Bruneau River
Tributary of the Snake River
- Recommended Fishing Water
Bruneau River in Owyhee County is 152.9 miles in length.
The Bruneau River offers anglers a unique fishing opportunity. Some publicly accessible lands are found in the lower river, but most of the lower seven miles is privately owned. Farther upstream the river flows through a very-steep-sided canyon that is inaccessible to all but floating anglers. Farther upstream and near the Nevada border, the river flows through extensive public lands. Roads are rough and four-wheeled drive vehicles with spare tires are need to access this portion of the river.
Few developed campgrounds exist, but camping is allowed on BLM-owned lands.
Recommended Game Fish
- Mountain Whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni)
- Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
- Redband Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri)
Species Observed in Surveys
- Mountain Whitefish Prosopium williamsoni observed in 2023
- Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss observed in 2023
- Chiselmouth Chub Acrocheilus alutaceus observed in 2012
- Cottus Cottus observed in 2012
- Largescale Sucker Catostomus macrocheilus observed in 2012
- Northern Pikeminnow Ptychocheilus oregonensis observed in 2012
- Peamouth Chub Mylocheilus caurinus observed in 2012
- Redside Shiner Richardsonius balteatus observed in 2012
- Blue Tilapia Tilapia aurea observed in 2006
- Bridgelip Sucker Catostomus columbianus observed in 2006
- Catostomus sp. Catostomus observed in 2006
- Leopard Dace Rhinichthys falcatus observed in 2006
- Longnose Dace Rhinichthys cataractae observed in 2006
- Speckled Dace Rhinichthys osculus observed in 2006
- Salmon And Trout Oncorhynchus observed in 2004
- Mountain Sucker Catostomus platyrhynchus observed in 2003
- Mottled Sculpin Cottus bairdi observed in 1995
- Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss observed in 1995
- Western Mosquitofish Gambusia affinis observed in 1995
Fish Stocking Records
Date | Species | Quantity | General Size |
1973/06/06 | Rainbow Unspecified | 2,220 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
Stream Flows and Boating
Licenses and Tags
- Online
- By phone & credit card:
1-800-554-8685 - License Vendors
- IDFG Offices
Learn more about IDFG Licenses, Tags & Permits
Fishing Rules, 2022 - 2024
All Waters Open All Year
Except as modified in Special Rules
Fishing is not allowed within the posted upstream and downstream boundary of any fish weir or trap.
Daily Bag Limits
The following daily bag limits apply to all waters within each region except as modified in the Special Rules. The possession limit is 3-times the daily bag limit after the second day of the season.
Special Rules
No Special Rules for Bruneau River. Multiple Regional Bag Limits Apply
The Bruneau River overlaps multiple regional boundaries. Every effort is made to use special rules to standardize the rules and bag limits across regional boundaries. Check the map to verify in what region you are fishing and follow the corresponding bag limits.
The Bruneau River overlaps multiple regional boundaries. Every effort is made to use special rules to standardize the rules and bag limits across regional boundaries. Check the map to verify in what region you are fishing and follow the corresponding bag limits.
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