Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
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McNeill R.P.  2012.  Lomatium brunsfeldianum: a new species of Lomatium (Umbelliferae) from northern Idaho.  Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.  6(1):29-36.
Mansfield DH, Stevens M, Polito L, Smith JF, Darrach M.  2016.  Lomatium basalticum (Apiaceae), a new species from the vicinity of Hells Canyon in Oregon and Idaho.  Phytoneuron.  2016-74:13.  Available from
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Fahey T.J, Knight D.H.  1986.  Lodgepole pine ecosystems.  Bioscience.  36(9):610-617.
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Stewart P.A.  1958.  Local movements of wood ducks (AIX SPONSA).  Auk.  75:157-168.
Storz J.F.  1995.  Local distribution and foraging behavior of the spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) in northwestern Colorado and adjacent Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  55(1):78-83.
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Pilliod DS, Peterson CR.  2001.  Local and landscape effects of introduced trout on amphibians in historically fishless watersheds.  Ecosystems.  4(4):322-333.
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Krausman PR, Naugle DE, Frisina MR, Northrup R, Bleich VC, Block WM, Wallace MC, Wright JD.  2009.  Livestock grazing, wildlife habitat, and rangeland values.  Rangelands.  31(5):15-19.  Available from
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