Bibliography and Citations

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Sherwin RE, Gannon WL, Altenbach J.S.  2003.  Managing complex systems simply: understanding inherent variation in the use of roosts by Townsend's big-eared bat.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  31(1):62-72.  Available from
Sherwin RE, Stricklan D, Rogers DS.  2000.  Roosting affinities of Townsend's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii) in northern Utah.  Journal of Mammalogy.  8(14):939-947.
Sherwin R.E, Stricklan D., Rogers D.S.  2000.  Roosting affinities of Townsend's Big-eared Bat (CORYNORHINUS TOWNSENDII) in northern Utah.  Journal of Mammalogy.  81:939-947.
Sherry T.W..  1979.  Competitive interactions and adaptive strategies of American redstarts and least flycatchers in northern hardwoods forest.  Auk.  96:265-83.
Sherry T.W, Holmes R.T.  1993.  Are populations of neotropical migrant birds limited in summer or winter? Implications for management
Sherry T.W, Holmes R.T.  1988.  Habitat selection by breeding American redstarts in response to a dominant competitor, the least flycatcher.  Auk.  105:350-364.
Sherman P.W, Gavin T.A.  1999.  Population status of northern Idaho ground squirrels (Spermophilus brunneus brunneus) in early-May, 1999.  
Sherman P.W, Yensen E..  1988.  Behavior, ecology, and evolution of the Idaho ground squirrel. Final Report.  
Sherman P.W, Runge M.C.  2001.  Demography of a population collapse: the northern Idaho ground squirrel (Spermophilus brunneus brunneus). Abstract.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  37(1):49-50.
Sherman PW, Runge MC.  2002.  Demography of a population collapse: the northern Idaho ground squirrel (Spermophilus brunneus brunneus).  Ecology.  83(10):2816-2831.
Shepperd WD, Battaglia MA.  2002.  Ecology, silviculture, and management of Black Hills ponderosa pine.  General Technical Report.  
Shepperd WD, Blinkley D, Bartos DL, Stohlgren TJ, Eskew LG.  2001.  Sustaining aspen in western landscapes: symposium proceedings; 2000 Jun 13–15; Grand Junction, CO. Grand Junction (CO): U. S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO.    Available from
Sheppard D..  1972.  Home ranges of chipmunks (EUTAMIAS) in Alberta.  Journal of Mammalogy.  53:379-380.
Shepherd MD.  2005.  [Species profile:] Hoplitis orthognathus (Griswold, 1983) (Megachilidae: Megachilinae: Osmiini).  :3.  Available from
Shepherd M..  1993.  Memo to the Conservation Data Center giving information on special status animal species observed by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) biologists conducting field surveys for the Idaho Training Range EIS in Owyhee County.  
Shepherd MD.  2005.  [Species profile:] Perdita wyomingensis sculleni (Cockerell, 1922) (Andrenidae: Panurginae: Perditini).  :2.  Available from
Shepherd MD.  2005.  [Species profile:] Hesperapis kayella (Melittidae: Dasypodainae: Dasypodaini).  :2.  Available from
Shepherd M.  1992.  Animal element occurrences.  
Shepherd MD.  2005.  [Species profile:] Perdita salicis euxantha (Cockerell, 1896) (Andrenidae: Panurginae: Perditini).  :2.  Available from
Shepherd JF, Servheen G.  1992.  Flammulated owl (Otus flammeolus) surveys and habitat sampling on the Clearwater, Red River and Salmon River Ranger Districts, Nez Perce National Forest.  
Shepherd JF, E. Cassirer F.  1992.  Boreal owl (Aegolius funereus) surveys on the Avery and St. Maries Ranger Districts, Idaho Panhandle National Forests, 1992.  
Shepherd MD.  2005.  [Species profile:] Perdita barri (Hymneoptera: [Apoidea:] Andrenidae: Panurginae: Perditini).    Available from
Shepherd J.F, Harris C.E, Kuttner K.M, Beals J.W.  1995.  Progress report: northern goshawk surveys on BLM lands within the St. Joe Mountains of northern Idaho.  
Shepherd M., Buchmann S.L, Vaughan M., Black S.H.  2003.  Pollinator conservation handbook.
Shepherd MD.  2005.  [Species profile:] Eucera frater lata (Cresson, 1878) (Apidae: Apinae: Eucerini).  :2.  Available from