Diets of nestling sage sparrows and Brewer's sparrows in an Idaho sagebrush community

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Journal of Field Ornithology, Association of Field Ornithologists, Volume 57, Issue 4, p.283-294 (1986)

Call Number:




Amphispiza belli, Brewer's Sparrow, Sage sparrow, Spizella breweri


The Sage Sparrow (Amphispiza belli) and Brewer's Sparrow (Spizella breweri) are 2 of the most common passerines breeding in the vast sagebrush-dominated areas of the Great Basin. In recent years, several aspects of these species' breeding ecology have been investigated (e.g., adult diet; nest-site selection; and nestling growth), but no information on the food habits of their young has been published. We, therefore, sought to quantify Sage and Brewer’s sparrow nestling diets and to identify factors influencing them in a sagebrush-dominated community. Specifically, we asked: What foods are important to these species? Do nestling diets vary seasonally or from year to year? Does nestling age or brood size influence diet? What is the effect of habitat alteration on nestling foods? Answers to these questions contribute to our knowledge of nestling diet dynamics. Moreover, such information may be useful to resource managers when giving consideration to these species.


Reference Code: A86PET01IDUS

Full Citation: Petersen, K. L., and L. B. Best. 1986. Diets of nestling sage sparrows and brewer's sparrows in an Idaho sagebrush community. Journal of Field Ornithology 57(4): 283-294.