Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Howe KB, Coates PS, Delehanty DJ.  2014.  Selection of anthropogenic features and vegetation characteristics by nesting common ravens in the sagebrush ecosystem.  Condor.  116(1):35-49.  Available from
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2014.  Service Reaffirms Proposed ESA Listing, Revises Proposed Critical Habitat for Slickspot Peppergrass.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2014.  Service Reopens Comment Period for Slickspot Peppergrass Reconsideration of Final Listing and Revised Proposed Critical Habitat.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2014.  Southeast Idaho Phosphate Mine Site: Natural Resource Damage Assessment.    Available from
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2014.  Species assessment and listing priority assignment form [for Urocitellus endemicus, southern Idaho ground squirrel].    Available from
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2014.  Species profile for woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou).    Available from
Miller J., Irwin J..  2014.  Specimen labels for 2014 field season collections.  
Evans Mack D.  2014.  Spreadsheet of North American wolverine (Gulo gulo) 2014 capture locations for the central Idaho winter recreation/wolverine study.  
Hershler R, Liu H-P, Howard J.  2014.  Springsnails: a new conservation focus in western North America.  BioScience.  64(8):693-700.  Available from
North American Bird Conservation Initiative.  2014.  The state of the birds 2014 report.    Available from
Rosenberg K.V, Pashley D., Andres B., Blancher P.J, Butcher G.S, Hunter W.C, Mehlman D., Panjabi A.O, Parr M., Wallace G. et al..  2014.  The State of the Birds 2014 Watch List.    Available from
Evans Mack D.  2014.  Summary of pika observations from the McCall subregion: spreadsheet for data import.  
Lichthardt J, Gray K, Pekas K.  2014.  A Survey for Early-flowering Rare Plants of Palouse and Canyon Grasslands in Northern Idaho.  
Miller JJ, C. Kinter L.  2014.  Surveying and Occurrence Assessments for Agastache cusickii (Cusick's giant-hyssop) and Agoseris lackschewitzii (pink agoseris) on the Caribou-Targhee National Forest.  
Petterson, Jr. J.  2014.  Tables associated with echolocation work for bats in spring 2014 at the Redfish Cave area.  
B. Schmidt C, Anweiler GG.  2014.  Taxonomy and biogeography of the Nearctic Raphia Hübner (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Raphiinae).  ZooKeys.  421:91–113.  Available from
Steenhof K, Brown JL, Kochert MN.  2014.  Temporal and spatial changes in golden eagle reproduction in relation to increased off highway vehicle activity.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  38(4):682–688.
Spellenberg R, Earle CJ, Nelson G, Hughes AK.  2014.  Trees of Western North America. Princeton Field Guides.  Princeton (New Jersey): Princeton University Press.  
Turner M, Kuhlmann E.  2014.  Trees & Shrubs of the Pacific Northwest. Timber Press Field Guide.  Portland (Oregon): Timber Press, Inc..  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Olson D.  2014.  Trumpeter swan survey of the Rocky Mountain population, U.S. breeding segment, fall 2014.  
Reveal JL, Mansfield DJ.  2014.  Two new varieties of Eriogonum ovalifolium (Polygonaceae) from the Intermountain West, USA.  Phytoneuron.  1:1-8.
Hill J, Kinter L.  2014.  Two specimens of Coryphantha at Stillinger Herbarium annotated to Pediocactus simpsonii.  
Metzler EH, Brown JW.  2014.  An updated check list of the Cochylina (Tortricidae, Tortricinae, Euliini) of North America north of Mexico including Greenland, with comments on classification and identification.  Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society.  68(4):274–282.  Available from
Andreasen AM, Seidler RG, Roberts S, Miyasaki H, Zager P, Hurley M, Bergen S, Meints D, Atwood P, Berger J et al..  2014.  US 20, Island Park wildlife collision study: an examination of road ecology in the Island Park Caldera, elk and moose migrations across US Highway 20. Final Report.    Available from
Chambers JC, Pyke DA, Maestas JD, Pellant M, Boyd CS, Campbell SB, Espinosa S, Havlina DW, Mayer KE, Wuenschel A.  2014.  Using resistance and resilience concepts to reduce impacts of invasive annual grasses and altered fire regimes on the sagebrush ecosystem and greater sage-grouse: a strategic multi-scale approach.    Available from