Northern Rockies lynx amendment; scoping notice to prepare an Environmental Assessment

Publication Type:

Journal Article



Federal Register, Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration, Volume 66, Issue 176, p.47160-47163 (2001)

Call Number:




Canada lynx, Lynx canadensis


The Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) are cooperating in the preparation of an environmental assessment on a proposal to implement new management direction for the Canada lynx for national forests and BLM units within the Northern Rocky Mountain area. More specifically, the proposal would amend 18 land and resource management plans for national forests in Idaho, Montana, Utah and Wyoming, and 18 BLM land use plans in Idaho and Utah. (Hereafter Forest Service land and resource management plans and BLM land use plans are referred to as land management plans, or plans). The Forest Service is the lead agency. Forest Service administrative units included in this amendment are the Idaho Panhandle, Clearwater, Nez Perce, Kootenai, Flathead, Lolo, Lewis and Clark, Helena, Bitterroot, Beaverhead Deerlodge, Gallatin and Custer National Forests located in the Northern Region or Region 1; the Bighorn, and Shoshone National Forests located in the, Rocky Mountain Region or Region 2, and the Salmon-Challis, Targhee, Ashley, and Brigder-Teton National Forests located in the Intermountain Region or Region 4. BLM administrative units affected by this effort include the Salt Lake Field Office in Utah, and the Upper Snake River District, Lower Snake River District, and Upper Columbia-Salmon Clearwater District in Idaho. A more detailed description of affected BLM plans will be provided in the near future in a separate notice as required by the Department of Interior. The purpose of the proposal is to incorporate management direction for the Canada lynx based on new information regarding lynx developed since the issuance of the land management plans. If approved, the amendment would establish management direction that conserves and promotes recovery of the Canada lynx by promoting restoration of lynx habitat, and reducing or eliminating adverse effects from management activities on these lands, while preserving the overall multiple-use direction in existing plans. This direction will ensure compliance with the requirements of the National Forest Management Act, the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, and the Endangered Species Act. DATES: Comments concerning the scope of analysis should be postmarked on or before October 26, 2001. Open houses will be held throughout the affected area. Meeting dates may be found in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section.


Reference Code: A01FWS04IDUS

Full Citation: U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2001. Northern Rockies lynx amendment. Scoping notice to prepare an Environmental Assessment. Federal Register 66(176): 47160-47163. (September 11, 2001)