Bibliography and Citations

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Sjogren P., Wyoni P..  1994.  Conservation genetics and detection of rare alleles in finite populations.  Conservation Biology.  8(1):267-270.
Skaar D..  1988.  Creation of a management plan for the common loon in Montana, Abstract.
Skaar D..  1985.  The breeding status of the common loon in Montana: 3rd annual report.  
Skaar D..  0.  Montana common loon management plan.  
Skelton C.E.  2001.  New dace of the genus PHOXINUS (Cyprinidae: Cypriniformes) from the Tennessee River drainage, Tennessee.  Copeia.  2001:118-128.
Skerl K.L.  1999.  Spiders in conservation planning: a survey of U.S. Natural Heritage programs.  Journal of Insect Conservation.  3:341-347.
Skinner KM, R. Child D.  2000.  Multivariate analysis of the factors influencing changes in Colorado grasshopper abundances.  Journal of Orthoptera Research.  9:103-109.  Available from
Skinner MW, Ertter B.  1993.  Whither rare plants in The Jepson Manual? Fremontia.  21:23-27.
Skinner DM, Jensen JW, Queener G.  2016.  Palouse Prairie field guide: an introductory guide to native plants, agricultural crops and invasive weeds for the curious. Genesee (Idaho): Thron Creek Native Seed Farm.  
Skinner MW, Tibor DP, Bittman RL, Ertter B, Ross TS, Boyd S, Sanders AC, Shevock JR, Taylor DW.  1995.  Research needs for conserving California's rare plants.  Madrono.  42(2):211-241.
Skinner QD.  2010.  Field Guide to Wyoming Grasses. Cumming (Georgia): Education Resources Publishing.  
Skupski M.P.  1995.  Population ecology of the western harvest mouse, REITHRODONTOMYS MEGALOTIS:.  Journal of Mammalogy.  76:358-367.
Slack N.G.  1992.  Rare and endangered bryophytes in New York state and eastern United States: current status and preservation strategies.  Biological Conservation.  59(2:3):233-242.
Slater JR.  1976.  Ribes distribution in Washington State.  Occasional Papers of the Museum of Natural History University of Puget Sound.  49:668-680.
Slater JR, Slipp JW.  1940.  A new species of Plethodon from northern Idaho.  Occasional Papers, Department of Biology, College of Puget Sound.  8:38-43.  Available from
Slocum K, Stefanic T, Rodhouse TJ.  2017.  Bat hibernacula surveys in Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve: 2017 status report.  :1-13.  Available from
Slocum K, Millet A, Stefanic T, Rodhouse TJ.  2016.  Bat hibernacula surveys in Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve: 2016 status report.    Available from
Small R.J, Rusch D.H.  1989.  The natal dispersal of ruffed grouse.  Auk.  106:72-79.
Small A..  1974.  Mountain quail.
Small A.M, Adey W.H, Lutz S.M, Reese E.G, Roberts D.L.  1996.  A macrophyte-based rapid biosurvey of stream water quality: Restoration at the watershed scale.  Restoration Ecology.  4(2):124-145.
Smith KG, Ficht E.J, Hobson D, Sorensen TC, Hervieux D.  2000.  Winter distribution of woodland caribou in relation to clear-cut logging in west-central Alberta.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  78(8):1433-1440.  Available from
Smith A.H.  1973.  The mushroom hunter's field guide - revised and enlarged.  
Smith MJ.  1995.  Moths of western North America. 2. Distribution of Sphingidae of western North America. Edition Revised.  Contributions of the C. P. Gillette Insect Biodiversity Museum.  Fort Collins (CO): Colorado State University, Department of Entomology.    Available from
Smith C.W.  1991.  Lichen conservation in Hawaii. No. 43.  
Smith GW, Johnson DR.  1985.  Demography of a Townsend ground squirrel population in southwest Idaho.  Ecology.  66(1):171-178.  Available from