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Secord AL, Patnode KA, Carter C, Redman E, Gefell DJ, Major AR, Sparks DW.  2015.  Contaminants of emerging concern in bats from the northeastern United States.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.  69:411-421.  Available from A15SEC01IDUS
Tack JD, Fedy BC.  2015.  Landscapes for energy and wildlife: conservation prioritization for golden eagles across large spatial scales.  PLOS ONE.  10(8):e0134781. A15TAC01IDUS
Traugott M, Benefer CM, Blackshaw RP, van Herk WG, Vernon RS.  2015.  Biology, ecology, and control of elaterid beetles in agricultural land.  Annual Review of Entomology.  60:313-334. A15TRA01IDUS
Anonymous.  2015.  More than naming of parts.  Nature Plants.  1:1. A15UNK01IDUS
van Manen FT, Haroldson MA, Bjornlie DD, Ebinger MR, Thompson DJ, Costello CM, White GC.  2015.  Density dependence, whitebark pine, and vital rates of grizzly bears.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  Pre-publication posting A15VAN01IDUS
Vonhof MJ, Russell AL, Miller-Butterworth CM.  2015.  Range-wide genetic analysis of little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) populations: estimating the risk of spread of white-nose syndrome.  PLOS ONE.  10(7):e0128713. A15VON01IDUS
Balding M, Williams KJH.  2016.  Plant blindness and the implications for plant conservation.  Conservation Biology.  2016:1-8. A16BAL01IDUS
Bartsch P..  1916.  Two new land shells from the western states.  Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum.  51:331-333. A16BAR01IDUS
Condon LA, Pyke DA.  2016.  Filling the interspace - restoring arid land mosses: source populations, organic matter, and overwintering govern success.  Ecology and Evolution.  2016:1-10. A16CON01IDUS
Ertter B, Nosratinia S.  2016.  A new variety of Abronia mellifera (Nyctaginaceae) of conservation concern in southwestern Idaho.  Phytoneuron.  20:1-4. A16ERT01IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2016.  News Release: Endangered Species Act Listing of Rare Native Idaho Plant Remains Warranted - Slickspot peppergrass (Lepidium papilliferum).  :1pp.  Available from A16FWS01IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Idaho Fish and Wildlife Office.  2016.  Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Status for Lepidium papilliferum (Slickspot Peppergrass) Throughout Its Range.  Federal Register.  81:55058-55084.  Available from A16FWS02IDUS
Greenwood O, Mossman HL, Suggitt AJ, Curtis RJ, Maclean IMD.  2016.  Using in situ management to conserve biodiversity under climate change.  Journal of Applied Ecology.  :1-10. A16GRE01IDUS
Henderson J., Daniels. L.E.  1916.  Hunting Mollusca in Utah and Idaho.  Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.  68:315-339. A16HEN01IDUS
Kendall KC, Macleod AC, Boyd KL, Boulanger J, J. Royle A, Kasworm WF, Paetkau D, Proctor MF, Annis K, Graves TA.  2016.  Density, distribution, and genetic structure of grizzly bears in the Cabinet–Yaak Ecosystem.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  80(2):314–331. A16KEN01IDUS
Mansfield DH, Stevens M, Polito L, Smith JF, Darrach M.  2016.  Lomatium basalticum (Apiaceae), a new species from the vicinity of Hells Canyon in Oregon and Idaho.  Phytoneuron.  2016-74:13.  Available from A16MAN01IDUS
Miller RA, Paprocki N, Stuber MJ, Moulton CE, Carlisle JD.  2016.  Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus) surveys in the North American Intermountain West: utilizing citizen scientists to conduct monitoring across a broad geographic scale.  Avian Conservation and Ecology.  11(1):art3.  Available from A16MIL01IDUS
Nesom GL.  2016.  Taxonomic notes on Utah Erigeron (Asteraceae).  Phytoneuron.  2016(81):1–10. A16NES01IDUS
Reynolds JW.  2016.  Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) of the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion (10), USA.  Megadrilogica.  20(10):179-185.  Available from A16REY01IDUS
Reynolds JW.  2016.  Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) of the Blue Mountains Ecoregion (11), USA.  Megadrilogica.  20(10):186-190.  Available from A16REY02IDUS
Reynolds JW.  2016.  Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in the Northern Rockies Ecoregion (15), USA.  Megadrilogica.  20(11):198-204.  Available from A16REY03IDUS
Reynolds JW.  2016.  Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in the Wyoming Basin Ecoregion (18), USA.  Megadrilogica.  20(12):213-219.  Available from A16REY04IDUS
Rhoades PR, Koch JB, Waits LP, Strange JP, Eigenbrode SD.  2016.  Evidence for Bombus occidentalis (Hymenoptera: Apidae) populations in the Olympic peninsula, the Palouse Prairie, and forests of northern Idaho.  Journal of Insect Science.  16(1):1-5.  Available from A16RHO01IDUS
van Manen FT, Haroldson MA, Bjornlie DD, Ebinger MR, Thompson DJ, Costello CM, White GC.  2016.  Density dependence, whitebark pine, and vital rates of grizzly bears.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  80(2):300-313. A16VAN01IDUS
Zhang G, Hart ER, Weirauch C.  2016.  A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens.  Biodiversity Data Journal.  4(e8150):356. A16ZHA01IDUS