Bibliography and Citations

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Britton EG.  1906.  Notes on nomenclature VI.  Bryologist.  9(3):36-40.
Soreng R.J.  1991.  Notes on new infraspecific taxa and hybrids in North American Poa (Poaceae).  Phytologia.  71(5):390-413.
Kinter L..  2012.  Notes on name and record changes in Pediocactus, Coryphantha, Escobaria.  
Rees D.M.  1934.  Notes on mosquito fish in Utah. GAMBUSIA AFFINIS (Baird and Girard).  Copeia.  1934:157-159.
Johnson F.D.  1979.  Notes on Mirabilis macfarlanei.  
Daneke D, Sunquist M, Berwick S.  1984.  Notes on kit fox biology in Utah.  Southwestern Naturalist.  29(3):361-362.  Available from
Taylor D.M.  1989.  Notes on Hells Canyon birds.  Great Basin Naturalist.  49(2):279-287.
Layser EF.  1972.  Notes on grizzly bear sightings in northeastern Washington and adjacent northern Idaho.  Murrelet.  53(1):8-9.
Ertter B..  1981.  Notes on Goodmania and Oxytheca (Polygonaceae: Eriogonoideae).  Brittonia.  32(1):37-38.
Yen T-C.  1944.  Notes on freshwater mollusks of Idaho formation at Hammett, Idaho.  Journal of Paleontology.  18:101-108.
Reveal J.L.  1981.  Notes on endangered buckwheats (Eriogonum: Polygonaceae) with three newly described from the western United States.  Brittonia.  33(3):441-448.
McCafferty W.P.  2001.  Notes on distribution and orthography associated with some poorly known North American mayflies (Ephemeroptera).  Entomological News.  112(2):121-122.  Available from
Stevenson H.M, al. et.  Submitted.  Notes on common and Antillean nighthawks of the Florida Keys.  Auk.  100:983-988.
Dakin, Jr. ME.  1979.  Notes on Chrysochraon (Barracris) petraea (Gurney, Strohecker & Helfer) (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Gomphocerincae) with a description of the female sex.  Acrida.  8(1):9-15.
Mackenzie K.K.  1923.  Notes on Carex-XIII.  Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club.  50(11):343-358.
Bailey L.H.  1896.  Notes on Carex. XVIII.  Botanical Gazette.  21:1-8.
Svilha R.D, Svilha A..  1926.  Notes on Buxbaumia aphylla Haller.  Bryologist.  29:36-37.
McClymont J.W.  1950.  Notes on Buxbaumia.  Bryologist.  53:276-277.
Merrill J.C.  1897.  Notes on birds of Fort Sherman, Idaho.  Auk.  14(4):347-357.  Available from
Merrill J.C.  1898.  Notes on birds of Fort Sherman, Idaho.  Auk.  15:14-22.
Brunsfeld S.J, Johnson F.D.  1986.  Notes on Betula ser. Humiles (Betulaceae) in Idaho.  Madrono.  33:147-148.
Bowler P.A.  1991.  Notes on a site visit to the Indian Bathtub, Hot Creek and the adjacent Bruneau River on August 13, 1989.
Fassett N.C.  1935.  Notes from the Herbarium of the University of Wisconsin - XII. A study of Steptopus.  Rhodora.  37:88-113.
Bernatas S..  1988.  Notes from telephone conversations with T. Parker, H. Roberts, J. Conley, S. Gregory, and Mike Scott.  
DeBolt A..  1989.  Notes from search of the Shoshone District BLM herbarium, transcribed July 1989.