Bibliography and Citations

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Elzinga C..  1990.  Observations of Penstemon lemhiensis on Salmon NF, Cobalt RD.  
Elzinga C.L..  1990.  TES plant species observation reports and field data reports for work done on the Big Butte Resource Area, Idaho Falls District BLM.  
Elzinga C..  1996.  Draft Habitat Conservation Assessment and Conservation Strategy for wavy leaf thelypody (Thelypodium repandum).  
Elzinga C..  1993.  Botanical Survey of the Flying R Ranch.  
Elzinga C..  2003.  Rare plants of the Salmon and Challis Field Offices of the BLM, in east-central Idaho.  
Elzinga C.L, Salzer D.W, Willoughby J.W.  1998.  Measuring and Monitoring Plant Populations.  
Elzinga C..  1989.  Map showing boundary of Primula alcalina population along Birch Creek.  
Elzinga C..  2003.  Alkali primrose data analysis.  BLM agreed, and funded this data analysis project..  
Emlen J.T..  1979.  Land bird densities on Baja California islands.  Auk.  96:152-167.
Emlen, Jr. J.T.  1954.  Territory, nest building, and pair formation in the cliff swallow.  Auk.  71:16-35.
Emmel TC.  1969.  Taxonomy, distribution and biology of the genus Cercyonis (Satyridae). I. Characteristics of the genus.  Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society.  23(3):165-175.  Available from
Enderline R.W.  0.  Quail trapping techniques.  
Enderline R.W.  1947.  The life history and management of mountain quail in California.  Pittman-Robertson Quarterly.  7(2):52.
Engel K.A, Young L.S.  1992.  Movements and habitat use by common ravens from roost sites in southwestern Idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  56(3):596-602.
Engel K.A, Young L.S.  1989.  Spatial and temporal patterns in the diet of common ravens in southwestern Idaho.  Condor.  91:372-378.
England B.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  England, Bonnie..  
England J.L.  1992.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; Final rule to list the plant Spiranthes diluvialis (Ute ladies'-tresses) as a threatened species.  Federal Register.  57(12):2048-2054.
Engle J.  2000.  Columbia spotted frog Great Basin population (Owyhee Mountains subpopulation) long-term monitoring plan: Owyhee County, Idaho.  
Engle J..  2001.  Columbia spotted frog project: the translocation of 2 male Columbia spotted frogs between breeding sites within an element occurrence in the Owyhee subpopulation of the Great Basin population.  
Engle J..  2001.  Updated Excel spreadsheet of spotted frog locations from Boise State University Biology Department.  
Engle J.  2000.  Columbia spotted frog Great Basin population (Owyhee Mountains subpopulation) long-term monitoring plan: Owyhee County, Idaho. Year 2000 results.  Cooperative Challenge Cost Share Project, Bureau of Land Management and Boise State University; Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  
Engle JC, Munger JC.  2003.  Population fragmentation of spotted frogs in the Owyhee Mountains.    Available from
Engle J.C, Munger J.C.  1998.  Population structure of spotted frogs in the Owyhee Mountains.  
Engle J.C, Munger J.C.  1998.  Population fragmentation of spotted frogs in the Owyhee Mountains, Interim report.  
Engle JC, Harris CE.  2001.  Idaho species of special concern element state ranking reviews.