Frequently Asked Questions
We get a lot of questions. We post here answers to questions we're being asked frequently. If you have a question not answered here, please contact us. Urgent questions should be directed to your nearest office. Some answers change over time; please take note of the "answered" date.
Displaying 1201 - 1225 of 3534 questionsQ: Middle Fork Boise Season
In reading the regulations I am not certain what the fishing season is on the Middle Fork of the Boise for 2014. Is it open year round?A:
The Middle Fork Boise River is open year-around for fishing. You can keep 6 trout EXCEPT from the confluence with the North Fork Boise River to Atlanta Dam. In this reach you can only keep 2 trout and they must be at least 14" long. Artificial flies and lures only with a barbless hook is required in this area. F08answered 5/14/2014
It took a litte bit but here is what has been provided me by the Idaho State Historical Society:No citation, but the YMCA has a great story about how it got its name. 5/14/2014
Q: When can i buy a resident licence?
I moved to Idaho Jan. 15th & was issued a state drivers licence Jan. 27th 2014. What is the EXACT date I can purchase my resident hunting and fishing licence. I love to hunt and fish and it's a major part of my life, but i am not wealthy enough to purchase the non-resident licence when I can buy a resident licence coming soon, and am tired of scraping money together to buy 1 day fishing licence when i get a chance to go. So the earlier the better for me so i can do more of what I love> I thank you for whatever answer you give and look forward to enjoying more of this beautiful state and what has to offerA:
You need to have resided in Idaho for 6 months, so on June 15th you will qualify for a resident license. There are several ways you can prove that you moved to Idaho on January 15th. Show us rent statements that demonstrate the date you move to your residence, a letter from your employer stating the date you started work, or utility receipts showing when your service was started. I would suggest you take this information to the regional Fish and Game Office near where you live - in the event they have questions regarding your "moved to Idaho" date. F08answered 5/14/2014
Q: Eagle Scout
I am trying to start my eagle project and am very interested in working with fish and game. I am wondering if there are any possible projects that I can doA:
Try to reach your local regional office to get more information for this. 5/14/2014
Q: Wireless Devices [on trail cameras]?
Can I install a trail camera that will allow me to check it from the internet? Also from a smartphone that is within 100 feet of the camera?A:
Yes, as long as the camera is installed where you have a legal right to be, such as public land or permission from a private landowner. Idah Code 36-1101 addresses devices accessed via the internet. Devices Accessed via Internet.(A) No person shall shoot at or kill any bird or animal in Idaho, wild or domestic, including domestic cervidae governed under the provisions of chapter 37, title 25, Idaho Code, with any gun or other device accessed and controlled via an internet connection. Accessing, regulating access to, or regulating the control of a device capable of being operated in violation of this paragraph shall be prima facie evidence of an offense under this paragraph.answered 5/14/2014
Q: River closures
Is any part of the Clearwater River currently closed to salmon fishing?A:
Yes - except around Dworshak National Fish Hatchery (mainstem and North Fork) and the Tribal Hatchery fish ladder. Check our website for a copy of the Idaho 2014 Chinook Salmon Season and Rules brochure.answered 5/14/2014
Q: salmon fishing destination
Where do fish show up to first, Hells Canyon dam or the little salmon by riggins? ThanksA:
It depends. When the water is high in the Little Salmon, many of the fish will stay in the main Salmon River and not proceed up the Little Salmon. In low water years or when the spring is cool and snow melts gradually, then they run the Little Salmon, earlier. Because the Snake River below Hells Canyon has regulated flow, there is nothing to slow the fish from reaching Hells Canyon Dam once they pass the confluence with the Salmon River. Early high water - they reach Hells Canyon Dam, first. Early low water - they run the Little Salmon River, first. Regardless, timing of the run in both locations will be very close.answered 5/13/2014
Q: Is it legal for a conservation officer to trespass on private property without probable cause?
I was hunting on private property about a mile off of any road when a conservation officer stumbled across me and checked my license and tag. I informed him that he was on private property without landowner permission and that he was trespassing because he had no probable cause. He told me that he wasn't trespassing and it was legal for him to come on private property with out permission.A:
In Idaho, wildlife is considered property that the state manages on behalf of its citizens. There is a public interest in ensuring people are complying with state laws related to hunting, fishing, and trapping on both public and private land, so that Idahoans can enjoy hunting and other wildlife-related activities now and into the future. Trespass law does not generally apply to law enforcement officers and other public officials who may access outdoor areas on private lands (often referred to as "open fields," although the outdoor area doesn't have to be a field; the legal concept of "open fields" includes forests). Law enforcement officers need a warrant supported by probable cause to enter someone's home and the area immediately surrounding the home, but they do not need a warrant to enter "open fields" away from the home. The U.S. Supreme Court and Idaho Supreme Court have concluded that individuals do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy or freedom from government intrusion in "open fields." Idaho Fish and Game conservation officers do not need probable cause of a violation or landowner permisson to enter an "open field" to check compliance and detect violations of hunting, fishing, and trapping laws.answered 5/13/2014
Q: 2013 General Harvest Results.
Is there a projected date for the 2013 general deer, elk and bear harvest results?A:
Harvest estimates from 2013 Controlled Hunts for Deer, Elk, and Pronghorn were posted on the IDFG website on 5/3/2014. Harvest estimates from 2013 General Hunts for Elk were posted on 5/22/2014. Harvest estimates from 2013 General Hunts for Deer will be posted on 5/30/2014. I will check when the 2013 Black Bear data will be posted.answered 5/13/2014
Q: Nonresident quota [Super hunt drawing]?
Are there npn-resident quotas in the super hunt drawings? For example, could non-resident hunters win 2 or more of the elk tags?A:
Because this program benefits hunters and anglers by opening up private land through the Access Yes Program, the nonresident quotas are not applied to the super hunt drawings.answered 5/12/2014
Q: Bowfishing (city limits)
Is it legal to bowfish for carp within city limits? For example, could I shoot carp at Parkcenter pond in Boise?A:
Idaho Dept. of Fish and Game rules do not preclude you from using a bow to take carp from Park Center Pond, but City of Boise Municipal Code 06-04-02 prohibits the use of a bow other other device that fires a projectile outside of approved ranges or on private property. Park Center Pond is a Boise City Park. As such, it would be illegal to use a bow at this location. F08answered 5/11/2014
Q: sheep controlled hunt - unit 37
Who can I contact to get more info on where to find out where to look for these sheep. Just general location so I can scout for on my own.I live in North Idaho so a good starting location would be helpful.A:
I would suggest contacting one of our wildlife biologists at our regional office in Salmon. You can reach the office by telephone at (208) 756-2271.answered 5/10/2014
Q: My son lives in another state. Split custody. Can he hunt in Idaho as a resident?
I live here in Idaho and have done so most all my life. My son lives in another state. My son is of age to hunt now and I would like to take him on his first hunt. Its a split custody situation and it is unclear if he will have someone to take him hunting where he is living. My question is, Can I get an Idaho resident license for him and take him deer and elk hunting? Im already paying through the nose for support, will I have to pay through the nose for non resident requirements too?A:
To provide you with an accurate answer, we will need some additional information. Please contact our license section at 208-334-2592 or our enforcement bureau at 208-334-3736.answered 5/10/2014
Q: I am disabled, if I hook a salmon can another person assist me reeling it in and can I keep it?
I do not have trouble hooking salmon but I last long fighting salmon.A:
First, I admire your conviction to salmon fishing in Idaho. If you possess a disabled hunting/fishing license and can demonstrate to an officer that you lack the stamina to play the fish - it will be acceptable to have someone reel in your salmon that you hooked.answered 5/10/2014
Q: caliber restrictions
can i use a 223 for elk hunting?A:
Yes, No person shall take big game animals as outlined in this section. a. With any firearm that, in combination with a scope, sling, and/or any other attachments, weighs more than sixteen (16) pounds. b. With any shotgun using any shot smaller than double-aught (#00) buck. c. With any rimfire rifle, rimfire handgun or any muzzleloading handgun, EXCEPT for mountain lion and trapped gray wolf. d. With a fully automatic firearm.answered 5/9/2014
Q: kayaking in idaho
do i need any sort license or permit to kayak in Idaho waters? its a ten foot plastic fishing kayak. non-inflatable.A:
Idaho Parks and Recreation along with the counties regulate watercraft in Idaho. The one permit you do need is an invasive species sticker. The sticker is required on all hard-sided boats 10' or more feet in length. This includes kayaks, canoes, and inflatable rafts. F08answered 5/9/2014
Q: Private Pond Permit Application
On your form SP-116--Application for a Private Pond Permit, it requires SSN, DL No, Height, Weight, DOB, Eye Color, and Hair Color. Other than the name and address of the applicant, and the characteristics of the body of water, I don't understand the necessity of submitting so much personal information on the applicant since it appears to be the body of water that is of the most interest in allowing fish stocking. If F&G is required to verify the owner's identity, that could be accomplished at the time of inspection of the body of water.A:
There are a couple of reasons we require personal information on all applications for permits and licenses. First, several years ago the legislature passed a law that said “people who are behind on child support payments could not possess a license or permit issued from the State of Idaho”. The Health and Welfare database information was checked using applicants’ social security numbers. The other reason for the personal information has to do with identification of a specific individual who is responsible for the conditions or rules pertaining to the license or permit. This is a law enforcement requirement and necessary information - if legal action is required. Please rest assured, your information will remain confidential.answered 5/9/2014
Q: Hound hunters striking from my bear bait
Is there anything that can be done about Hound hunters that strike off my bear bait?A:
Yes, we recommend sportsmen and sportswomen work together to deconflict overlaping activities through diplomacy while sharing the resource.answered 5/9/2014
Q: Hatchery links
When will the link to the salmon hatchery returns get posted up?A:
Unfortunately, these return information are not available to post online quite yet. We've created a page explaining the situation here: In the interim, I think we've provided some very good information in the new Fish Talk feature highlighting return numbers until these data are made available. Sorry for the delays on this! It was overlooked and we're working to make it happen, along with our other priorities. Thank you for your patience!answered 5/9/2014
Q: controlled hunt application
My son will turn 12 october 14, is he eligible to put a application in for a controlled hunt that starts october 10?A:
Yes.answered 5/8/2014
Q: Cow elk with antlers
How many known reports have there been of cow elk with antlers? Another one may have been found dead in Wenatchee, Wa and I have never heard that to be a possibility before.A:
I am aware of at least 2 antlered cow elk that have been killed by hunters in Idaho. It is a rare condition, but does occassionally happenanswered 5/8/2014
Q: Second chance drawing
If I drew a second chance controlled hunt tag last season, can I still put in for a controlled hunt for the same species or do I have to wait a year?A:
Waiting periods are based on first application and drawing periods only. Any person whose name was drawn on a controlled antlered-only deer hunt in the first drawing in 2013 may NOT apply for any other controlled antlered-only deer hunt for one (1) year or until 2015. Except that a person may apply for an antlered-only deer tag in the second application period or a leftover antlered-only deer tag the following year. If you drew the antlered hunt in the second application and drawing period in 2013 and did not draw an antlered hunt in the first application and drawing period in 2013, you are eligible to apply for an antlered hunt in 2014.answered 5/8/2014
Q: Boating @ Red Fish Lake Idaho
I would like to take my boat to Red Fish Lake Idaho. My question are there any motor restrictions on the lake? Specifically out board motors?A:
There are no boating restrictions on Redfish Lake. If you go in the late summer/fall you can now see sockeye spawning at the upper end of the lake. Redfish Lake was named for the large numbers of sockeye it once produced. F08answered 5/7/2014
Q: Ground squirels
Where can I find a map of where I can and cannot shoot whistle pigs? I know there are some river boundaries (south of the Payette River and north of the Snake River) but there are also some no shooting signed areas south of Kuna on State and BLM ground.A:
Shooting restrictions are put in place by BLM on the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area. You can find this information on BLM's website; here is the current link: Types of ground squirrels classified by the State of Idaho as Protected Nongame occur statewide, so knowing your target is very important regardless of your location. Considering that some of types of ground squirrels are particularly difficult to identify, knowing the ranges of protected species is useful. One important boundary to remember is that the Southern Idaho Ground Squirrel, which is a Protected Nongame Species, occurs on the north side of the Payette River in Gem, Payette, Washington, and Adams counties. The Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel is federally protected under Endangered Species Act, and it occurs in the mountains of Adams, Valley, and Idaho counties. You can find a map on page 48 of our Upland Game rules booklet.answered 5/7/2014
Q: Over the counter deer tag [when are they available for residents?]
When can I buy an over the counter deer tag for 39A? I want to hunt this year (2014) but fear I missed out.A:
Over the counter resident deer and elk tags go on sale July 10.answered 5/7/2014