Frequently Asked Questions

We get a lot of questions. We post here answers to questions we're being asked frequently. If you have a question not answered here, please contact us. Urgent questions should be directed to your nearest office. Some answers change over time; please take note of the "answered" date.

Displaying 1376 - 1400 of 3534 questions

Q: Bear Baiting Permit [Can this permit be purchased online?]

Can I purchase a Bear Baiting Permit online with the Department of Fish And Game for Idaho. I am an Idaho resident. Thank you.


Bear baiting permits cannot be purchased online or at regular Idaho vendors.  They are only available through IDFG offices (office locations are listed online at  You can purchase the permit and site tags at any IDFG office or request the permit through the mail.  When you mail your request include the price of the permit ($12.75 for residents and $31.75 for nonresidents) and your license number.
answered 3/9/2014

Q: Youth hunters proposed age change for big game [10 years old?]

Did the proposed change to let youth hunters age 10 and up hunt for big game pass. My son is driving me crazy!!!!


The 2014 legislature passed a bill allowing youth 10 years old and up to hunt big game.  The governor signed the bill into law and it goes into effect on July 1, 2014.  
answered 3/7/2014

Q: Turkey 2014 Controlled Hunt Results

When will the 2014 controlled Turkey results will be available?


They are available at  
answered 3/7/2014

Q: When will the steelhead count from the Pahsimeroi Hatchery become available?

It is Mar 7 2014. I was wondering if Steelhead are in the Pahsimeroi Hatchery yet, and when I might see the numbers on your website.


Thanks for your interest in Idaho steelhead and the trapping data at our hatcheries. For the past two years we have been able to provide an automated daily update from each of our hatcheries from a centralized IDFG database. In the last year we have been in the process of transferring our database to a  website housed at the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission so that information stored will ultimately be easily accessible to managers, collaborators, and the interested public. Unfortunately when large databases like this are being moved and restructured some of the old ways of querying and displaying automated updates no longer work and new products must be developed to perform those tasks. We are in the process of doing that and hope to have daily updates available on our website at least in time for Chinook salmon trapping. Meanwhile we will be developing some interim tables that will likely not be daily but can suffice through the steelhead trapping period.  Thank you for your patience. 
answered 3/7/2014

Q: Improving upland game habitat

Does the fish and game department offer information on ways to improve upland game habitat on private ground?


Yes, the Department has a number of ways in which a landowner can get assistance with improving habitat on private property.  The Department has 6 private lands or mule deer initiative biologists located in Lewiston, American Falls, Pocatello, Preston, Jerome and Idaho Falls.  If you live near any of those locations you can contact the IDFG regional office and they can give you their contact information.   The Department also partners with USDA, USFWS and Pheasants Forever to staff 3 biologists located in the Burley, Mountain Home and Rexburg NRCS offices.  These positions primarily focus on helping landowners with habitat projects targeting sage grouse, but they can answer questions and direct landowners to other resources. In addition to these staff, any of the Department's habitat biologists can assist landowners.  The easiest way to get help, is to contact your local IDFG regional office and explain what you need and they will direct you to the correct person. In addition to technical help the Department  can also assist landowner with cost-share to conduct habitat projects.    
answered 3/7/2014

Q: Landowner Appreciation Program Tags

Were can i find out more about the Landowner Appreciation Program,,,,there is a short paragraph in the proclamation book addressing the program, but i can not find any more about it,,,how and if I qualify? How to register?? How to apply for hunts??? landowner eligibility??? --thank you


The place to start is the IDFG region office for the area where your property is located.  They will be able to explain the program and tell you if you qualify. Idaho Fish and Game Office Locations and Contact NumbersPanhandle Region…1-208-769-1414 (Coeur d’Alene)Clearwater Region…1-208-799-5010 (Lewiston)Southwest Region…1-208-465-8465 (Nampa)Magic Valley Region…1-208-324-4359 (Jerome)Southeast Region…1-208-232-4703 (Pocatello)Upper Snake Region…1-208-525-7290 (Idaho Falls)Salmon Region…1-208-756-2271 (Salmon)
answered 3/6/2014

Q: Gun carry during hunting season [for protection and target shooting]

Can I carry on my person and / or 4 wheeler, a Rifle or Pistol and at any time target shoot, in the forest during hunting season as long as im not hunting?


You can carry a weapon even if you are not hunting.
answered 3/5/2014

Q: Are small pontoon boats, small rafts or float tubes allowed I the Parkcenter pond in Boise

I live close to the Parkcenter pond and am wondering if it is allowed to take inflatables out on the pond. I have seen folks out there but not sure if it is allowed. I have an assortment of float tubes, small pontoon rowing craft and a small raft that I would like to launch from the edge and either go out myself or take my kids with me. Fishing from the shore has not always been user friendly for my kids. In a small raft or the pontoon boat we could get out away from the weeds and I think they would have a better experience. I am aware that we all should use life jackets. Thanks for all you do. Conrad


The Idaho Dept. of Fish and Game has no rules prohibiting the use of float tubes or other watercraft on Park Center Pond.  After doing a quick review of current Boise City Ordinances, it appears it is legal to use a float tube or other small watercraft provided the pond is not posted as prohibiting the activity.  We would suggest you call Boise Parks and Recreation to confirm.   F08
answered 3/4/2014

Q: steelhead

When does the sawtooth hatchery trap open?


The weir will be installed the week of March 17 with trapping set to being on March 24.
answered 3/3/2014

Q: 2014 steelhead qouta on north fork of clear water.

What is the daily and season bag limit for steelhead on the north fork of the Clearwater in march of 2014?


The returns of large B-run steelhead to the Clearwater River in the 2013-14 return are less than in recent years and in October 2013 the Department asked the Idaho Fish and Game Commission to implement a conservation measure to decrease the likelihood of a broodstock shortfall for hatcheries in that watershed.  In response,  the Idaho Fish and Game Commission  approved a lower daily bag limit for the Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 seasons in the Clearwater River drainage of one adult adipose fin-clipped steelhead per day . Furthermore, in the North Fork Clearwater and in the mainstem Clearwater downstream of the Orofino Bridge only steelhead 28 inches or less could be kept. That bag limit is still in effect but based on slightly better than expected broodstock trapping results at Dworshak Hatchery this Spring IDFG has proposed that the Commission keep the one fish per day bag limit but lift the size restriction for the North Fork and mainstem Clearwater. The Commission is scheduled to consider that proposal during their March 19-20 meeting. The season limit for the Spring season statewide is 20 adult adipose fin-clipped steelhead.
answered 3/3/2014

Q: Roswell Marsh

Do I need to purchase a WMA sticker to hunt pheasant at the Roswell Marsh area?


No.  Pheasants are not planted there so the WMA permit is not required. Hunting for pheasants on the nine Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) listed below requires a WMA Upland Game Bird Permit. The WMA Permit allows the take of six pheasants. Idaho Department of Fish and Game releases pheasants at nine WMAs in southern Idaho. Any person 17 years old or older must have a valid WMA Upland Game Bird Permit in possession while hunting pheasants at the following WMAs: Fort BoisePayette RiverMontour C.J. Strike Sterling Market Lake Mud Lake Cartier SloughNiagara Springs Season information is online at (and on page 15 of the Upland Game Book).  Hunting hours are listed on page 18 of the same book.
answered 3/3/2014

Q: Wolf harvest

How many wolf pups 6 months and under have been harvested this season, and what was the method of take for each of them?


Assuming a birthdate of May 1 for pups, during the current wolf hunting season, which opened July 1, 2013, 146 wolves were taken by December 1 of that year (representing 7 months from the May 1 birthdate).  Idaho Fish and Game asks employees who are checking in harvested wolves and completing Big Game Mortality Report forms to assess the age of the wolf they are checking to the best of their ability.  However, the abilities and experiences of these employees do vary and some are not comfortable assigning an age.  Fish and Game relies on the age to be determined from evaluations of teeth removed from harvested wolves.  All teeth are sent to the lab at the end of the hunting season – typically in June, and results do not come back for several months, meaning complete results for the 2013 season will not be available until late this year.  Of the 146 wolves taken between May 1 and December 1 of last year, 55 had not age description recorded on the mortality form.  30 of the 146 wolves were described as pups.  All 30 were taken by hunters, none by trappers.  It is likely that when lab results come back later this year, more pups’ bill be included in the harvest.
answered 3/2/2014

Q: Can a nonresident buy a general season black bear tag?

this would be over the counter and i also seen in a previous question that they had to buy a deer or elk tag is this true or can they just buy a bear tag?


Nonresidents can purchase a bear tag over-the-counter without purchasing a deer or elk tag.  You do, however, have to purchase an Idaho hunting license.
answered 3/1/2014

Q: Does a person have to select a unit to hunt black bear when buying an over the counter tag?

can a person hunt anywere a general season is open or does he have to select a unit in witch to hunt when buying a black bear tag over the counter?


A regular bear tag can be used in any general season hunt; you do not have to declare the unit you will hunt in when purchasing it.
answered 3/1/2014

Q: Fishing in the Salmon area

I am going to be in the Salmon, Idaho area next fall in October for about a week. What can you tell me about stream and river fishing in that area and at that time of year? Where do recommend I consider fishing and for what species?


October can be one of the best times to fish in the Salmon Region. Steelhead are starting to show up in the Salmon River, with anglers having the best luck downstream from the town of Salmon, ID. Anglers may also catch rainbow trout, westslope cutthroat trout, bull trout, and mountain whitefish in the Salmon River. Make sure you can identify your catch, as trout harvest is limited to only adipose clipped (hatchery) rainbow trout in the Salmon River. Additionally, the Lemhi River provides an excellent rainbow trout fishery in the fall. Please contact the Salmon Region IDFG office (208-756-2271) when you are in the area for more up to date fishing information.
answered 2/28/2014

Q: Youth only elk hunt

I am looking for a youth only hunt in order to take my 14 year old son elk hunting. Does Idaho have any "Youth Only" hunts for elk and are they valid for non-resident hunters? I understand you have over-the-counter elk tags for non-residents, but I was looking for something where he may be able to use a firearm instead of a compound bow. And, if you can suggest any regions to hunt for youth and adult it would be greatly appreciated.


Idaho does offer some youth only elk hunting opportunities for the 2014 season. These youth hunts are all Antlerless Only. We do not offer any controlled antlered youth elk hunts at this time. What Idaho does do for youth elk hunters is allow them to hunt both the A and B seasons on one tag in elk zones that have general A and B tags opportunities. That would allow them to hunt during the archery season and then return to hunt the rifle season later if they had not yet been successful. 15 of the 28 zones offer that A/B opportunity for youth. Instead of recommending a zone, I would suggest review the hunting regulations to find which zones provide the hunt, timing and opportunity that most interests you to enjoy with you son. If you have specific questions about individual zone you can find lots of information on our website or your welcome to call one of our regional offices and talk to staff.
answered 2/27/2014

Q: four hunters enter controlled hunt odds

When putting in for a controlled hunt with mutiple people does that application count as one or the # of people that put in on application? Example: Four hunters enter their licence # for a unit 42 controlled deer hunt, is only one licecnce choose for all four hunters or are all four #'s entered? Thanks Taylor


The application is entered into the drawing system one time regardless of applicant group size. If you have one hunter or 4 hunters on an application the system will only have one record in the drawing. If a group application is selected during the draw process, the system looks to see if there are enough tags still available in the hunt applied for. If there are, the system awards a tag to each individual on the application. Please contact our license section at 208-334-2592 if you have additional questions about controlled hunts.
answered 2/27/2014

Q: What is Fish and Game's Opinion on House Bill 468 (2014)

The Question Title says it all. What is F&G's position on House Bill 468 which would eliminate over sight from the Outfitting and Guide's Board over private land.


Information on legislative bills that affect IDFG is listed online at  The Fish and Game Commission does not support this bill.
answered 2/26/2014

Q: what is the minimum caliber pistol you can use to hunt with?

Min cal pistol to hunt big game, small game, unprotected species


Please refer to our rules for additional information regarding weapon restrictions. For Big Game. No person shall take big game animals with any rimfire rifle, rimfire handgun or any muzzleloading handgun, EXCEPT for mountain lion and trapped gray wolf. For unprotected species. No person hunting permissible furbearing animals or predatory or unprotected wildlife shall hunt with any weapon the possession of which is prohibited by state or federal law. For upland game animals. No person shall take upland game animals with a trap, snare, net, or shotgun using shotgun shells exceeding three and one-half (3 1/2)inches in length. For upland game birds. No person shall take upland game birds with a trap, snare, net, crossbow, or firearms EXCEPT a shotgun using shells not exceeding threeand one-half (3-1/2) inches maximum length, slingshot, hand-held or thrown missiles, EXCEPT forest grouse. Forestgrouse shall not be taken with a trap, snare, net, or crossbow.
answered 2/25/2014

Q: 2013 harvest statistics

When will the 2013 mule deer harvest statistics be available for southeast Idaho?


We are still processing all the harvest reports.  We work each year to have the statistics ready by the time that Big Game rules are out in April.
answered 2/25/2014

Q: Is horseback riding allowed in the Roswell Wildlife Habitat areas?

Is horseback riding allowed in any of the Roswell Wildlife areas? Either the marsh area south of Hwy. 18 or the habitat area north of Hwy. 18?


The Roswell Marsh area south of Highway 18 does not accommodate horseback riding. There are no appropriate entry locations and It is intended for pedestrian access only. It is also subject to a total entry closure from February 1 through July 31 each year for nesting season.   The remaining IDFG lands in the vicinity of French road have no seasonal restrictions, but we would ask that area users keep in mind that the primary management objective is for wildlife habitat and request that deference be given to people using that area for wildlife based recreation. 
answered 2/25/2014

Q: spot lighting coyotes

is it legal to hunt coyotes / fox etc... with a spot light an if yes do you need to have a permitt


This question has been asked similarly, please refer to:
answered 2/24/2014


Yes, you can use a rangefinder while bow hunting big game in Idaho.  It cannot be attached to the bow. The rule states; No person shall take big game animals with any electronic or tritium-powered device attached to, or incorporated into, an arrow, bolt, crossbow, or bow (except nonmagnifying scopes containing battery powered or tritium lighted reticles may be usedby disabled archery permit holders).
answered 2/22/2014

Q: Hatchery Rainbows

Do all hatchery rainbows have clipped adipose fins? I caught a couple rainbows in Lucky Peak last week and both had full adipose fins.


We don't clip the adipose fin on hatchery produced rainbow trout unless they are part of a research project. We do clip the adipose fin on hatchery produced anadromous (ocean-going) salmon and steelhead raised in our hatchery system.  This is so anglers can distinguish them from wild chinook and steelhead.  Hatchery salmon and steelhead are not ESA listed and are availble for harvest in the sport fishery.  Wild salmon and steelhead are listed under ESA and federally protected.   F08  
answered 2/21/2014

Q: Spring Bear Controlled Hunt Results

What date will you post the spring Bear controlled hunt results?


Successful spring black bear applicants will be notified by mail no later than March 10. Results will also be available on the Fish and Game website, Unsuccessful applicants will not be notified.  It is the responsibility of the hunter to find out whether he or she was drawn.  
answered 2/21/2014