Frequently Asked Questions

We get a lot of questions. We post here answers to questions we're being asked frequently. If you have a question not answered here, please contact us. Urgent questions should be directed to your nearest office. Some answers change over time; please take note of the "answered" date.

Displaying 1326 - 1350 of 3534 questions

Q: Convenience fee increase [for online sales or telephone sales]

I thought the fee increase is happening May 1st. How come the convenience fee for purchasing licenses and tags are already in effect?


Thank you for your question. The Fish and Games fee increase request was not passed through legislation this year. License, tag and permit fees will remain the same as they have since 2005 for residents and 2009 for nonresidents. If you are asking about the convenience fees charged for using the telephones sales service or the Internet sales site, those fees have been set through a contract with the company providing those services since 2007. Those convenience fees have not changed since 2007 with the exception of the convenience fee for transactions made via the Internet where some of the items purchased are printed by the customer. The convenience fee for that particular type of transaction has been reduced by $1.50. The convenience fees the contractor collects go to pay their employees at the call centers, pay for printing and mailing costs to mail out the items customers purchase and costs associated with maintaining systems to provide those sales site services. Please let us know if you have additional questions. Thank you.
answered 4/1/2014

Q: A lost salmon or steelhead permit-can I buy a new one?

If I lost my salmon or steelhead permit, can I buy the new one ?


You cannot purchase a second permit, but you can get a duplicate at any vendor.
answered 4/1/2014

Q: Please re-clairfy where it is legal to waterfowl hunt on Blacks Creek Res during the normal hunting season. [There are new signs now]

Previous Question: Is it legal to duck hunt out at Blacks Creek Reservoir? IDF&G Answer: Yes, waterfowl hunting is allowed at Black's Creek reservoir Please honor any Safety Zone postings to provide public safety to other users. New Question: Please re -clarify where it is legal to waterfowl hunt on Blacks Creek Reservoir during the normal waterfowl season so no rules are broken. I drove down to Blacks Creek Reservior to bird watch, I noticed the entire Black Creek Reservior is fenced off with barbed wire and plastic tags to indicate a fence for birds so they don't fly into it. Next to the Bird Reserve signs on the East side there are additions signs that say No shooting, No dumping, No vehicle off road. Please explain the boundries that can be leagly accessed down to the reservoir and which areas on the reservoir can be hunted during the normal waterfowl season. Can a hunter park on the Eastside of the parking area next to the Bird Reserve signs grab their decoys and walk all the way down to the reservior to hunt which side of the reservoir North South East or West that would not infringe on any Saftey Zone? There needs to be better clarification to explain that hunting is premitted on the reservoir, it only has bird vewing signs also where are the safety zone that need to be pointed out. Please clairfy thank you for your time.


This is being answered in April, 2014.  It may be that the signage you see now applies now and may change when waterfowl season comes around in early fall.  Please check with the Southwest Region office for up-to-date information next fall.  Their number is 208-465-8465.
answered 3/31/2014

Q: What species can be taken with a nonresident elk tag? [Deer?]

I understand that if you have a nonresident elk or deer tag, you are allowed to take a bear, wolf, or mountain lion as long as the zones and seasons coincide. But is it also legal to take take a deer if you have a nonresident elk tag?


A deer cannot be taken with an elk tag in Idaho. Only an elk (or bear, wolf or mountain lion if the seasons overlap) can be taken with an elk tag.
answered 3/31/2014

Q: Nongame license required for Beldings ground squirrels?

Is this the liscense required in order to shoot Beldings ground squirrels?


Nonresidents who only want to hunt ground squirrels, varmints and coyotes can use the nongame license to do so.  Be sure that the ground squirrels you are hunting are not protected.
answered 3/31/2014

Q: Wolf in Idaho City area [Are there large wolf packs in the Id. City area?]

Are there large wolf packs around Idaho City? Where can they be found usually?


There is one documented pack relatively near Idaho City. This pack had a count of 7 individuals at the end of 2013. You can find information for individual packs (reproduction, year end pack size, activity maps) in the 2012 Idaho Wolf Monitoring Progress Report on our website The 2013 Idaho Wolf Monitoring Progress Report will be posted Friday, Apr 4, 2014. Regional Wildlife Biologists may be able to share more specific pack location information, such as recent public sightings or reported harvests. Please contact the appropriate IDFG Regional Office for more information.          
answered 3/28/2014

Q: 2014 Big game hunting seasons [minutes posted of Commission meeting]

When will the minutes of the meeting on 2014 Big game hunting seasons be posted?


The minutes of commission meetings are not posted until they are approved at the next commission meeting.  The March 2014 meeting minutes will be posted after the May 2014 meeting takes place and the March minutes are approved.  
answered 3/27/2014

Q: Silver Creek Opening Day 2014

Memorial Day is not the last weekend of May in 2014. Will opening day for Silver Creek still be the Saturday before Memorial Day which will be May 24th?


Yes, Silver Creek in the Magic Valley  is open the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30.  In 2014, it will open on May 24.
answered 3/27/2014

Q: Fishing [When is a license required for a junior under 12?]

do you need a fishing license to go fishing without an adult under the age of 12


Fishing licenses are required for anglers 14 and older. Resident children can fish under age 14 without an accompanying adult and without having a fishing license.  Nonresident children must fish with an adult with an Idaho fishing license.  Their catch becomes part of the adult's catch limit.    
answered 3/26/2014

Q: Porta Potties on the Little Salmon [not available for anglers to use in Riggins area].

I just returned from a weekend trip up to the little salmon and was a little surprised to find that there were no porta potties and a lot of people, well you know what happens then. Aren't we as fisherman already having a hard enough time in Riggins with access issues without causing ourselves more issues and correct me if I'm wrong but aren't tag and license sales supposed to pay these services.


You are correct, IDFG does use salmon and steelhead permit fees to pay for toilet services in anadromous fishing areas. We try to time the delivery of porta-potty toilets in spring with the arrival of larger numbers of anglers, so we are not spending a lot of money when few anglers are using the Little Salmon River. As you indicated, it is that time of year when steelhead angler numbers are increasing. We recently had ten porta-potties delivered to common fishing areas upstream of Rapid River.
answered 3/25/2014

Q: Hunting with dogs [Is a hound permit required for hunting raccoon or fox with dogs?]

Is it legal to hunt/ pursue raccoon or fox with dogs without a hound permit?


A hound permit is required when pursuing raccoons and foxes with dogs.  It is NOT legal to hunt raccoons and fox using dogs unless you have the hound permit.
answered 3/25/2014

Q: Can I hunt grouse and upland birds with the nonresident hunting license? [Or do I also need a small game license?]

If I buy an out-of-state hunting license ($154.75) can I hunt upland bird and grouse and small game with it or do I need the small game license, too? Thanks


The nonresident license that costs $154.75 allows you to hunt any game (big game, upland game, upland game birds and waterfowl) that is legal to hunt plus varmints and unprotected species.  Big game and turkey hunting requires the addition of a tag for the animal to be harvested.  
answered 3/25/2014

Q: Bear Hunting Locations [in the Rexburg area?]

I am interested in hunting black bear this spring with a bow. Are there any good locations near the Rexburg area?


 Places to hunt that are fairly close to Rexburg would be Moody Creek area west of Rexburg.  Up above the agricultural land in Unit 64 and into forest service is a good place to start.  Relay ridge road is a good access road to many good spots but may be dealing with snow for a while.  I would travel the forest service road that goes to heise as there are many good spur roads.  Many of the roads are gated roads but may allow for great opportunities to avoid other hunters. Again, snow could be a factor for some time on this road.  There are good numbers of black bears in Unit 64 but I would say that there more north of Ashton in Unit 60.  The only issue hunting black bears in Unit 60 is you may come into contact with grizzly bears.  Grizzly bears may be encountered in Units 60, 61, 62A, and 65.You may try the Anderson Mill Road, High Point Road, or any road associated with Big Bend Ridge.  Also, Unit 62A has plenty of forest service with good numbers of black bears. If you intend to bait in grizzly bear county, be aware that grizzly bears can and will seek out bait.  Take extra caution when checking or hunting over bait and make sure to properly identify your target.
answered 3/25/2014


Idaho Fish and Game is managing wolves under the State of Idaho's 2002 wolf management plan adopted by the Idaho Legislature and approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  That plan calls for a statewide wolf population of 150 wolves with 15 breeding pairs.  After reintroduction in 1995, the wolf population increased dramatically in Idaho and so did the number of attacks on livestock.  Fish and Game wildlife biologists say the growing population also impacted other big game species such as elk, in the central and northern parts of our state.  It is important to note that Fish and Game also manages other big predators such as mountain lions and black bears and both species have healthy populations in Idaho.  For more information about wolves in Idaho, please visit our wolf management page on the Idaho Fish and Game website.
answered 3/25/2014

Q: Owyhee Uplands Backcountry Byway [in March 2014, what are the road conditions?]

Is the Owyhee Uplands Back Country Byway driveable yet this Spring 2014?


Contact the BLM office for information: BLM Idaho State Office |1387 S. Vinnell WayBoise, Idaho 83709Public Desk: 208-373-4000
answered 3/25/2014

Q: Is it legal to hunt turkey with a rifle?

Provide as many specifics as you can to help better answer your question. Please omit personal information in this area.


You can use a shotgun with shells not exceeding 3 1/2 inches maximum length for turkeys: No person shall take upland game birds: • With a trap, snare, net, crossbow, slingshot, hand-held or thrown missiles, firearms except a shotgun using shells not exceeding 3 ½ inches maximum length, except forest grouse. Forest grouse shall not be taken with a trap, snare, net or crossbow. 
answered 3/23/2014

Q: Three Year Junior Fishing License [Does it expire when I become an adult?]

If I were to purchase a three year junior fishing license at the age of seventeen, would I have to buy an adult license when I turn eighteen even though the three years are not up?


Not for fishing. If you purchase a 3 year fishing license at the age of 17, the license allows you to fish until the license expires on December 31 of the third year. Please contact our license section at 208-334-2592 if you have additional questions.
answered 3/23/2014

Q: What follow up research will be conducted after reducing raven numbers

How will you determine raven mortality when using corvicides in planted eggs? How will you determine if raven populations have the ability to increase after you lower the population. How will you determine if the Sage grouse brood numbers increase after you destroy ravens.


Because of the propensity for ravens to remove and cache the poison egg baits, it is often difficult to directly locate ravens that have died due to the poison.  The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Wildlife Services, has conducted previous work that determined that it will take 4 egg baits to kill 1 raven. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game has initiated standardized raven surveys in the raven control areas to track raven numbers and trends. The identified raven control area is only 1.4% of the land area in Idaho and we do not anticipate having a negative impact on ravens statewide.  We will track the response of sage-grouse populations by continuing to monitor lek trends in the control areas, and compare that to the statewide trend.
answered 3/23/2014

Q: When do the steelhead arrive in the creeks of the Potlatch River drainage?

I am trying to see them run through Troy and wonder if they can make it through the culvert that goes under highway 8 and up Big Meadow Creek past my house.


Thanks for the question regarding Potlatch River steelhead.  In the Big Bear Drainage, which included the West Fork of Little Bear and Big Meadow Creek, steelhead should be in the middle of spawning right now.  Our past surveys have shown that they typically start spawning after water temperatures go above 41 degrees Fahrenheit.  They should definately be around Troy right now.  Regarding the HWY 8 culvert, we believe the culvert is a passage barrier.  While we have found a few rainbow trout in the upper parts of Big Meadow Creek on the forest we don't find them above the culvert.  However, they are found in high densities directly below the culvert.  We are currently working with ITD on getting the culvert modified to allow for adult steelhead passage in the near future.
answered 3/22/2014


The controlled hunt application rules will remain as they are under current legislation for trophy and the first big game drawings this year (2014). In other words, kids who are 10 cannot apply for big game hunts in April, May or June. When the law changes on July 1, 2014, that will change and kids who are 9 and will turn 10 in the season can apply for big game hunts in the second application period in August.
answered 3/20/2014

Q: Moose Superhunt

Can a person who has already harvested their "once in a lifetime" bull moose apply for the Moose Superhunt?


Yes, moose superhunts are "over and above" the usual once-in-a-lifetime moose harvest rule.  
answered 3/20/2014

Q: Fish & Game Commission Meetings

Why aren't these live meetings streamed so that residents statewide can learn first-hand what was said and done?


Thank you for contacting Idaho Fish and Game.  Live streaming of Commission meetings is something we are discussing and hope to be able to offer soon.  We are busy developing an improved website. Once that it is finished, live streaming of Commission meetings may be one of the new services the site will be able to offer.
answered 3/19/2014

Q: New Minimum Hunter age in Idaho [big game hunting]

I keep hearing rumblings that Idaho will be allowing hunters age 10 and older the opportunity to hunt Big Game in 2014 and moving forward providing they have passed a Hunter Safety Course. Is this true?


The 2014 legislature approved changing the minimum age to hunt big game from 12 down to 10.  This goes into effect on July 1, 2014.  The 2014 fall big game hunts will be affected.
answered 3/19/2014

Q: [Injured] mourning dove [bird] in my yard

There is a injured baby mourning dove in my yard is it ok to nurse it back to health or take it to a vet? What can I do to help it so that I don't have to watch it suffer?


Thank you for caring about Idaho's wildlife. In the case of injured wildlife where a timely response can be critical and you're not comfortable with the situation, we encourage you to contact your regional office. If it's outside of normal business hours and you deem it an emergency, you can contact your local sheriff's office. If you're comfortable doing so and the bird appears to be dazed due to a window strike, you can learn more information in this Windows to Wildlife issue. Also, one could contact Animals in Distress's through their 24-7 hotline: (208) 367-1026. Unfortunately, we can't respond as quickly as we would like to in these requests online. However, we hope to provide better information for this type of situation on our website this coming summer 2014. Thanks again for your concern for Idaho's wildlife.  
answered 3/19/2014

Q: Reign broadheads legal in Idaho

The reign broadhead the blades are fixed but there is only two and they will swivel if one side hits a rib pushing the other blade further out but as soon as the blades past the rib over pressure pushes the blades back to equal sides.. It's a two bladed broadhead but it's a solid blade. Tried looking it up to see if it was legal in Idaho but couldn't find anything... Thanks again!


Reign broadheads are considered a barbed broadhead and are not legal for hunting big game in Idaho.  A barbed broadhead is defined as a broadhead which has any portion of the rear edge of the broadhead forming an angle less than ninety (90) degrees with the shaft or ferrule.
answered 3/19/2014