Bibliography and Citations

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Spence J.R.  1988.  Checklist of the mosses of the Intermountain West, USA.  Great Basin Naturalist.  48(3):394-401.
Spence J.R.  1985.  Checklist of the mosses of Grand Teton National Park and Teton County, Wyoming.  Great Basin Naturalist.  45(1):124-126.
Spence J.RBryum H.  1988.  Bryum Hedw. (Bryaceae) in western North America.  Bryologist.  91(2):73-85.
Spence J.R.  1986.  Bryum calobryoides, a new species from western North America.  Bryologist.  89(3):215-218.
Spence J.R.  1987.  The montane moss flora of southwestern British Columbia and northwestern Washington State.  Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory.  62:417-483.
Spellenberg R, Earle CJ, Nelson G, Hughes AK.  2014.  Trees of Western North America. Princeton Field Guides.  Princeton (New Jersey): Princeton University Press.  
Speirs D.C.  1978.  The cacti of western Canada.  National Cactus and Succulent Journal.  33(4):83-84.
Speirs J.M.  1940.  Mortality of barn owls at Champaign, Illinois.  Auk.  57:571.
Speart J..  1994.  The case of the wandering bull.  National Wildlife.  February/March 1994:14-17.
Spear SF, Storfer A.  2010.  Anthropogenic and natural disturbance lead to differing patterns of gene flow in the Rocky Mountain tailed frog, Ascaphus montanus.  Biological Conservation.  143(3):778-786.  Available from,
Spear S.  2012.  Habitat connectivity for western rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus) in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion. Appendix A.9 in: Washington Wildlife Habitat Connectivity Working Grp. Washington connected landscapes project: analysis of the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion. Cosentino B, Hall B, Kavanagh D, McRae B, Shirk A, editors. Olympia (WA): Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; Washington Department of Transportation.   p. A.9-1–A.9-27.  Available from
Spear L.B.  1988.  988. Dispersal patterns of western gulls from Southeast Farallon Island.  Auk.  105:128-141.
Speakman J.R, Webb P.I, Racey P.A.  1991.  Effects of disturbance on the energy expenditure of hibernating bats.  Journal of Applied Ecology.  28:1087-1104.
Spaulding E.S.  1949.  Mountain quail: Oreortyx picta.
Sparhawk S.  1990.  Letter to Craig Groves, Idaho Natural Heritage Program, regarding maternity colony of Townsend's big-eared bats, Craters of the Moon National Monument.  
Sparhawk S.  1990.  Letter to Craig Groves, Idaho Natural Heritage Program, regarding observations of the Townsend's big-eared bat at Craters of the Moon National Monument.  
Spalding MG, Smith JP, Forrester DJ.  1994.  Natural and experimental infections of EUSTRONGYLIDES IGNOTUS: effects on growth and survival of nestling wading birds.  Auk.  111(2):328-336.  Available from
Spahr R..  1990.  Factors affecting the distribution of bald eagles and effects of human activity on bald eagles wintering along the Boise River.  :94pp..
Spahr R, Armstrong L, Atwood D, Rath M.  1991.  Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive species of the Intermountain Region.  
Spackman S., Jennings B., Coles J., Dawson C., Minton M., Kratz A., Spurrier C..  1997.  Colorado Rare Plant Field Guide.  Prepared for the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest Service, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by the Colorado Natural Heritage Program.  
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Sovada MA, Igl LD, Pietz PJ, Bartos AJ.  2014.  Influence of climate change on productivity of American white pelicans, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos.  PLoS ONE.  9(1):e83430.  Available from
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Sousa P.J, Farmer A.H.  1983.  Habitat suitability index models: wood duck.  
Sousa P.J.  1985.  Habitat suitability index models: gadwall (breeding).