Idaho Panhandle National Forests forest plan monitoring and evaluation reports 2010 and 2011

Publication Type:



U. S. Forest Service, [place unknown], p.120 (2013)

Call Number:




Forest Plan, Idaho Panhandle National Forests, SWAP


The monitoring and evaluation process for Idaho Panhandle National Forests compares the end results that have been achieved to the projections made in the Forest Plan. Costs, outputs, and environmental effects, both experienced and projected, are considered. This process comprises a management control system, which provides information to the decision maker and the public on the progress of implementing the Forest Plan. Monitoring is designed to gather data necessary for the evaluation. During evaluation, data provided through the monitoring effort are analyzed, interpreted, and then used to determine if the implementation of the Forest Plan is within the bounds of the plan. Annual reports have been prepared from fiscal year 1988 through fiscal year 2011. The Forest Plan identifies 21 monitoring and evaluation items. (See Appendix A for requirements.) It requires that 11 items be reported every year, one be reported every 2 years, and 9 others be reported every 5 years. All 21 items were reported in fiscal year 2008; 12 items1 are reported in this report. This report also includes information on a number of topics not required by the Forest Plan but important to forest management; these subjects include ecosystem restoration, old growth, and snags.



SWAP (2/19/16) citation (date later corrected):
[FS] US Forest Service. 2013. Idaho Panhandle National Forests forest plan monitoring and evaluation reports 2010 and 2011. [place unknown]: US Forest Service. 120 p. [accessed 2015 Dec 14].

[NOTE: SWAP has not been including appendices numbering with the rest of the text, so page numbers should be 103 p. plus appendices, though usually (not always), SWAP hasn't included the appendices at all.]