Bibliography and Citations

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Gullion GW.  1951.  Birds of the southern Williamette Valley, Oregon.  Condor.  53(3):129-149.  Available from
Gullion G.W, Christensen. G.C.  1957.  A review of the distribution of gallinaceous game birds in Nevada.  Condor.  59:128-136.
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Gunnarsson U., Malmer N., Rydin H..  2002.  Dynamics or constancy in Sphagnum dominated mire ecosystems? A 40-year study Ecography.  25:685-704.
Gunnell F., Phillips. T.A.  1972.  Wildlife analysis of the White Cloud, Boulder and Pioneer Mountains.  
Guppy GA.  1977.  Endangered plants in British Columbia.  Davidsonia.  8(2):24-30.
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Guretzky J.A, Louda. S.M.  1997.  Evidence for natural biological control: insects decrease survival and growth of a native thistle.  Ecological Applications.  7(4):1330-1340.
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Gurney AB.  1971.  North American grasshoppers of the genus Argiacris, including two new species from Idaho (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Catantopinae).  Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington.  73(3):292-303.  Available from
Gurney AB, Strohecker H.F, Helfer J.R.  1964.  A synopsis of the North American Acridine grasshoppers of the Genus-group Chrysochraontes (Orthoptera: Acrididae).  Transactions of the American Entomological Society.  89(1/2):119-139.  Available from
C. Guscio G, Hossack BR, Eby LA, Corn PStephen.  2008.  Post-breeding habitat use by adult boreal toads (Bufo boreas) after wildfire in Glacier National Park, USA.  Herpetological Conservation and Biology.  3(1):55-62.  Available from,
Gustafson J.R.  1975.  A sage sparrow egg in a Black-throated sparrow nest.  Auk.  92:805-806.
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Gustafsson L..  1988.  Vegetation succession during the establishment of an energy forest on a Sphagnum peat bog in east-central Sweden.  Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research.  3(3):371-385.
Gutiérrez R.J.  1980.  Comparative ecolgy of the mountain and California quail in the Carmel Valley, California.  Living Bird.  Volume 18
Gutiérrez R.J, Braun C.E, Zapatka T.P.  1975.  Reproductive biology of the band-tailed pigeon in Colorado and New Mexico.  Auk.  92:665-677.
Gutiérrez R.J.  1975.  A literature review and bibliography of the mountain quail, Oreortyx pictus (Douglas).  
Gutiérrez R.J.  1993.  Taxonomy and biogeography of New World quail.
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Gutiérrez R.J, Zink RM, Yang SY.  1983.  Genic variation, systematic, and biogeographic relationships of some galliform birds.  Auk.  100(1):33-47.  Available from
Gutiérrez R.J.  1977.  Comparative ecology of the mountain and California quail in the Carmel Valley, California.  :103pp..
Gutiérrez R.J, Zink R.M, Yang S.Y.  1983.  Genic variation, systematic, and biogeographic relationships of some Galliform birds.  Auk.  100:33-47.
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Guyer C..  1978.  Ecology of the short-horned lizard (Phrynosoma douglassi) and the sagebrush lizard (Sceloporus graciosus) on the INEL site.