from
Gervais J.  2016.  Conservation assessment for the pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus) in Oregon and Washington.    Available from
Cushman KA, Pearl CA.  2007.  A conservation assessment for the Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa).    Available from
Perkins DL, Means RE, Cochrane AC.  2016.  Conservation and Management of Whitebark Pine Ecosystems on Bureau of Land Management Lands in the Western United States.  BLM Technical Reference 6711-1.