Lomatium basalticum (Apiaceae), a new species from the vicinity of Hells Canyon in Oregon and Idaho

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Phytoneuron, Volume 2016-74, p.13 (2016)

Call Number:





Idaho, Lomatium basalticum, Oregon


Lomatium basalticum Mansfield & M. Stevens, sp. nov., is a narrowly endemic species growing on gravelly meadows and open, xeric, rocky slopes in forest openings on weathered basalt flow entablatures on both the Idaho and Oregon sides of Hells Canyon. The species is most closely related to L. brunsfeldianum based on strong support from sequence data from 6 genes; and it is vegetatively very similar to the nearby northern Idaho endemic, L. brunsfeldianum. The two species can be distinguished geographically, ecologically and by a combination of characters including fruit length, width, and thickness, leaf sheath width, and foliage vestiture.


Reference Code: A16MAN01IDUS <br>

Full Citation: Mansfield, D.H., M. Stevens, L. Polito, J.F. Smith, and M. Darrach. 2016. Lomatium basalticum (Apiaceae), a new species from the vicinity of Hells Canyon in Oregon and Idaho. Phytoneuron 2016-74: 1–13. Published 29 November 2016. ISSN 2153 733X <br>

Location: ELECTRONIC FILE - BOTANY: PLANT SPECIES: Lomatium basalticum <br>

Keywords: Lomatium basalticum, Idaho, Oregon <br>