Changes in occurrence, richness, and biological traits of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) in California and Nevada over the past century

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Biodiversity and Conservation, Volume 23, Issue 8, p.2107-2126 (2014)

Call Number:




biodiversity, climate change, Enallagma clausum, habitat degradation, habitat specialization, long-term surveys, migrants, Odonata, Ophiogomphus severus, overwintering diapause, species richness, urbanization


Increases in water demand, urbanization, and severity of drought threaten
freshwater ecosystems of the arid western United States. Historical assessments of change
in assemblages over time can help determine the effects of these stressors but, to date, are
rare. In the present study, we resurveyed 45 sites originally sampled in 1914–1915 for
Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) adults throughout central California and northwestern
Nevada, USA. We examined changes in species occurrence rates, taxonomic
richness, and biological trait composition in relation to climate changes and human population
increases. While species richness at individual sites did not change significantly, we
found that odonate assemblages have become more similar across sites. Homogenization is
a result of the expansion of highly mobile habitat generalists, and the decline of both
habitat specialists and species with an overwintering diapause stage. Using a multi-species
mixed-effects model, we found that overall occurrences of Odonata increased with higher
minimum temperatures. Habitat specialists and species with a diapause stage, however,
occurred less often in warmer regions and more often in areas with higher precipitation.
Habitat specialists occurred less often in highly populated sites. Life history traits of
Odonata, such as dispersal ability, habitat specialization, and diapause, are useful predictors
of species-specific responses to urbanization and climate change in this region.


ELECTRONIC FILE: Zoology: Invertebrates

Journal-suggested citation:
Ball-Damerow, J.E., M’Gonigle, L.K. & Resh, V.H. Biodivers Conserv (2014) 23: 2107.