Bibliography and Citations

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Jacobus LM, Newell RL, McCafferty W.P.  2006.  First adult and egg descriptions of Caudatella edmundsi (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae) from Montana (U.S.A.), with habitat observations.  Entomological News.  117(2):175-180.
Jacobus LM, McCafferty W.P.  2004.  Contribution to the morphology and descriptive biology of Caurinella idahoensis (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae).  Western North American Naturalist.  64(1):101-108.  Available from
Jaeger J.R, Riddle B.R, Jennings R.D, Bradford D.F.  2001.  Rediscovering RANA ONCA: evidence for phylogenetically distinct leopard frogs from the border region of Nevada, Utah, and Arizona.  Copeia.  2001:339-354.
Jageman H.  1999.  [Northern] Goshawk nests/observations [noted in the 1990s on the Clearwater National Forest and vicinity].  
Jago ND.  1969.  A revision of the systematics and taxonomy of certain North American Gomphocerine grasshoppers (Gomphocerinae, Acrididae, Orthoptera).  Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.  121(7):229-335.  Available from
Jago ND.  1971.  A review of the Gomphocerinae of the world with a key to the general (Orthoptera, Acrididae).  Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.  123(8):205-343.  Available from
Jahn P..  1992.  Shingle Creek eyrie monitoring notes for 1992.  
Jahns H.M.  1981.  The genus Pilophorus.  Mycotaxon.  8(2):289-330.
Jahns H.M.  1970.  Remarks on the taxonomy of the European and North American species of Pilophorus Th. Fr..  Lichenologist.  4:199-213.
Jain T, Juillerat M, Sandquist J, Ford M, Sauer B, Mitchell R, McAvoy S, Hanley J, David J.  2007.  Photographic handbook for comparing burned and unburned sites within a dry forested and grassland mosiac: a tool for communication, calibration, and monitoring post-fire effects. General Technical Report.  RMRS-GTR-197.  Fort Collins (CO): Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.  
James AM, Freier JE, Keirans JE, Durden LA, Mertins JW, Schlater JL.  2006.  Distribution, seasonality, and hosts of the Rocky Mountain wood tick in the United States.  Journal of Medical Entomology.  43(1):17-24.  Available from
James M., Palmer B.K.  1997.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: 90-day finding for a petition to list the northern goshawk in the contiguous United States west of the 100th meridian.  
James Entomological Collection.  2010.  Spreadsheet containing specimen label information: Capnia zukeli and C. lineata. Washington State University. Spreadsheet provided to Idaho Department of Fish and Game by Xerxes Society (Sarah Foltz) January 2010.  
Jamieson D.W.  1989.  The bryoflora of the southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Abstract.  American Journal of Botany.  76:9.
Jamieson D.W, Holmberg L.G.  1969.  Buxbaumia piperi new to California.  Bryologist.  72:72-73.
Janes S.W.  1985.  Competitive interactions among Swainson's and red-tailed hawks, with additional notes on the ferruginous hawk, Abstract.
Janes S.W.  1979.  Some physical and biological factors affecting red-tailed hawk productivity.  :38pp..
Janes S.W.  1994.  Partial loss of red-tailed hawk territories to Swainson's hawks: relations to habitat.  Condor.  96:52-57.
Janke DH, Arthur W.J.  1985.  Radionuclide transport by cottontail rabbits at a radioactive waste disposal area.  Northwest Science.  59(3):221-229.  Available from
Jankovska V., Rybnicek K..  1988.  The genus Carex in the Late Glacial and Holocene of Czechoslovakia.  Aquatic Botany.  30:23-37.
Jankovsky-Jones M..  1995.  Field notes for the Henry Stampede Park Springs site.  
Jankovsky-Jones M..  1995.  Field notes for the Marsh Creek Fen site.  
Jankovsky-Jones M.  2001.  Wetland conservation strategy for the upper Snake River, Portneuf Drainage, and adjacent valleys.  
Jankovsky-Jones M..  1998.  Field notes for Thompson Lake site (S.USIDHP*317).  
Jankovsky-Jones M..  1995.  Field notes for the Bear Lake NWR site.