Bibliography and Citations

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Moeur M..  1991.  Spatial variation in conifers regenerating beneath old growth forest canopies.  :310pp..
Moat J..  2007.  Conservation assessment tools extension for ArcView 3.x, version 1.2.  :15.  Available from
Mlot C..  1989.  Blueprint for conserving plant diversity: how to maximize genetic diversity among rare and endangered plants.  BioScience.  39(6):364-368.
Mladenka G.C, Minshall G.W.  1990.  Interim progress report [to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Boise, ID], 1 July 1990: Bruneau hot springs snail.  
Mladenka G.C, Minshall G.W.  1991.  Interim progress report [to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Boise, ID], 1 April 1991: Bruneau hot springs snail.  
Mladenka G.C, Minshall G.W.  1991.  Interim progress report [to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Boise, ID], 1 January 1991: Bruneau hot springs snail.  
Mladenka G.C, Minshall G.W.  1990.  Interim progress report [to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Boise, ID], 30 September 1990: Bruneau hot springs snail.  
Mladenka G.C, Minshall G.W.  1990.  Interim progress report [to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Boise, ID], 25 April 1990: Bruneau hot springs snail.  
Mladenka G.C, Minshall G.W.  1990.  Interim progress report [to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Boise, ID], 30 January 1990: Bruneau hot springs snail.  
Mladenka GC.  1992.  The ecological life history of the Bruneau Hot Springs Snail (Pyrgulopsis bruneauensis). Final report.  
Miyasaki H.  2013.  Surveys and inventories. 2013 statewide report: mountain goat: study I, job 5; July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013.    Available from
Mittlehauser G., Hazen J..  1990.  Monitoring harlequin ducks at Acadia.  Park Science.  10(1):18.
Mittelhauser G..  1992.  Harlequin research in Maine, 1992.
Mitsch WJ, Gosselink JG.  1993.  Wetlands. Edition Second Edition.  New York (NY): Van Nostrand Reinhold.  
Mitchell C.D.  1988.  Tristate trumpeter swan survey.  
Mitchell C.D.  1989.  Mid-winter trumpeter swan survey.  
Mitchell J.C, Wicknick J.A, Anthony C.D.  1996.  Effects of timber harvesting practices on peaks of otter salamander (Plethodon hubrichti) populations.  Amphibian and Reptile Conservation.  1(1):15-19.
Mitchell CD, Eichholz MW.  2010.  Trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator).  Birds of North America Online.  (105)  Available from
Mitchell C.D.  1990.  1990 Tristate trumpeter swan survey.  
Mitchell C.D.  1988.  Mid-winter trumpeter swan survey.  
Mitchell W.W, Pohl R.W.  1966.  Variation and aneuploidy in Muhlenbergia glomerata.  American Midland Naturalist.  111:211-221.
Mitchell C.D.  1989.  Tristate trumpeter swan survey.  
Mitchell C.D.  1990.  Mid-winter trumpeter swan survey.  
Mitchell C..  1991.  1991 mid-winter trumpeter swan survey. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  
Mitchell C.D.  1987.  1987 Tri-state trumpeter swan survey.