Winter distribution of woodland caribou in relation to clear-cut logging in west-central Alberta

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Canadian Journal of Zoology, NRC Research Press, Volume 78, Issue 8, p.1433-1440 (2000)

Call Number:




caribou, clear-cut logging, logging, Rangifer tarandus, Rangifer tarandus caribou, woodland caribou


The responses of a herd of migratory woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) to timber harvesting that fragmented about 11% of their winter range in west-central Alberta were examined in this study. From 1981 to 1996, 45 caribou were radio-collared and monitored during the initiation and completion of first-pass timber harvest (50% removal). Variables examined were home-range size, daily movement rates, and distance to the nearest cut block for radio-collared individuals. Daily movement rates and individual winter range sizes decreased as timber harvesting progressed. Caribou avoided using recently fragmented areas by an average of 1.2 km. If fragmentation of the winter range continues through timber harvesting and other industrial activities, the “spacing out” antipredator strategy used by caribou may be compromised. Based on these findings, timber-harvesting strategies are recommended that 1) ensure an adequate area of usable habitat to support the current population, 2) minimize the amount of fragmented area, and 3) in the short term avoid presently defined core use areas.


Sourcecode: A00SMI01IDUS

Full Citation: Smith, K. G., E. J. Ficht, D. Hobson, and T. C. Sorensen. 2000. Winter distribution of woodland caribou in relation to clear-cut logging in west-central Alberta. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78(8): 1433-1440.

Location: ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology