Chewing and sucking lice as parasites of mammals and birds

Publication Type:



Technical Bulletin; no. 1849, USDA Agricultural Research Service, [Washington (DC)], p.257, A-1-A-33, B-1-B-24 (1997)

Call Number:




Bovicola concavifrons, Bovicola longiconiis, Bovicola oreamnidis, Bovicola tibialis, Enderleinellus suturalis, Goniodes centrocerci, Goniodes merriamanus, Lagopoecus gibsoni, Lagopoecus umbellus, Neotrichodectes thoraciciis, Tricholipeunis lipeuroides, Tricholipeurus parallelus


In all stages of their development, about 2,500 species of chewing lice are parasites of mammals or birds. More than 500 species of blood-sucking lice attack only mammals. This publication emphasizes the most frequently seen genera and species of these lice and includes information about their geographic distribution, life history, habitats, ecology, host-parasite relationships, and economic importance. Information is given on modern methods of controlling these lice on domestic animals, small animals, poultry, and humans, as well as a historical review of earlier methods of louse control. Also included is an historical review of the scientific classification of these lice, including some of the disagreement between various taxonomists. This publication should be a primary reference for medical and veterinary entomologists, livestock managers, extension specialists, domestic-animal researchers, and veterinarians.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Invertebrates

Citation: Price MA, Graham OH. 1997. Chewing and sucking lice as parasites of mammals and birds. [Washington (DC)]: USDA Agricultural Research Service. 257 p. plus appendices. (Technical Bulletin; no. 1849). Available from: USDA National Agricultural Library, OR Price MA, Graham OH. 1997. Chewing and sucking lice as parasites of mammals and birds. [Washington (DC)]: USDA Agricultural Research Service. 257 p. plus appendices. Technical Bulletin No. 1849. Available from: USDA National Agricultural Library,