Bibliography and Citations

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Regan T.  2023.  2023 Idaho alpine species of greatest conservation need survey (Regions 2, 3 and 7).  
Regan T.  2023.  2022 Idaho alpine species of greatest conservation need survey: includes vertebrates and whitebark pine.  
Regan T.  2023.  2023 Idaho alpine species of greatest conservation need survey (Regions 2, 3 and 7).  
Regan T.  2020.  2020 Idaho alpine species of greatest conservation need survey: includes vertebrates and whitebark pine.  
Regan T.  2020.  2020 Idaho alpine species of greatest conservation need survey: includes vertebrates and whitebark pine.  
Regan T.  2021.  2021 Idaho alpine species of greatest conservation need survey: includes vertebrates and whitebark pine.  
Regan T.  2019.  2019 Region 7 Idaho alpine species of greatest conservation need: includes vertebrates and whitebark pine.  
Regan T.  2021.  2021 Idaho alpine species of greatest conservation need survey: includes vertebrates and whitebark pine.  
Red Willow Research Inc., Austin M.L.  2006.  Breeding Bird Census Project: South Laidlaw Park Region.  
Red Willow Research Inc..  2009.  Butterflies of Idaho. PowerPoint presentations, Red Willow Research, community classes..  
Red Willow Research Inc., Austin M.L.  2004.  Western Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) 2004 nest site survey project update.  
Red Willow Research Inc., Austin M.L.  2006.  Breeding Bird Census Project: South Laidlaw Park Region.  
Red Willow Research Inc..  2009.  Butterflies of Idaho. PowerPoint presentations, Red Willow Research, community classes..  
Raxworthy CJ, Ingram CM, Rabibisoa N, Pearson RG.  2007.  Applications of ecological niche modeling for species delimitation: a review and empirical evaluation using day geckos (Phelsuma) from Madagascar.  Systematic Biology.  56(6):907–923.  Available from
Rachlow JL, Sanchez DM, Estes-Zumpf WA.  2005.  Natal burrows and nests of free-ranging pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis).  Western North American Naturalist.  65(1):136–139.  Available from
Quinney D, Marrs R, Evans L, Anderson J, Miller S.  2000.  Forage kochia/Lepidium papilliferum slick spot report, draft: Idaho Army National Guard Technical Report 12, September 2000.  
Quinn NWS, Parker G.  1987.  Lynx. Wild furbearer management and conservation in North America.  Novak M, Baker JA, Obbard ME, Malloch B, editors. Ontario (Canada): Ontario Trappers Association.   p. 683-694.
Pyke CR, Marty J.  2005.  Cattle grazing mediates climate change impacts on ephemeral wetlands.  Conservation Biology.  19(5):1619–1625.  Available from
Price MA, Graham O.H.  1997.  Chewing and sucking lice as parasites of mammals and birds. Technical Bulletin; no. 1849.  [Washington (DC)]: USDA Agricultural Research Service.    Available from
Price MA, Graham O.H.  1997.  Chewing and sucking lice as parasites of mammals and birds. Technical Bulletin; no. 1849.  [Washington (DC)]: USDA Agricultural Research Service.    Available from
Price MA, Graham O.H.  1997.  Chewing and sucking lice as parasites of mammals and birds. Technical Bulletin; no. 1849.  [Washington (DC)]: USDA Agricultural Research Service.    Available from
Price AJ.  2009.  Survival and burrowing ecology of pygmy rabbits: implications for sagebrush habitat and estimation of abundance.  Wildlife Resources.  :106.
Price MA, Graham O.H.  1997.  Chewing and sucking lice as parasites of mammals and birds. Technical Bulletin; no. 1849.  [Washington (DC)]: USDA Agricultural Research Service.    Available from
Price AJ, Rachlow JL.  2011.  Development of an index of abundance for pygmy rabbit populations.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  75(4):929–937.  Available from
Prentice C.  2001.  Survey of airport addition for Lepidium papilliferum.