Frequently Asked Questions

We get a lot of questions. We post here answers to questions we're being asked frequently. If you have a question not answered here, please contact us. Urgent questions should be directed to your nearest office. Some answers change over time; please take note of the "answered" date.

Displaying 1276 - 1300 of 3534 questions

Q: Eastern Gray Squirrels in Northern Idaho?

I was curious about the range of the Eastern Gray Squirrel in Northern Idaho because I have spotted them in Coeur d' Alene and Sandpoint on a regular basis. Am I confusing them with the Fox Squirrel? If there is Gray Squirrels, what is their preferred habitat and how would they fare in open Ponderosa/Douglas Fir woodlands? thanks.


Eastern Gray Squirrels do occur in Idaho, but are considered to be an exotic species: We do not actually have any data on this species in our IDFG database though. Please consider reporting your sighting of this species on our Observations website: Thank you!
answered 4/20/2014

Q: Dead perch at C.J. Strike res.

Went fishing today at C.J. Strike and noticed several dead and dying perch. All were around five inches long. Most were dead but I noticed one upside down swimming in tight circles. Any idea whats killing them and are other fish safe to eat?


This time of the year, we always receive reports of dead yellow perch on various waters throughout Idaho.  Typically, the mortality is tied to post-spawning stress.  Think of it this way, first-time spawning perch put a tremendous amount of energy and body reserves into producing eggs.  Some of these fish don't have the energy to recover.   If it were a toxin or an environmental issue, you would see other species of dead fish (crappie, bass, trout, etc.). The fish are probably safe to eat, but, I wouldn't recommend collecting the perch for that purpose. Regardless, we will have someone do some sleuthing to confirm this is the cause of the yellow perch mortality.    
answered 4/19/2014

Q: why isn't there a hunters education class in mountain home, ID?

I'm wondering if there is going to be a hunter education class in mountain home,ID? It really had to drive to boise after my daughter gets out of school and by the time I get off work we would not make it on time


Thank you for your question about hunter education. We do have classes in Mountain Home when a volunteer organizes a course. Our courses are taught by volunteers. I will notify our coordinator in the area to get the word to volunteer instructors that we have a need in Mountain Home specifically. However, in the Southwest area we are posting 3-4 new classes each week. Checking the website frequently may help your search. You mentioned that is important for an after school time. We understand this. Nearly all of our hunter education courses are start at 6:00pm. Another option is we offer an online course best suited for teens and adults. After completing the online course, it is required to schedule and attend an outdoor field day for the certification.  
answered 4/19/2014

Q: .22 rifle or pistol used withing the short range areas

Can a .22 rifle or pistol legally be used within the short range restricted areas for racoon and coyote? I was informed by an individual (possibly misunderstanding my question) that these are legal weapons for vermin in those areas; however, I have highly doubted they can be used. Just want to double check.


The weapon restrictions for short range hunts apply to the specfic hunt area and season dates.  They are designed for public safety.  It is unlikley you will find any vermin to hunt in those areas during the season dates.  However, as long as you have legal access to the land, meaning its public land or you have permission from the landowner it is legal to use a .22 rifle or pistol to hunt predatory and unprotedted animals.
answered 4/19/2014

Q: Planning a hunt that includes two elk zones [can I hunt in both zones?]

My group has decided upon an area to archery elk hunt that is within a days walk of multiple elk zones. I see that I must select a single elk zone on an elk tag, but am unclear if we can hunt in both zones?


You must choose a specific zone elk tag.  You will only be able to  hunt in the zone covered by the tag you purchase.   The only way to hunt in another zone is if you purchase a second elk tag (at nonresident price) to hunt in a second, different zone.  Each elk tag is zone specific.
answered 4/18/2014

Q: Spey rod usage [can you use one on a body of water closed to steelhead?]

Can you use a spey rod on a body of water that is closed to steelhead? Do you need a steelhead permit to do so?


Depends.  It is illegal to fish for steelhead when the steelhead season is closed - even catch-and-release.  You can use a spey rod as long as you can pass the "red-face" test when you encounter an officer.  You must be able to convince the officer that you are fishing for cutthroat or rainbow trout (rainbow under 20" in length).  That means a fly with a small to medium-sized hook.   F08
answered 4/18/2014

Q: Beach's Pond [Are they planning to refill it and restock it with bass and bluegill?]

When are they planning to refill Beach's pond and restock it with bass and blue gill?


Water in Beach's Pond is supplied by a well and pump that malfunctioned in 2013.  We are working with a local well driller on solutions and hope to have the pond watered-up and restocked with largemouth bass and bluegill by early this summer.
answered 4/18/2014

Q: Kokanee rebound in Priest Lake

According to historical stocking data, Kokanee have not been stocked in Priest Lake since 1989. Just recently their population has grown enough to allow for retention. Would it be safe to assume that they have made a rebound on their own? From reports on your site, netting predatory fish (Lake Trout) to reduce their numbers and boost the Kokanee, Cutthroat and Bull Trout has had little to no success as their numbers are not decreasing. However it sounds like the net/strobe light in the thoroughfare to Upper Priest Lake is producing better results. I think it would be fair to say that Priest Lake is such a popular fishery due to it's ability to produce large trophy Lake Trout and good number of eating size fish as well. if Kokanee populations kept increasing it would be even better. Has F&G has ever considered using funds that have been allocated to suppress Lake Trout populations into perhaps reducing other predatory fish such as the Small Mouth Bass? Hayden Lake would be one example where they have made a huge impact, since their introduction in the 80"s where only a few hundred were stocked, they are now the #1 species in that lake by volume. They are fun to catch, but i'm sure they do their part as well...


Below is a summary of the management planning process for Priest Lake.  I believe it answers most of your questions along wtih some others you may have.  if you'd care to discuss Priest Lake management further, please feel free to give me a call at (208) 769-1414. thank you for your interest. Jim Fredericks, Regional Fishery Manager.  The future management of the Priest Lake fishery has been a hot topic of discussion over the past two years.  In short, some anglers have advocated a program to minimize the lake trout population in favor of more abundant kokanee, cutthroat, and bull trout populations.  Why, they ask, has IDFG “written off” Priest Lake yet put so much effort into restoring the historical Lake Pend Oreille fishery?  Others value the existing lake trout fishery and want to see it maintained.  Why, they ask, would IDFG consider messing with a fishery that’s working just fine the way it is? Complicating the matter is the link between Priest and Upper Priest lakes.  Upper Priest Lake still supports an abundant cutthroat population and a healthy population of bull trout.  The “simple” solution would be to maintain the native fish populations in the upper lake.   Unfortunately, the ability for lake trout to pass freely between lakes through the Thorofare makes separate management strategies for the two lakes anything but simple.  Preventing lake trout from taking over the upper lake has taken an intensive 15-year annual suppression effort.  The program amounts to a “finger in the dike” approach that is simply unsustainable.  As managers of a resource that belongs to all of the people of Idaho, IDFG is charged with making a decision that will ultimately provide the greatest benefits to the majority over the long term.  That’s more easily said than done.  Not only is the public split on what they perceive as providing the greatest benefits, but there is still a lot we don't know about the ecology of the lake’s fisheries.    Before we can make long-term management decision, we all need a better understanding of the social, economic, and biological consequences of the alternatives.  Recognizing that, the recently completed 2013-18 State Fishery Management Plan directs IDFG to use the next few years to gain a better understanding of how the fishery in Priest Lake is functioning.  At the same time, the plan recommends engaging a diverse group of stakeholders to provide input from a range of perspectives.  The biological information and the stakeholder group will be used together to help guide development of a more informed, long-term management plan for both lakes.   One of the most important pieces of information needed for long-range planning is a better understanding of lake trout.   Beginning in 2013, with funding from the Kalispel Tribe, we initiated a 2-year cooperative project with the University of Idaho to conduct a comprehensive population assessment.  The study will provide information on the number of lake trout in Priest Lake, as well as key characteristics such as growth and survival rates, food habits and harvest rates.  Last spring researchers used large-scale commercial netting equipment, similar to that being used in Lake Pend Oreille, to capture trout for the population estimate.  Fish were measured and marked with an individually numbered tag.  In total, just over four thousand lake trout were handled, and nearly three thousand of those were tagged and released.  The incidental catch of other species was very low.  We captured 3 bull trout, 1 kokanee, 95 suckers, 11 whitefish, and 22 pikeminnow—all of which were released alive. The project represents the first comprehensive assessment of the lake trout population on Priest Lake – ever!  Not only will it give us a better understanding of population characteristics, an outgrowth of the assessment will be a better understanding of the impacts of “barotrauma” — the over-expanded swim bladder lake trout often get when pulled from 100-150 feet of water by nets or anglers.  The university researchers are using a variety of methods to estimate survival rates based on degree of barotrauma as well as methods of treatment.  These are all extremely valuable pieces of information regardless of how the population will be managed in the long term.   There are now over 3-thousand lake trout tagged in Priest Lake.  Each of those tags is labeled with an individual number as well as a toll-free telephone number.  By returning these tags, anglers will help us understand harvest and survival rates as well as total population size. Perhaps more importantly, anglers can stay informed as we collect new information and work with the advisory group to make a decision in the coming years.  Looking at facts as we learn them, and listening to the perspectives and values of others will help everyone involved appreciate the challenges associated with developing and implementing a long-term management plan.  Tuning out the conversation, and then complaining after the fact accomplishes little. As we gather new information in the coming years, we will continue to provide periodic updates via e-mail, and share information at public meetings.  For a more personal discussion, I always  welcome folks to call or come by the office.   
answered 4/18/2014

Q: Where are the permits I purchased online?

I bought a migratory bird permit and a 2 pole permit in February for my husband and my own combo license and have not received them yet. My payment does show clearing my bank. How can we track them or get new copies? Thank you.


We now have those who purchase licenses and permits online to print their license and any permits at time of purchase.  We no longer mail them out.  (We still mail out tags). You can get duplicates from any vendor.    
answered 4/17/2014

Q: Are there plans to stock catfish in Treasure Valley ponds again?

I have noticed that these ponds have not been stocked in years. I know catfish is a growing target species in the valley as over the years spots have become increasingly crowded. I have caught many catfish but am not finding any in certain ponds that had been stocked in the past. While the Snake is a good choice access can be an issue and pond fishing is a preferred day to day for many of us.


The lack of channel catfish stocking in the database is not real.  We have been stocking them consistently; however, they have yet to be uploaded to the database. This will be corrected shortly. We still stock the same ponds, but we did have to reduce numbers as we think channel catfish were impacting bluegill populations negatively in some of the smaller ponds.  We are not sure of this notion yet, but will be investigating during 2014. We plan to continue to stock channel catfish during summer to provide diversity and to provide fishing opportunity during the warm summer months when water temperatures are lethal to trout.  On the other hand, we need to ensure that we maintain bluegill populations in these ponds as they provide very high catch rates for young anglers and provide forage for many species.  There are two other tremendous channel catfish fisheries nearby that get little attention. Lake Lowell is stocked with 5,000 to 10,000 fingerling catfish annually. These fish are surviving well and some have grown to HAWG statu. We have sampled several fish over 15 lbs over the last three years. Secondly, Crane Creek Reservoir near Midvale contains an underutilized, but very abundant, channel catfish population.    
answered 4/17/2014

Q: What is the best place in the southwestern area to fish for trophy White Sturgeon?

I am new to the state and have wanted to catch a trophy White Stergeon. I have the necessary equipment for these big fish and will get a nonresident fishing licence because i have to be here 6 months for a resident licence. i have done my research on them, i just need pointed in the right direction> thankyou and i look forward to your answer


Sturgeon fishing in Idaho is a trophy experience.  Without knowing where you live, I'll list several general sites where you can catch a sturgeon. Sturgeon forage for dead fish and other organic matter that settles in deep (20'+), back-eddy areas.  Use cut-bait (nongame fish pieces, anchovies, squid, hatchery rainbow trout, etc.).  You typically need 8 - 12 ounces of lead attached to a sliding sinker to hold your bait on the bottom.  Hooks must be barbless.   Snake River from Hell's Canyon to Lewiston.  Sturgeon fishing on this stretch almost requires a boat to access deep holes.  The Billy Creek hole is a popular location to fish - especially at night. Snake River below Swan Falls - fish about half a mile below the dam where the river begins to deepen. Snake River from Swan Falls to C.J. Strike Dam - the best sturgeon fishing begins just below C.J. Strike Dam near the turbine discharge and in the main channel below the spillway.  Fish deep water eddy lines.  There are also several deep areas further downstream the best fishing is in deeper areas within the first 5 miles of the river. Snake River on the upper end of C.J. Strike Reservoir - Go into Cove Arm and fish off the dam.  Deeper water in this reach holds many 6' + sturgeon. Snake River through the King Hill area to Bliss Dam.  Fish deep back-eddy areas.  There is a popular sturgeon fishing hole along I-84 approximately 5 miles downstream of Glenns Ferry.  It can be accessed from the south bank. Snake River Buhl area.  Just below Kanaka Rapids is a popular spot to catch sturgeon.  The river is deep at the base of the rapid and you can easily land sturgeon from the shore. Snake River Jerome/Twin Falls area.  There is a deep hole where Rock Creek enters the Snake River.  Sturgeon are also caught at the base of Pillar Falls. Snake River below American Falls.  Below American Falls Dam anglers enjoy catching 6'+ sturgeon at come from hatchery fish stocked 10 - 15 years ago. Snake River below Idaho Falls.  We've only stocked sturgeon in this area within the past 5 years.  Most will be less than 5' in length.     
answered 4/17/2014

Q: Catfish in southeast Idaho [catchable size?]

Are there any waters in southeast Idaho that have catch able cats in them?


Fish the Snake River and the upper end of Brownlee Reservoir.  The area below Swan Falls Dam, Fort Boise (mouth of the Boise River), Steck Park (near Weiser) are all popular locations for catfish anglers.  If you want to fish in reservoirs, Lake Lowell near Nampa is a good option along with C.J. Strike (Bruneau), and Milner Reservoir (Burley) are also locations with good catfish fishing.   F08
answered 4/17/2014

Q: Deadline [to apply for controlled hunts]

What is the deadline to apply for controlled hunts


For   Spring Bear January 15-February 15 Spring Turkey February 1-March 1 Moose,Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat April 1-30 Deer,Elk,Pronghorn,Fall Bear, Fall Turkey May 1-June 5 Moose leftover tags (second app. period) June 15-25 Deer,Elk,Pronghorn,Fall Bear leftover tags (second app period) August 5-15  
answered 4/17/2014

Q: Where are big catfish in Idaho?

I have only caught catfish out of Park Center pond (Average ~2-3lbs) and near Brownlee Reservoir off of the shore (Average ~2-4lbs). I really want to catch some bigger cats this year. I have not had any luck on the Snake river at Swan Falls or Snake River near Homedale fishing by the boat launch. I have heard of people pulling in bigger cats (10+lbs) from Swan Falls... are they doing overnights there to do this? Peak hours when I have caught 6 cats in a night were from 10p-4a. Where can I go (Anywhere in Idaho) and have the best chance of getting some bigger catfish? Either Channel or Flathead, just started catfishing last year really.


It sounds like you are fishing in the prime locations to catch larger catfish.  The Fort Boise Wildlife Management Area (where the Boise River meets the Snake River) is a location known to attract larger catfish and the Steck Park area down by Weiser is another good location.  May is typically the prime month for catching large catfish in the Snake River. If you want to try new areas, later this summer try fishing for channel catfish in Lake Lowell near Nampa or Milner Reservoir located near Burley, Idaho.  Both have been stocked for many years and can be very productive with the best success coming at night with cut-bait.  Another popular location is the Bruneau Arm of C.J. Strike Reservoir or Cove Arm on upper C.J. Strike.   F08
answered 4/17/2014

Q: fishing report

I would like to know how the fishing has been at roseworth res.and where may I find this info with out asking a question not just at roseworth but any body of water?


Roseworth has been very good for 2 - 3 lb. rainbow trout since ice-off.  Night crawlers and DareDevils have been popular with anglers and fish.  Look for it to remain an excellent fishery through mid-May. We are just launching a site our Fisheries webpage where anglers can report on fishing conditions and submit pictures of their catch.  Stay tuned.
answered 4/17/2014

Q: [Is it legal to] remove sparrow or other small bird nests from house eves while birds are nesting?

I've heard neighbors mention that birds that have started to build nests in your home eves cannot be removed until after the birds have left for the year. I cannot find any information about this online. Can you please tell me if that is a city or state law? I believe the birds in question are sparrows. Thanks.


Hello, Thank you for getting in touch with us regarding removal of bird nests. It is true that most birds are federally protected, by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and their nests cannot be removed once there is an egg in the nest. If you find the nest before eggs are laid, you may remove it. If you find it after eggs are laid, you will have to wait until the young have fledged (left the nest).  For most small birds this occurs within just a few weeks. However, there are two species that are not protected and can be removed at any time: European Starlings and House (English) Sparrows. There are many types of sparrows, and birds that are similar, so one must be absolutely certain it is a House Sparrow before removing the nest.  If you would like to talk about this further, please feel free to contact me at 287-2751, Cheers, Colleen Moulton Avian Ecologist
answered 4/16/2014

Q: Hunting Passports - does this allow one to harvest an animal requiring a tag?

This is confusing, does the Hunting Passport allow an 8 year old or older actually harvest a turkey or other game animal that requires a purchase of a tag. If so do they purchase the tag or use the mentors tag?


Please check the Hunter Passport information on our website, paying attention to the questions/answers at the bottom of the page ( The key is the age.  At ten, holders of the hunting passport can hunt turkeys and varmints, upland game animals and birds.  With the hunting passport an 8 year old can harvest other birds and varmints. Beginning July 1, youth 10 years old and up can harvest turkeys or big game.  Each hunter must have their own tag.  The hunting passport allows the hunter to purchase a tag. 
answered 4/16/2014

Q: Is walking through a camp trespassing?

Are there any laws that prohibit me from walking through a camp if it is in the path of a trail on national forest?


Please check with the Forest Service for information about camping laws in the National Forest.
answered 4/15/2014

Q: Gopro cameras [can I mount it to my bow?]

can I bow hunt in September with a gopro type camera mounted on my bow?

A: cannot attach any electronic device to your bow: From the Big Game rules book: In any hunt, including general any-weapon seasons and short-range hunts, it is unlawful to pursue or kill big game animals:With any electronic or tritium-powered device attached to an arrow, bolt or bow. Except disabled archery permit holders may use a non-magnifying sight with battery powered or tritium lighted reticles.
answered 4/14/2014

Q: When applying for a controlled hunt as a party does 1 persons license number get entered into the drawing or does everybodys number get entered into the drawing?

Provide as many specifics as you can to help better answer your question. Please omit personal information in this area.


Each application is assigned a number.  The application is entered into the drawing system one time regardless of applicant group size. If you have one hunter or 4 hunters on an application the system will only have one record in the drawing. If a group application is selected during the draw process, the system looks to see if there are enough tags still available in the hunt applied for. If there are, the system awards a tag to each individual on the application. Please contact our license section at 208-334-2592 if you have additional questions about controlled hunts.
answered 4/14/2014

Q: Bear Bait [Can a cloth scent bag or small metal can with scent attractant be tied in tree and use for for bear baiting?]

Provide as many specifics as you can to help better answer your question. Please omit personal information in this area.


Liquid scent could be spread on a tree or shrub but bait for bears cannot be contained in anything non-biodegradable in the short-term.  In order to make sure you were abiding by the law, you should probably just spread the scent on the ground or in a tree, etc. at the bait site, properly tag the site, and make sure all the other laws are being followed.  Officers are concerned about what might be considered litter or trash left on site, and anything man-made needs to be picked up.  Containers can be up to a maximum size of 55 gallons.
answered 4/14/2014

Q: Bear Tags [I harvested a bear during a spring controlled hunt. Can I buy a general bear tag to hunt in the fall?]

I harvested a bear during a spring controlled hunt. Can I buy a general bear tag to hunt in the fall?


Yes you can purchase a general season bear tag and hunt in the fall hunt. You can also purchase a second general season bear tag and hunt in the designated units for the second bear tag (units 4, 4A, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16A, that portion of unit 16 north of the Selway River, 17, 19, 20, 20A, 26 and 27 only. See page 69 of the 2014 big game proclamations for more information).
answered 4/13/2014

Q: Field Day [When is the next field day?]

When is the next hunters ed field day?


HOW ARE CLASSES PLANNED?Our volunteer instructors put together classes/field days and then they contact us with the specifics.  Those specifics are then put on our Website; instructor-led hunter education courses and internet field days are listed on our Website at HOW DO I SIGN UP ONLINE?Link to , scroll down to the 3 little boxes at the bottom of the page and choose:• Type of class or field day (bowhunter education or hunter education)• Type of instruction (instructor-led or internet field day) and• Location• Register online when you find a class or field day that you want• YOU MUST ATTEND ALL CLASS DAYS LISTED WHAT  DO I DO IF THERE ISN’T A CLASS  LISTED?If there isn’t a class listed in your area right now please check daily for new classes to be added to the schedule.
answered 4/13/2014

Q: Dip netting [is snagging of unprotected nongame fish species permitted? Is dip netting the same as snagging?]

The regulations say regarding snagging "Snagging of unprotected nongame fish species is permitted". Would "dip netting" be able to be classified as permitted for these types of fish? I have noticed that someone has illegally placed Coy/carp into places where they should not be and would like to help eliminate the fish from the area they are not supposed to be through "snagging" them per se with a net (not hooking them first)


Reading your question, I can tell your intentions are good, but, Idaho rules spell-out a specific exemption for "snagging nongame fish."  Because use of a dip net for taking of nongame fish is not mentioned in the rules, it is not a legal method of take. Contact the Manager in the region of the state that you live.  They may have other "tools" or ways to deal with nongame fish that would help our fish management programs.   F08
answered 4/13/2014

Q: Do you stock fish at the sugar beet lake in Nampa? It's behind a publishing place of Kings next to the freeway. And if so what fish are there?

Provide as many specifics as you can to help better answer your question. Please omit personal information in this area.


The Sugar Beet Pond is a private pond owned by Pacific Press Publishing.  IDFG does not stock this pond and does not control access. I have heard that they allow some fishing, but you would need to acquire permission to legally access the pond. Since it is a licensed private pond, they have the ability to set their own fishing regulations.  
answered 4/12/2014