Western Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) 2004 nest site survey project update

Publication Type:



Red Willow Research, Inc. , p.15 p. (2004)

Call Number:



aves, bird survey, Shoshone BLM, threatened species, Western Burrowing Owl. Athene cunicularia


Knowing whether or not Western Burrowing Owl populations are declining is an important step in determining if greater legal protection, habitat restoration, or other management intervention is necessary. Surveys of 225 historic nest sites within the Shoshone BLM Field Office Area found that only two nest sites fledged live young in 2003. In order to help determine current population trends, Red Willow Research Inc. resurveyed these historic nest sites during the 2004 breeding season. Surveys found 54 owls present at 27 burrow sites early in the spring of 2004, yet by June 15th only 12 sites were still occupied. Six young were fledged from known nest sites in 2004, compared to 11 young fledged in 2003. This project update provides survey results in a condensed format for those nest sites located within the Shoshone BLM Field Office Area. As researchers continue to survey known nest sites, current population trends will become apparent. This knowledge will assist in developing and implementing conservation and management strategies to ensure the persistence of Western Burrowing Owls in Idaho.


Shelf Note: Electronic Files - Zoology: AVES