Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
Dakin, Jr. ME.  1979.  Notes on Chrysochraon (Barracris) petraea (Gurney, Strohecker & Helfer) (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Gomphocerincae) with a description of the female sex.  Acrida.  8(1):9-15.
Mackenzie K.K.  1923.  Notes on Carex-XIII.  Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club.  50(11):343-358.
Bailey L.H.  1896.  Notes on Carex. XVIII.  Botanical Gazette.  21:1-8.
Svilha R.D, Svilha A..  1926.  Notes on Buxbaumia aphylla Haller.  Bryologist.  29:36-37.
McClymont J.W.  1950.  Notes on Buxbaumia.  Bryologist.  53:276-277.
Merrill J.C.  1898.  Notes on birds of Fort Sherman, Idaho.  Auk.  15:14-22.
Merrill J.C.  1897.  Notes on birds of Fort Sherman, Idaho.  Auk.  14(4):347-357.  Available from
Brunsfeld S.J, Johnson F.D.  1986.  Notes on Betula ser. Humiles (Betulaceae) in Idaho.  Madrono.  33:147-148.
Fassett N.C.  1935.  Notes from the Herbarium of the University of Wisconsin - XII. A study of Steptopus.  Rhodora.  37:88-113.
Bowles J.H.  1911.  Notes extending the range of certain birds on the Pacific Slope.  Auk.  28:169-178.
Henderson D.M.  1978.  Notes and News. Notes on the flora of east-central Idaho.  Madrono.  25:172-174.
Toren D., Sigal L.L.  1974.  Notes and news: New distribution records of mosses in California.  Madrono.  22:311.
Smith SD.  1971.  Notes and new species of limnephilid caddisflies from Idaho (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae).  Pan-Pacific Entomologist.  47(3):184-188.
Hosner J.F.  1958.  Notes and comment: the effects of complete innundation upon seedlings of six bottomland tree species.  Ecology.  39(2):371-374.
Brink V.C.  1954.  Notes and comment: survival of plants under flood in the lower Fraser River valley, British Columbia.  Ecology.  35(1):94-95.
Hall A.R.  1979.  A note on the Quartenary history of Meesia longiseta Hedw. in Britian.  Journal of Bryology.  10:511-515.
Bates V..  1986.  A note on the lectotypification of Aster jessicae Piper (Asteraceae).  Taxon.  35:170-171.
Redmond RL, Jenni DA.  1985.  Note on the diet of long-billed curlew chicks in western Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  45(1):85-86.  Available from
Holub J..  1973.  A note on the classification of Botrychium Sw. s.l.  Preslia.  45:276-277.
Holte K..  1999.  Notable discoveries: Idaho sedge (Carex parryana Dewey ssp. idahoa (Bailey) Murray).  Sage Notes.  21(3):9-10.
Williams PH.  2021.  Not just cryptic, but a barcode bush: PTP re-analysis of global data for the bumblebee subgenus Bombus s. str. supports additional species (Apidae, genus Bombus).  Journal of Natural History.  55(5-6):271-282.  Available from
Greenman J.M.  1899.  Northwestern plants, chiefly from Oregon.  Erythea.  7(11):115-120.
Krumholz L.A.  1944.  Northward acclimatization of the western mosquitofish, GAMBUSIA AFFINIS AFFINIS.  Copeia.  1944:82-85.
[Anonymous].  2001.  Northern Rockies lynx amendment; scoping notice to prepare an Environmental Assessment.  Federal Register.  66(176):47160-47163.  Available from
Bull EL, Hohmann JE, Henjum MG.  1987.  Northern pygmy-owl nests in northeastern Oregon.  Journal of Raptor Research.  21(2):77-78.