Bibliography and Citations

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Kaltenecker GS.  1999.  McCall Airport bald eagle territory management plan North Fork Payette River, Idaho.  
Bollinger TK, Mao J, Schock D, R. Brigham M, V. Chinchar G.  1999.  Pathology, isolation, and preliminary molecular characterization of a novel iridovirus from tiger salamanders in Saskatchewan.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases.  35(3):413-429.  Available from
Frest TJ.  1999.  A review of the land and freshwater mollusks of Idaho.  
Bureau of Land Management.  1999.  Riparian area management: a user guide to assessing proper functioning condition and the supporting science of lentic areas, TR 1737-16.  
Pierson ED, Wackenhut MC, J. Altenbach S, Bradley P, Call P, Genter DL, Harris CE, Keller BL, Lengus B, Lewis L et al..  1999.  Species conservation assessment and strategy for Townsend's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii townsendii and Corynorhinus townsendii pallescens).    Available from
Pierson ED, Wackenhut MC, J. Altenbach S, Bradley P, Call P, Genter DL, Harris CE, Keller BL, Lengus B, Lewis L et al..  1999.  Species conservation assessment and strategy for Townsend's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii townsendii and Corynorhinus townsendii pallescens).    Available from
Lesica P, Cooper SV.  1999.  Succession and disturbance in sandhills vegetation: constructing models for managing biological diversity.  Conservation Biology.  13(2):293-302.
U. S. Forest Service.  1997.  1997 Revised forest plan: Targhee National Forest.    Available from
Price MA, Graham O.H.  1997.  Chewing and sucking lice as parasites of mammals and birds. Technical Bulletin; no. 1849.  [Washington (DC)]: USDA Agricultural Research Service.    Available from
Price MA, Graham O.H.  1997.  Chewing and sucking lice as parasites of mammals and birds. Technical Bulletin; no. 1849.  [Washington (DC)]: USDA Agricultural Research Service.    Available from
Whitson TD, Majerus ME, Hall RD, Jenkins JD.  1997.  Effects of herbicides on grass seed production and downy brome (Bromus tectorum).  Weed Technology.  11(4):644-648.  Available from
Ransome DB, Sullivan TP.  1997.  Food limitation and habitat preference of Glaucomys sabrinus and Tamiasciurus hudsonicus.  Journal of Mammalogy.  78(2):538-549.  Available from
Haymond S., Rogers D.S.  1997.  Habitat use by summer populations of bats in sagebrush steppe.  
Peterson CR, Fabian HJ.  1997.  Photographic identification cards for Idaho amphibians.    Available from
Corn PStephen, Jennings ML, Muths E.  1997.  Survey and assessment of amphibian populations in Rocky Mountain National Park.  Northwestern Naturalist.  78(1):34-55.  Available from,,
Rittenhouse DD.  1997.  Survey of Papoose Cave [letter from the Forest Supervisor of the Boise National Forest to the District Ranger of the Salmon River Ranger District summarizing findings of a January 1997 survey of the cave for winter use by bats].  
Ertter B.  1997.  Taxonomic grays vs. black and white expectations: implications for conservation management of diversity. Conservation and Management of Native Plants and Fungi.  Kaye T.N, Liston A., Love R.M, Luoma D.L, Meinke R.J, Wilson M.V, editors. Native Plant Society of Oregon.   p. 11-13.
Headrick DH, Goeden RD, Teerink JA.  1997.  Taxonomy of Aciurina trixa Curran (Diptera: Tephritidae) and its life history on Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pallas) Britton in southern California; with notes on A. bigeloviae (Cockerell).  Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington.  99(3):415-428.  Available from
Macuso M, Moseley R.  1997.  Vegetation units for Hixon Sharptail Habitat Management Plan.