Bibliography and Citations

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Dechant J.A, Sondreal M.L, Johnson D.H, Igl L.D, Goldade C.M, Rabie P.A, Euliss B.R.  1999.  Effects of management practices on grassland birds: ferruginous hawk. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Jamestown, ND.  
Decker K., Lavender A., Handwerk J., Anderson D.G.  2006.  Modeling the potential distribution of three endemic plants of the Northern Piceance and Uinta Basins.  
Decker K., Culver D.R, Anderson D.G.  2006.  Kobresia simpliciuscula (Wahlenberg) Mackenzie (simple bog sedge): a technical conservation assessment.  
Decker D.M, Wozencraft W.C.  1991.  Phylogenetic analysis of recent procyonid genera. Journal of Mammalogy.  Journal of Mammalogy.  72:42-55.
Defenders of Wildlife.  1984.  Gray Wolf. Endangered Species Campaign.  
Defenders of Wildlife.  0.  Gray Wolf.  
Defenders of Wildlife.  0.  Lynx.  
Defenders of Wildlife.  1998.  Oregon's living landscape. Strategies and opportunities to conserve biodiversity.  
Deichmann K.H.  1994.  Use of mammalian prey by nesting merlins, Falco columbarius, in Atlantic Canada.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  108:80-81.
Delannoy C.A, Cruz A..  1988.  Breeding biology of the Puerto Rican sharp-shinned hawk (ACCIPITER STRIATUS VENATOR).  Auk.  105:649-662.
DeLay C..  2004.  Fire effects and response of cascade reedgrass (Calamagrostis tweedyi) on the Payette National Forest, DRAFT.  
Delehanty D.J.  1995.  High-tech advances provide a breakthrough in mountain quail research.  Quail Unlimited Magazine.  14(1):16-21.
Delehanty D.J.  1995.  Incubation and brood rearing by a wild male mountain quail.  Western Birds.  326:46-48.
Delehanty D.J.  1997.  Mountain quail reproduction and restoration in the Great Basin.  :121pp..
Delehanty D.J, Tybie R.A, Ditsworth M.J, Hoelzer G.A, Oring L.W, Longmire J.L.  1995.  Genetic and morphological methods for gender identification of mountain quail.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  59(4):785-789.
DeLong D.  1937.  The genera Cyperana and Paluda (Homoptera–Cicadellidae).  American Midland Naturalist.  18(2):225-236.  Available from
Demaray A.  2017.  IDFG Region Four mammal, bird, and reptile observations [spreadsheet].  :499records.
Demaray A.  2017.  IDFG Region Four amphibian observations.  :135records.
Demarchi R..  1975.  Report and recommendations of the workshop on California bighorn sheep.
Demboski J.R, Cook J.A, Kirkland, Jr. G.L.  1998.  Glaucomys sabrinus (Shaw 1801): northern flying squirrel.
Demboski J.R, Cook J.A.  2003.  Phylogenetic diversification within the Sorex cinereus group (Soricidae).  Journal of Mammalogy.  84:144-158.
Demboski J.R, Cook J.A.  2003.  Phylogenetic diversification within the Sorex cinereus group (Soricidae).  Journal of Mammalogy.  84:144-158.
Dempster L.T.  1996.  A new subspecies of Lewisia (Portulacaceae) in California.  Madrono.  43(3):415-416.
Denning D.G.  1964.  The genus Homophylax (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae).  Annals of the Entomological Society of America.  57(2):253–260.  Available from
Denning D.G.  1970.  The genus Psychoglypha (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae).  Canadian Entomologist.  102(1):15-30.  Available from