Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Winward S..  2008.  Email from Steve Winward (R4/USDAFS) sent to Teresa Prendusi and forwarded to Beth Colket regarding Spiranthes diluvialis potential habitat Idaho - CD model.  
Winward A.H.  1980.  Taxonomy and ecology of sagebrush in Oregon.  
Winward A.H, Tisdale E.W.  1977.  Taxonomy of the Artemisia tridentata complex in Idaho.  
Winward A..  2007.  Information on Ericameria winwardii, Winward's goldenbush (draft).  
Winward A.H, Tisdale. E.W.  1977.  Taxonomy of the Artemisia tridentata complex in Idaho.  
Winward ÁH.  2000.  Monitoring the Vegetation Reources in Riparian Areas. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR.  Ogden (UT): USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.  
Wisdom MJ, Holthausen RS, Wales BC, Hargis CD, Saab VA, Lee DC, Hann WJ, Rich TD, Rowland MM, Murphy WJ et al..  2000.  Source habitats for terrestrial vertebrates of focus in the interior Columbia Basin: broad-scale trends and management implications. Quigley TM, editor. Portland (OR): U. S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.    Available from
Wise S..  1987.  Memo concerning collections of Calochortus nitidus in the vicinity of Riggins.  
Wise S..  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Wise, Susan..  
Wise S..  1987.  Memo showing site of Halimolobos perplexa var. perplexa north of Riggins Hot Springs.  
Wise S..  1987.  Copies of two topographic maps (Riggins Hot Springs and Burgdorf showing occurrences of Halimolobos perplexa var perplexa on the Nez Perce known to her as of March 6, 1987.  
Wise C, Yeo JJ, Goble D, Peek JM.  1991.  Wolf recovery in central Idaho: alternative strategies and impacts.  Idaho Forest, Wildlife and Range Policy Analysis Group.  : 4.
Wisely S.M, Buskirk S.W, Russell G.A, Aubry K.B, Zielinski W.J.  2004.  Genetic diversity and structure of the fisher (Martes pennanti) in a peninsular and peripheral metapopulation.  Journal of Mammalogy.  85:640-648.
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Wishard L.N, al. et.  1984.  A genetic investigation of suspected redband trout populations.  Copeia.  1984:120-132.
Wishart W..  1978.  Big game of North America: ecology and management.  
Witham J., Rachlow J..  2004.  Evaluating presence of the pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) at 3 potential sites in Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve.  
Wittenberger JF.  1978.  The breeding biology of an isolated bobolink population in Oregon.  Condor.  80:355-371.  Available from
Woffinden ND, Murphy JR.  1983.  Ferruginous hawk nest site selection.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  47(1):216-219.
Wohler JR, Robertson DB, Laube HR.  1975.  Studies on the decomposition of Potamogeton diversifolius.  Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club.  102(2):76-78.  Available from
Wohner PJ, Laymon SA, STANEK JENNAE, King SL, Cooper RJ.  2020.  Challenging our understanding of western Yellow-billed Cuckoo habitat needs and accepted management practices.  Restoration Ecology.  29(3)
Wold JLee.  1974.  Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) in western North America with special reference to the immature stages [master's thesis].  Entomology.  :229.  Available from
Wolf A.  2001.  Conservation of endemic plants in serpentine landscapes.  Biological Conservation.  100:35-44.
Wolf P.G, Barnes J., Tepedino V.J.  1994.  Population genetics of the Salmon River populations of MacFarlane's Four O'clock, Mirabilis macfarlanei.  
Wolf PG.  1988.  Analysis of electrophoretic varation in Claytonia lanceolata vars lanceolata and flava.