Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Craig E..  1991.  Directions to Physaria populations.  
Craig E.  Submitted.  No description.  Craig, Erica.  
Craig E.H.  1992.  A study of population parameters and habitat characteristics of Salmon twin bladderpod, Physaria didymocarpa var. lyrata.  
Craig TH, Craig EH, Powers LR.  1984.  Recent changes in eagle and buteo abundance in southeastern Idaho.  Murrelet.  65(3):91-93.
Craig E., Craig T..  1995.  A demographic study of Salmon twin bladderpod, (Physaria didymocarpa var. lyrata).  
Craig T.H, Connelly J.W, Craig E.H, Parker T.L.  1990.  Lead concentrations in golden and bald eagles.  Wilson Bulletin.  102(1):130-133.
Craig T, Renn F.  1977.  Recent nestings of the merlin in Idaho.  Condor.  79(3):392.  Available from
Craig E.H, Craig T.H, Powers LR.  1988.  Activity patterns and home-range use of nesting long-eared owls.  Wilson Bulletin.  100(2):204-213.  Available from
Craig EH, Craig TH.  1998.  Lead and mercury levels in golden and bald eagles and annual movements of golden eagles wintering in east central Idaho 1990-1997.  
Craig T., Craig T..  1988.  The status and distribution of the merlin in selected areas of Idaho.  
Craig TH, Halford DK, Markham O.D.  1979.  Radionuclide concentrations in nestling raptors near nuclear facilities.  Wilson Bulletin.  91(1):72-77.  Available from
Craig E, Craig T.  1989.  Status and distribution of the merlin in selected areas of Idaho.  
Craig T..  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Craig, Tim..  
Craig G.  1986.  Peregrine falcon. Audubon Wildlife Report 1986.  Di Silvestro RL, editor. New York: National Audubon Society.   p. 807-824.
Craighead, Jr. FC, Craighead JJ.  1972.  Grizzly bear prehibernation and denning activities as determined by radiotracking.  Wildlife Monographs.  32:1-35.  Available from
Cranston D.M, Valentine D.H.  1983.  Transplant experiments on rare plant species from Upper Teesdale.  Biological Conservation.  26(2):175-191.
Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve, Lonneker M.  2014.  CRMO cave locations.  
Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve.  1997.  Craters of the Moon National Monument's 1997 Annual Breeding Bird Survey.  
Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve.  2014.  Wildlife observation records: incidental sightings reported at Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve between 1921 and 2014.  
Crawford R.  2011.  Ecological integrity assessment: northern Rocky Mountain mesic montane mixed conifer forest. Version 2.16.2011.  Ecological integrity assessments.    Available from
Crawford K.M.  1991.  The winter environment of painted turtles, Chrysemys picta: temperature, dissolved oxygen, and potential cues for emergence.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  69:2493-2498.
Crawford R.C.  1980.  Ecological investigations and management implications of six northern Idaho endemic plants on the proposed endangered and threatened lists.  :200pp..
Crawford R.C.  1978.  Field notes-sketch maps of Cardamine constancei transects established in 1978.  
Crawford R..  1977.  Study plan for Phlox idahonis and the effect of fire.  
Crawford J., Pope M..  1998.  Mountain quail research: annual report for 1997.