Bibliography and Citations

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Baerwald EF, D’Amours GH, Klug BJ, Barclay RMR.  2008.  Barotrauma is a significant cause of bat fatalities at wind turbines.  Current Biology.  18(6):R695–R696.  Available from
Baerwald EF, D’Amours GH, Klug BJ, Barclay RMR.  2008.  Barotrauma is a significant cause of bat fatalities at wind turbines.  Current Biology.  18(6):R695–R696.  Available from
Bailey JA.  1980.  Desert bighorn, forage competition and zoogeography.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  8(3):208-216.  Available from
Baird G, Ertter B, Kinter L.  2016.  Email correspondence from Gary Baird to Barbara Ertter and Lynn Kinter between February 29 to March 4, 2016 RE Ipomopsis congesta photos at Menan Butte.  
Baird G, Ertter B, Kinter L.  2016.  Email correspondence from Gary Baird to Barbara Ertter and Lynn Kinter between February 29 to March 4, 2016 RE Ipomopsis congesta photos at Menan Butte.  
Baker, Charles W., Munger JC, Cornwall KC, Staufer S.  1997.  Bruneau Dunes tiger beetle study: 1994 and 1995.    Available from
Ball-Damerow JE, M'Gonigle LK, Resh VH.  2014.  Changes in occurrence, richness, and biological traits of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) in California and Nevada over the past century.  Biodiversity and Conservation.  23(8):2107-2126.  Available from
Barlow-Irick P., Anderson J., McDonald C..  2007.  Southwestern rare and endangered plants. RMRS-P-48CD.  Las Cruces (New Mexico): U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.  
Barnes JC, Dayer AA, Sketch M, Gramza A, Nocera T, Steinmetz A, Sorice MG.  2019.  Landowners and the Conservation Reserve Program: understanding motivations and needs to cultivate participation, retention, and ongoing stewardship behavior.    Available from
Barnett JK.  2014.  Eastside acoustic bat inventory. Draft.  
Barnett JK.  2014.  Region 1 acoustic bat inventory: national wildlife refuges in eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, and Idaho.    Available from
Barnett J.  2013.  Results of a pilot count of a bat colony on Kootenai NWR, 2013 [Excel spreadsheet, memo, PDFs].  
Barnett JK.  2014.  Region 1 acoustic bat inventory: national wildlife refuges in eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, and Idaho.    Available from
Barnett J.  2015.  BatPass deployment report—SonoBat results summary: Kootenai NWR.  
Barr CB.  2011.  Bryelmis Barr (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Elminae), a new genus of riffle beetle with three new species from the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A.  Coleopterists Bulletin.  65(3):197-212.  Available from
Barr CB.  2011.  Bryelmis Barr (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Elminae), a new genus of riffle beetle with three new species from the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A.  Coleopterists Bulletin.  65(3):197-212.  Available from
Barringer F.  2012.  Out West Black Fingers of Death Offer Hope Against an Invader.  New York Times.  
Barringer F.  2012.  Out West Black Fingers of Death Offer Hope Against an Invader.  New York Times.  
Bartel RA, Knowlton FF, L. Stoddart C.  2008.  Long-term patterns in mammalian abundance in northern portions of the Great Basin.  Journal of Mammalogy.  89(5):1170-1183.