Bibliography and Citations

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Todd M..  1985.  Letter to Craig Groves, Idaho Natural Heritage Program, concerning nest locations of ferruginous and Swainson's hawks.  
Tobalske B.W, Shearer R.C, Hutto R.L..  1991.  Bird populations in logged and unlogged western larch/Douglas-fir forest in northwestern Montana.  
Tixier J.S.  1988.  Sensitive plant program handbook.  
Titus J.R, VanDruff L.W.  1981.  Response of the common loon to recreational pressure in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, northeastern Minnesota.  Wildlife Monographs.  79:1-59.
Titus T.R.  1992.  Biodiversity: the need for a national policy.  Fisheries.  17(3):31-34.
Titone J..  1989.  Biologists track reclusive harlequin duck.  Spokane Chronicle, Idaho Edition.  41099:A1,A11.
Tisdale E.W.  1986.  Native vegetation of Idaho.  Rangelands.  8(5):202-207.
Tisdale E.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Tisdale, Ed..  
Tirmenstein D..  1987.  Rhus trilobata.  
Tirmenstein D.A.  1987.  Potentilla fruiticosa.  
Tirmenstein D.A.  1990.  Celtis reticulata.  
Tirmenstein D..  1986.  Atriplex confertifolia.  
Tirmenstein D.A.  1987.  Stipa viridula.  Fire Effects Information System [Data base].  
Tirmenstein D.A.  1986.  Atriplex canescens.  
Tirmenstein D.A.  1989.  Rubus spectabilis.  
Tipton HC, Dreitz VJ, Doherty, Jr. PF.  2008.  Occupancy of mountain plover and burrowing owl in Colorado.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  72(4):1001-1006.
Tippets D.  1990.  Preserving research natural areas.  Forestry Research West.  (December):10-16.
Tippets D..  1994.  Scientists put small birds in the big picture.  Forest Research West.  September:10-13.
Tipperman M..  1991.  Petition to the Washington Department of Wildlife, Olympia, WA, to list the lynx of the north-central Washington Cascades as an endangered species and to designate critical habitat.  
Timossi IC, Woodard EL, Barrett RH.  1995.  Habitat suitability models for use with ARC/INFO: mountain quail.  : CWHR Technical Report No. 10.
Timmermann B.N, McLaughlin S.P, Hoffmann J.J.  1987.  Quantitative variation of grindelane diterpene acids in 20 species of North American Grindelia.  Biochemical Systematics and Ecology.  15(4):401-410.
Timberline Forest Inventory Consultants Ltd..  2003.  Species at risk – management strategy recommendations for rare vascular plants in CanFor’s planning areas.    Available from
Timberline Forest Inventory Consultants Ltd..  2003.  Species at risk – management strategy recommendations for rare plant communities in CanFor’s planning areas.    Available from
Tilt W., Norris R., Eno A.S.  1987.  Wolf Recovery in the Northern Rocky Mountains.  
Tillotson D.69. Patter.  1969.  Patterns for preservation: a conservation text.