Bibliography and Citations

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Barrett SW.  2001.  Historical fire regimes in Western redcedar.  Sage Notes.  23(1):9-10.
Barrett S.CH, Arno S.F.  1982.  Indian fires as an ecological influence in the northern Rockies.  Journal of Forestry.  October 1982:647-651.
Barrett SCH, Strother JL.  1978.  Taxonomy and natural history of Bacopa (Scrophulariaceae) in California.  Systematic Botany.  3(4):408-419.
Barrett JShane.  2005.  Population viability of the southern Idaho ground squirrel (Spermophilus brunneus endemicus): effects of an altered landscape.  Department of Biological Sciences.  :151.
Barrett J.  2004.  Demographic Biology of the southern Idaho ground squirrel (Spermophilus brunneus endemicus).  
Barrett S.CH, Powers L.R.  1994.  Some raptor hematological values.  Gastropodia.  30:107-111.
Barrett S.W.  1988.  Fire suppression's effects on forest succession within a central Idaho wilderness.  Western Journal of Applied Forestry.  3(3):76-80.
Barringer LE, Tomback DF, Wunder MB, McKinney ST.  2012.  Whitebark pine stand condition, tree abundance, and cone production as predictors of visitation by Clark's nutcracker.  PLoS ONE.  7(5):e37663.  Available from
Barringer F.  2012.  Out West Black Fingers of Death Offer Hope Against an Invader.  New York Times.  
Barrows W.B.  1884.  Birds of the Lower Uruguay.  Auk.  -:313-319.
Barss JM, Forbes RB.  1984.  A spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) from north-central Oregon.  Murrelet.  65(3):80.  Available from
Bart J..  1995.  Amount of suitable habitat and viability of northern spotted owls.  Conservation Biology.  9:943-946.
Bart J..  2000.  Status assessment and conservation plan for Columbian sharp-tailed grouse.  
Bart J, Earnst S.  2002.  Double sampling to estimate density and population trends in birds.  Auk.  119(1):36-45.  Available from
Bartel J.A.  1987.  The federal listing of rare and endangered plants: what is involved and what does it mean? November 1986.  
Bartel RA, Knowlton FF, L. Stoddart C.  2008.  Long-term patterns in mammalian abundance in northern portions of the Great Basin.  Journal of Mammalogy.  89(5):1170-1183.
Bartels P, Niwa M, Wolfe ML.  2007.  Extension of the cliff chipmunk (Neotamias dorsalis) range in Idaho.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  43(1):1-8.
Bartels P., Niwa. M..  2004.  Cliff chipmunk (Neotamias dorsalis) survey in South-central and Southeast Idaho.  
Bartels P..  2004.  Spreadsheet - summary of all pygmy rabbit burrows and observations made within the Burley Field Office from 2002-2004.  
Bartels p, Hays D..  2000.  Summary of Pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) survey and trapping efforts on historical sites in Oregon and Idaho: surveying and trapping efforts from May 2, 2000, through May 11, 2000.  
Bartels P..  2004.  Spreadsheet - pygmy rabbit historical locations.  
Bartels p, Niwa M..  2005.  Little pocket mouse live-trapping: Jim Sage/Raft River Valley salt desert shrub live-trapping efforts. June-August 2005.  
Bartels MA, Thompson DP.  1993.  Spermophilus lateralis.  Mammalian Species.  440:1-8.  Available from
Bartelt PE, Klaver RW, Porter WP.  2010.  Modeling amphibian energetics, habitat suitability, and movements of western toads, Anaxyrus (=Bufo) boreas, across present and future landscapes.  Ecological Modelling.  221(22):2675-2686.  Available from,
Bartelt PE.  1998.  Anura. Bufo boreas (western toad). Mortality.  Herpetological Review.  29(2):96.  Available from