Frequently Asked Questions

We get a lot of questions. We post here answers to questions we're being asked frequently. If you have a question not answered here, please contact us. Urgent questions should be directed to your nearest office. Some answers change over time; please take note of the "answered" date.

Displaying 1301 - 1325 of 3534 questions

Q: Floating the Portneuf River [between McCammon and Inkom].

Is it possible to float the Portneuf River between McCammon and Inkom, and are there any public access sites along that stretch?


There is one fishing access on the Portneuf River between McCammon and Inkom.  The access is called Crane Creek. Here is a link to help you locate the site: Because of all the lack of road crossing to and all the private land, I do not believe you can float from McCammon and Inkom. IDFG has sampled short reaches of the river but have had to obtain permission from landowners to access those areas.
answered 4/10/2014

Q: What is the approximate population of bears in the West Cabinet mountains? [Cabinet Gorge Dam area].

I would like to know the current number of sightings reported in the area north of the Clark Fork River and South of Hwy 2, around the Cabinet Gorge Dam Area, for both black bears and grizzly bears.


The grizzly bear portion of your questions is timely and I can give you a pretty good answer. There was a large-scale effort to estimate grizzly bear numbers in the Cabinet Mountains that just ended last year. The sampling was comprised of collecting hair from grizzly bears from baited barbed-wire enclosures, then using the DNA from hair to identify individual grizzly bears. After an analysis of the year's sampling, the best population estimate of grizzly bears in the Cabinet Mountains is 22 bears, about equally split between males and females. The population could be as high as 39, but the best estimate is 22 bears. But keep in mind that this estimate is for the whole Cabinets that runs all the way down to the Plains and Thompson Falls area in Montana. The number of grizzly bears in the Idaho portion of the Cabinets is perhaps in the range of 10 bears, but grizzly bears do move quite a bit and some of these likely spend time in Montana and Idaho. The black bear portion is much harder to answer because we haven't done the in-depth research on black bears that we have on grizzly bears. Density estimates for black bears in this area ranges from about 0.5 bears per square mile to 1.0 bear per square mile. The high estimate is based on very good quality habitat in the Priest Lake basin. The lower estimate is based on some trapping we have done in the St Joe, an area that isn't quite as productive from a bear standpoint. My guess is that the bear density lies somewhere between these two figures - perhaps in the range of .6 - .7 bears per sq mile. The area that you are talking about is perhaps 150 sq miles in size, so the area could support somewhere around 100 black bears, give or take. Please realize that this is a pretty rough estimate. I hope this answers your question.
answered 4/10/2014

Q: Paddock Valley Reservoir [how is the fishing this spring; how much water is in it?]

What is the status of Paddock Valley reservoir for the spring of 2014? I had heard that the farmers pulled most of the water out last season for irrigation. How much water is there in Paddock and what can we expect for fishing? Just trying to decide if Paddock is a destination for me this year. thanks,


Unfortunately, Paddock Valley Reservoir was very low during late fall 2013 as it has been for the majority of the last several years. I would not recommend it as a good use of your valuable fishing time. The only exception might be the trophy bullhead population; as they have faired well despite low water levels.  Due to the poor snow pack (80% of normal), we do not anticipate that this trend will improve during 2014.    
answered 4/10/2014

Q: 2014 Big Game Hunting regs posted on website

In the bellow press release 7 Apr 2014 it was stated regs could be viewed online but after 3 days of checking only thing still available is the controlled hunt portion everything else is 2013. is there a website issue? ask fish and game: printed regulations Q: When will I able to get a printed copy of the new Big Game Hunting Regulations? A: The new regulations are at the printer right now. We expect the booklets to be arriving at vendors' locations by Easter week. In the meantime, you can look at the rules for 2014 on the Fish and Game website at:


The 2014 Big Game Rules are posted on our website.  From our front page you can find the link in the "Features" box on the left side of the home page.  Please try the link in that box instead of the link you list in your question details.
answered 4/10/2014

Q: Wildlife Salvage Report

I just filled out a wildlife salvage report for a mule deer I found run over last night. This is the only thing I need to do for this, correct? I want to make sure Im legal.


The salvage permit generated when you make the report is all you need.
answered 4/10/2014

Q: Rules on Chinook salmon in Deadwood River [Is a salmon permit required? What is the limit?]

Do I need a salmon permit to catch Chinook in deadwood? Is the season and limits the same as trout 6 in possession? Thanks.


The rules pertaining to land-locked Chinook Salmon as well as Deadwood Reservoir and tributaries are found on page 22-23 of the rules brochure.  For IDFG regulation purposes, land-locked Chinook Salmon are considered "trout".  You do not need a salmon permit to fish for or harvest them.  Land-locked Chinook are counted in your "trout" limit. So if you didn't harvest any other "trout" species, you could harvest up to 6 Chinook per day at Deadwood Reservoir. I remind you that "trout" bag and possession limits for Deadwood Reservoir are equal (i.e. you could never exceed 6 Chinook in possession regardless of the number of days fished). Please note on page 23 that the Deadwood Reservoir tributaries limit is only two "trout".  
answered 4/9/2014


The Big Eddy hole is located near Lenore Rest Area at milepost 28 on US Highway 12. Fishing from any watercraft is prohibited from a posted boundary at river mile 27.6 extending upstream to the posted boundary at river mile 28.0. See the figure below for details of the exact closure area.  

Creative Commons Licence
Idaho Fish and Game
answered 4/9/2014

Q: Bear Bait [Can carp be used for bait?]

Can nongame fish parts (carp) be placed on a cloth scent bag and tied in a tree be used as a scent attractant for bear baiting.


Unprotected nongame fish (including carp) may be used as bait for black bear.  Unprotected nongame fish include all those species not classified as game fish (  
answered 4/8/2014

Q: Can a nonresident get a salvage permit?

Can a non resident get a salvage permit?


Yes.  In 2012, new rules were approved which allow both residents and nonresidents to recover, possess, and sell certain wildlife killed by accidental vehicle-collisions.   To legally salvage this wildlife, a person is required to notify Idaho Fish and Game and complete reporting requirements.  A list of wildlife species that can be salvaged can be viewed by going online at   Protected non-game wildlife, Threatened or Endangered species, migratory birds (which are federally protected), and other wildlife species not lawfully hunted or trapped may not be recovered, possessed, or salvaged.  More information on Idaho's wildlife salavage rules can also be found on Fish and Game's website. 
answered 4/8/2014

Q: Lost sportsman license [what has to be replaced and where can I do it?]

I have lost my Sportsman's pack license. since the sportsman's pack comes with multiple tags, do I have to buy/replace them all separately? is the F&G office the only place I can get them replaced?


Basically, you only have to replace the items you need to (and want to). Before July the deer and elk tags have not been designated yet; when you decide the specific zone or type of tag you want you can go to any vendor to get a deer or elk tag.  All vendors can issue these along with salmon and steelhead permits and the actual hunting/fishing license portion of the sportsman's license. All the rest of the tags can be duplicated, but only through an IDFG office.  This includes bear, mountain lion and wolf and turkey tags. After the deer and elk tag receipts have been redeemed, you must get duplicates at an IDFG office also. Each duplicate costs $7.25, no matter where you get it.
answered 4/7/2014


The IDFG Wildlife Department decided to not go ahead with that at this time (2014).
answered 4/7/2014

Q: What types of fish are allowed when stocking a private pond in the Southwest region?

What are the approved species of fish for a private pond in the Southwest region (north west of Council)?


Usually only rainbow trout from an Idaho Commercial grower.
answered 4/7/2014

Q: Can a .44 magnum pistol be used to hunt pheasant w/shot loads?

Provide as many specifics as you can to help better answer your question. Please omit personal information in this area.


No.  A handgun is not considered a shotgun even though you would be shooting shot in the cartridge.  The law reads unlawful method of take: with a trap, snare, net, crossbow, or firearms EXCEPT a shotgun using shells not exceeding three and one-half (3-1/2) inches maximum length, slingshot, hand-held or thrown missiles, EXCEPT forest grouse. Forest grouse shall not be taken with a trap, snare, net, or crossbow. 
answered 4/7/2014

Q: Second choice [When is it considered? What about an unlimited hunt as a second choice?]

When is the second choice on a controlled hunt application considered? Also, If I put in for an unlimited hunt as a second choice will it be given to me if I'm not chosen for the first?


If your second choice is NOT an unlimited hunt, you will only be considered for it if there are some permits left after all applicants who chose the hunt as a first choice are drawn. If your second choice IS an unlimited hunt, you will GET the unlimited hunt if you didn't get your first choice.  
answered 4/6/2014

Q: Gender limitation [If I draw a super hunt, can I shoot anything I want? For example, if a hunt is antlerless harvest only, can I shoot an antlered animal since I have a super hunt tag?]

If a person draws the super hunt, and the unit that they will be hunting is open for female gender draw only tag, do they have to shoot the female gender only?


If IDFG has opened a particular hunt for the hunting of antlerless animals, the person with a superhunt tag can only hunt for and harvest an antlerless animal in that hunt.  The superhunt tag does not allow the hunter to make up their own hunt rules.
answered 4/6/2014

Q: Taxes [Is the Super Hunt application chance I bought tax deductible?]

Is the Access Yes program a tax write off if I donated money through the Super Hunt raffle?


This would be a good question for your tax professional.
answered 4/5/2014

Q: Where can I use a two pole permit? [Are there areas where I can't use it?]

are there certain waters that the two pole permit doesn't cover? or certain types of fish it doesn't cover. such as if i am on a dock with 2 poles, can i use one to cast out for catfish, trout, bass etc. and use the other to fish under the dock for crappie/bluegill/perch?


The only exception that we can think of is during can't double the number of lines you use while ice-fishing.  In other circumstances, as long as you are in control of both poles, there aren't limitations on where you can use two poles.     
answered 4/5/2014


The use of rim-fire cartridges is prohibited for hunting big game in Idaho.  There are no other restrictions including you are allowed to use 223 caliber rifles.  We do recommend hunters use well constructed bullets with enough energy at impact to make a clean kill.  Depending on the bullet weight, powder charge, distance, and bullet placement; a 223 may or may not result in a clean kill.
answered 4/4/2014

Q: Are there Channel Catfish in Mcdevitt Pond?

There seems to be conflicting information and I have never seen someone catch one. Did they not survive?


We capture adult-sized channel catfish in the Snake River and transfer them to several ponds in the Southwest Region including McDevitt Pond. Usually, these transfers occur in early June and July. Tagging studies indicate that channel catfish live for at least several years in these ponds. Also, catch rates are generally poor in the colder months when catfish become more lethargic.     
answered 4/4/2014

Q: When will the hunt planner be updated [2014 Big Game Season]?

when the hunt planner be updated to the 2014 seasons?


We will have the Huntplanner updated on or before April 15th, the same day the printed regulations are anticipated to arrive.
answered 4/3/2014

Q: Ririe Reservoir Walleyes [Do we have plans to eliminate them? are limits lifted?]

We have heard that the Fish and Game wants the walleyes in Ririe Reservoir out so they have lifted the limit and are encouraging you to catch as many as you can, is this true?


You are correct that walleye in Ririe are not desirable.  Although IDFG has no plans currently to try to eliminate them, we do encourage anglers to keep all the walleye they catch in Ririe.  There is no limit on them, and no size restriction.  Catch as many as you can, and enjoy them!  If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact me (Dan Garren) at 208-525-7290.
answered 4/2/2014

Q: Controlled hunt application clarification [can I apply for deer and elk and pronghorn the same calendar year?]

It is clear from the March 31st press release on Moose, Sheep, and Goat Controlled hunts that one may not apply for a controlled hunt for another species, with exceptions. However, if I were to apply for a deer controlled hunt, may I still apply for an elk or pronghorn controlled hunt? Please also let me know how likely it is (based on previous years data and your best guess) that there will be leftover nonresident general season tags available for deer and elk.


You can still apply for more than one species during the May 1-June 5 application period so yes, you can apply for deer and elk and pronghorn in the same year if you want to. Going by previous year's sales, it is most likely that there will be some nonresident deer and elk tags available for sale to hunters for use as a second tag in August.  Some capped elk zones  might not be available then, elk tags for most of the state will be available.  
answered 4/2/2014

Q: Original Wolves [species in Idaho before reintroduction].

I've been doing a lot of research, but can't seem to find the subspecies of wolf that resided in Idaho before the Canadian wolves were introduced. It seems like it could either be the Labrador, or the Northern Rocky Mountain, but its not really clear to me


According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, historical evidence documents the presence of gray wolves throughout the Northern Rocky Mountains of the contiguous United States.  
answered 4/2/2014

Q: What is the Definition of "Open Hunts" for the Super Hunt?

Please explain what the F&G Dept defines as "open hunts". Is there a list for deer, elk, moose, and pronghorn for this category- OPEN HUNTS


Well, the open hunts in this case are actually ALL hunts as put together by Fish and Game...general season hunts and controlled hunts.  For example, if you are drawn for the superhunt elk tag, you can hunt in any general season elk hunt and any controlled elk hunt.  You must abide by the rules we set for each hunt such as gender, weapon used and season dates as we set them.    
answered 4/2/2014

Q: Is there a list of illegal fish baits and size limits of fish?

I'm having a hard time finding a list of legal and or illegal fish baits along with a list of size restrictions on game fish. so if you could i would like a list of all the illegal fish baits and size restrictions on fish in idaho. thank you


When in doubt, check your Fishing Rules book.      Bait: organic substances, other than rubber, wood feather, fiber, or plastic, attached to a hook to attract fish. Bait includes insects, insect larvae, worms, dead fish, fish parts, any other animal or vegetable matter, or scented synthetic materials.     Note: Use of live fish, leeches, frogs, salamanders, waterdogs or shrimp as bait is prohibited in Idaho, except that livecrayfish may be used if caught on the body of water being fished.Bait Fishing: Fishing with any organic substance defined as bait. Fish limits (size or # of fish you can keep) are posted for each region. 
answered 4/1/2014