Publication Type:
Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Idaho Conservation Data Center, Boise, Idaho, p.11 pp. plus appendices (2001)Call Number:
Idaho, Lower Boise River, Lower Payette River, Middle Snake River, Portneuf Drainage, Snake River Plain, SRP, Upper Snake River, Western Snake River, wetlandAbstract:
This document summarizes the findings on the main stem of the upper Snake River and its tributaries. The survey area includes the main Snake River and lower reaches of its major tributaries from the confluence with the Henrys Fork downstream to Milner. Tributaries surveyed include the Arbon, Portneuf, Rockland, and Curlew valleys. Assessment of the quality and condition of plant communities and the occurrence of rare plant and animal species allowed us to categorize sixteen wetland sites based on conservation intent. The surveys were used to populate the Site Basic Record, Element Occurrence Record, and Community Characterization Abstract databases of the Biological and Conservation Data System. Database summaries are provided and include information on the biological significance of the surveyed wetland sites, abstracts for selected plant associations, and summaries of plant and animal species of special concern. Land managers can apply the process presented here to categorize wetlands, which were not surveyed.
Reference Code: U01JAN02IDUS <br>
Full Citation: Jankovsky-Jones, M. 2001. Wetland conservation strategy for the upper Snake River, Portneuf Drainage, and adjacent valleys. Conservation Data Center, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise, unpublished report prepared with funding from the United States Environmental Protection Agency through Section 104(b) (3) of the Clean Water Act, Grant No. CD 980102-01-0. 34 pp. plus appendices. <br>
Keywords: wetland, Idaho, Upper Snake River, Portneuf Drainage, Middle Snake River, Western Snake River, Lower Boise River, Lower Payette River, Snake River Plain, SRP <br>