Bibliography and Citations

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Peters J.L.  1934.  Genus Oreortyx Baird.  
Petersen KL, Best LB.  1986.  Diets of nestling sage sparrows and Brewer's sparrows in an Idaho sagebrush community.  Journal of Field Ornithology.  57(4):283-294.  Available from
Petersen KL, Best LB.  1985.  Brewer's sparrow nest-site characteristics in a sagebrush community.  Journal of Field Ornithology.  56(1):23-27.  Available from
Petersen KL, Best LB.  1987.  Effects of prescribed burning on nongame birds in a sagebrush community.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  15(3):317-329.  Available from
Petersen K.L, Best. L.B.  1991.  Nest-site selection by sage thrashers in southeastern Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  51(3):261-266.
Petersen KLee.  1982.  Breeding ecology of passerine birds in a sagebrush-dominated community.  :66pp..
Petersen KL, Best LB.  1987.  Territory dynamics in a sage sparrow population: are shifts in site use adaptive? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.  21(6):351-358.
Petersen KL, Best LB.  1985.  Nest-site selection by sage sparrows.  Condor.  87(2):217-221.  Available from
Peterson C.R, Dorcas. M.E.  1990.  Proposal: amphibians as indicators of environmental change in the northern Rocky Mountains. Submitted to the University of Montana Division of Biological Sciences for inclusion in a proposal to the Environmental Protection Agency.  
Peterson C.4. Excel s.  2004.  Excel spreadsheet containing herp sightings from northern Idaho from 1993-2002.  
A. Peterson Hsuitabil.  1986.  Habitat suitability index models: bald eagle (breeding season).  
Peterson KL, Best LB, Winter BM.  1986.  Growth of nestling sage sparrows and Brewer's sparrows.  Wilson Bulletin.  98(4):535-546.  Available from
Peterson K.L, Best L.B.  1999.  Design and duration of perturbation experiments: implications for data interpretation.  
Peterson P.P.  1919.  The "Slick Spots" of Middle Western Idaho with Suggestions for Their Elimination.  
Peterson C.4. Excel s.  2004.  Excel spreadsheet containing herp sightings from northern Idaho and eastern Washington from 1999-2002.  
Peterson A.T.  1992.  Phylogeny and rates of molecular evolution in the APHELOCOMA jays (Corvidae).  Auk.  109:133-147.
Peterson C.R, Annable C.R.  1988.  Noteworthy collections.  Madrono.  9:358.
Peterson SR.  1982.  A preliminary survey of forest bird communities in northern Idaho.  Northwest Science.  56(4):287-298.
Peterson C.R, Koch E.D, Corn P.S.  1992.  Monitoring amphibian populations in Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks.  
Peterson C.  2016. Idaho Amphibian and Reptile iNaturalist Project.    Available from
Peterson P.P.  1919.  The "slick spots" of middle western Idaho with suggestions for their elimination. Bulletin No. 114.  
C. Peterson Lfrom var.  1993.  Listing from various museums in the United States of spotted frog specimens from Idaho south of the Snake River.  
Peterson C.R 95. Ida.  1995.  Idaho native species account: wandering garter snake.  
Peterson C.R, Billings W.D.  1982.  Growth of alpine plants under controlled drought.  Arctic and Alpine Research.  14(3):189-194.
Peterson CR, Fabian HJ.  1997.  Photographic identification cards for Idaho amphibians.    Available from