Bibliography and Citations

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Austin M.L.  2002.  Basic stewardship monitoring data for Pole Creek Exclosure Research Natural Area.  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Basic stewardship monitoring data for Redfish Lake Moraine Research Natural Area.  
Austin M.L.  2002.  Basic stewardship monitoring data for Redfish Lake Moraine Research Natural Area.  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Basic stewardship monitoring data for Trapper Creek RNA.  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Basic stewardship monitoring data for Trapper Creek RNA.  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Basic stewardship monitoring data Mt. Harrison RNA.  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Basic stewardship monitoring data Mt. Harrison RNA.  
Austin M.L.  2002.  Basic stewardship monitoring data Mt. Harrison RNA.  
Polhemus D.A, Polhemus J.T.  1997.  Basins and ranges: the biogeography of aquatic true bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera) in the Great Basin.  
Poglayen-Neuwall I., Toweill D.E.  1988.  Bassariscus astutus.  Mammalian Species.  327:1-8.
Von Frenckell B., Barclay R.MR.  1987.  Bat activity over calm and turbulent water.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  65:219-222.
Abel B.  2014.  Bat article + Minnetonka [Cave, Idaho, bat] trapping [capture and release] numbers [memo].  
Wackenhut M.  2012.  Bat die-off investigation and survey: Middle Butte Cave, Idaho National Laboratory, Bingham County, Idaho.  
J. Perkins M, Peterson JR.  1997.  Bat distribution in the juniper woodlands of the Idaho Owyhee Mountains: summer 1996.    Available from
Keller B.L, Bosworth W.R, Doering R.W.  1993.  Bat habitat research.  
Whiting JC, Doering B, Wright G, Englestead DK, Frye JA, Stefanic T.  2018.  Bat hibernacula in caves of southern Idaho: implications for monitoring and management.  Western North American Naturalist.  78(2):165-173.
Stefanic T.  2013.  Bat hibernacula inventory and monitoring 2012–2013: Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve.  
Slocum K, Millet A, Stefanic T, Rodhouse TJ.  2016.  Bat hibernacula surveys in Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve: 2016 status report.    Available from
Slocum K, Stefanic T, Rodhouse TJ.  2017.  Bat hibernacula surveys in Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve: 2017 status report.  :1-13.  Available from
Red Willow Research.  2000.  Bat inventory and habitat evaluation of selected Idaho AML sites.  Report prepared for Bureau of Land Management, Abandoned Mine Lands Program, Boise State Office..  
U. S. Forest Service.  2008.  Bat management plan for the Caribou National Forest. 4th ed.  
Good RE, Merrill A, Simon S, Murray K, Bay K.  2012.  Bat monitoring studies at the Fowler Ridge Wind Farm, Benton County, Indiana.  Prepared for Fowler Ridge Wind Farm, Fowler, Indiana.    Available from
Abel B.  2015.  [Bat observation] datasheet and [environmental] specimen collection datasheets [for Minnetonka Cave, Bear Lake County, Idaho].  
Genter D.  1989.  Bat occurrence data for INEL project [memorandum].  
Willig M.R, Selger K.W.  1989.  Bat species density gradients in the New World: a statistical assessment.  Journal of Biogeography.  16:189-195.