Bibliography and Citations

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Hutto R.L..  1995.  Northern Region landbird monitoring program. [Cover: USFS Northern Region Songbird Monitoring Program: distribution and habitat relationships.].  
U. S. Forest Service.  2004.  Northern Rockies lynx amendment area: lynx habitat and linkage areas as of November 2003.  
[Anonymous].  2001.  Northern Rockies lynx amendment; scoping notice to prepare an Environmental Assessment.  Federal Register.  66(176):47160-47163.  Available from
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1984.  Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery Plan.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1987.  Northern Rocky Mountain wolf recovery plan.  
Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery Team.  1983.  Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery Plan. Draft.  
[Anonymous].  2015.  Northern Rocky Mountains Refugium caddisfly—Goereilla baumanni. Montana Field Guides.    Available from
Rasmussen JLee.  2008.  Northern saw-whet owl (Aegolius acadicus).  Birds of North America online.  (042)  Available from
Barnes L.J.  1993.  Northern three-toed woodpeckers on the Sawtooth National Recreation Area, Idaho.  
Krumholz L.A.  1944.  Northward acclimatization of the western mosquitofish, GAMBUSIA AFFINIS AFFINIS.  Copeia.  1944:82-85.
Mote P, Snover AK, Capalbo S, Eigenbrode SD, Glick P, Littell J, Raymondi R, Reeder S.  2014.  Northwest. Melillo J.M, Richmond TC, Yohe G.W, editors. Washington (DC): U.S. Global Change Research Program.   p. 487-513.  Available from
Garrison G.A, Skovlin J.M, Poulton C.E, Winward A.H.  1976.  Northwest plant names and symbols for ecosystem inventory and analysis. 4th ed..    Available from
Taylor R.J.  1990.  Northwest weeds.
Greenman J.M.  1899.  Northwestern plants, chiefly from Oregon.  Erythea.  7(11):115-120.
Frest T.J, Johannes E.J.  0.  Northwestern U. S. sensitive nonmarine mollusks.  
Chambers K.L.  1977.  The northwestern United States.  
Williams PH.  2021.  Not just cryptic, but a barcode bush: PTP re-analysis of global data for the bumblebee subgenus Bombus s. str. supports additional species (Apidae, genus Bombus).  Journal of Natural History.  55(5-6):271-282.  Available from
Holte K..  1999.  Notable discoveries: Idaho sedge (Carex parryana Dewey ssp. idahoa (Bailey) Murray).  Sage Notes.  21(3):9-10.
Dixon R.  2017.  Note on Panhandle [National Forest bat] surveys, February 2017 [email].  
Holub J..  1973.  A note on the classification of Botrychium Sw. s.l.  Preslia.  45:276-277.
Redmond RL, Jenni DA.  1985.  Note on the diet of long-billed curlew chicks in western Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  45(1):85-86.  Available from
Bates V..  1986.  A note on the lectotypification of Aster jessicae Piper (Asteraceae).  Taxon.  35:170-171.
Hall A.R.  1979.  A note on the Quartenary history of Meesia longiseta Hedw. in Britian.  Journal of Bryology.  10:511-515.
Meints D.R.  1990.  Note to Craig Groves providing 1989 data on winter and spring sharp-tailed grouse locations.  
Beals J., Jewell J..  1994.  Notebook containing northern goshawk nesting location information as a result of summer field survey.