Bibliography and Citations

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U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2001.  News release: Final recovery plan published for rare catchfly plant. Snake River Fish and Wildlife Office, Boise, ID.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2001.  Draft recovery plan for Howell's spectacular thelypody (Thelypodium howellii ssp. spectabilis).  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1997.  The Clamor Continues for the Beetles.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1973.  Endangered species act of 1973 as amended through the 100th Congress.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1985.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; proposed endangered status for the Bruneau Hot Spring Snail. Proposed rule.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2000.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; determination of threatened status for the contiguous U. S. distinct population segment of the Canada lynx and related rule; final rule.  Federal Register.  65(58):16051-16086.  Available from
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1992.  Selkirk Mountains woodland caribou recovery plan.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1995.  Memorandum regarding Ute ladies'-tresses orchid Recovery and Section 7 Consultation.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2013.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; threatened status for the distinct population segment of the North American wolverine occurring in the contiguous United States.  Federal Register.  78(23):7864-7890.  Available from
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1993.  Conservation agreement for Douglasia idahoensis.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2011.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; 12-month finding on a petition to list the northern leopard frog in the western United States as threatened.  Federal Register.  76(193):61896-61931.  Available from
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2013.  Bear Lake National Wildlife Refuge and Oxford Slough Waterfowl Production Area comprehensive conservation plan.    Available from
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1984.  Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery Plan.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Boise Field Office.  Submitted.  Boise Field Office, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  Boise Field Office, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service..  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Environmental Contaminants.  1992.  An overview of irrigation drainwater techniques, impacts on fish and wildlife resources, and management options.  Prepared for the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Endangered Species Program.  1979.  Service lists 32 plants.  
Lohr K, Strickland J.  2020.  Email correspondence and GIS attachments related to Lepidium papilliferum proposed revised critical habitat (pRCH): sharing GIS shapefile of slickspot peppergrass EOs.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge.  1988.  Aquatic plant survey - 1988 - Kootenai NWR.  
U. S. Forest Service.  1978.  Species list: birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, and amphibians for the Forest Service including separate lists for Idaho, Montana, and North Dakota.  
U. S. Forest Service.  1977.  Bald eagle habitat mgmt. guidelines.  
U. S. Forest Service.  1991.  Mountain quail: Oreortyx pictus.  
U. S. Forest Service.  1937.  Range plant handbook.
U. S. Forest Service.  2013.  Idaho Panhandle National Forests forest plan monitoring and evaluation reports 2010 and 2011.    Available from
U. S. Forest Service.  2004.  Northern Rockies lynx amendment area: lynx habitat and linkage areas as of November 2003.  
U. S. Forest Service.  2003.  Map of lynx habitat and linkage areas in Idaho.