Bibliography and Citations

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Rutske LRH.  1969.  A Minnesota guide to forest game habitat improvement. Technical Bulletin No. 10.  St. Paul (MN): Minnesota Department of Conservation, Division of Game and Fish.  
Gibson DJ.  2015.  Methods in Comparative Plant Population Ecology, Second Edition. Edition Second.  Oxford (United Kingdom): Oxford University Press.  
Pant G..  1998.  Medicinal uses of bryophytes.
[Anonymous].  1996.  Measuring and monitoring biological diversity: standard methods for mammals.
Bonham CD.  2013.  Measurements for terrestrial vegetation. Edition 2nd.  West Sussex (UK): Wiley-Blackwell.    Available from
Caswell H..  1989.  Matrix population models: construction, analysis and interpretation.
Peck M.E.  1941.  A manual of the higher plants of Oregon.
Hitchcock A.S.  1950.  Manual of the grasses of the United States. No. 2, Second Edition.  
Lesica P.  2012.  Manual of Montana Vascular Plants. Fort Worth (Texas): Botanical Research Institute of Texas.  
Fassett N.C.  1940.  A manual of aquatic plants.
[Anonymous].  2002.  Management and techniques for riparian restorations: roads field guide, Volume I. General Technical Report.  RMRS-GTR-102, Volume I.  Fort Collins (CO): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.  
[Anonymous].  2002.  Management and techniques for riparian restorations: roads field guide, Volume II. General Technical Report.  RMRS-GTR-102, Volume II.  Fort Collins (CO): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.  
Wassink J.L.  1993.  Mammals of the central Rockies.
Hall S.P, Kelson K.R.  1959.  The Mammals of North America.
Larrison E.J, Johnson D.R.  1981.  Mammals of Idaho.
McCune B., Geiser L..  1997.  Macrolichens of the Pacific Northwest: the first comprehensive guide to northwest macrolichens.
McCune B., Goward T..  1995.  Macrolichens of the Northern Rocky Mountains.
Welch P.S.  1952.  Limnology. Second Edition.  
Vorhies CT, Taylor WP.  1933.  The life histories and ecology of jack rabbits, Lepus alleni and Lepus californicus ssp., in relation to grazing in Arizona. Tucson (AZ): Agriculture Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, University of Arizona.    Available from,
Brodo I.M, Sharnoff S.D, Sharnoff S..  2001.  Lichens of North America.
Goward T..  1999.  The lichens of British Columbia, illustrated keys: part 2-fruticose species.
Goward T..  1994.  The lichens of British Columbia, illustrated keys: part 1-foliose and squamulose species.
Will-Wolf S., Hawksworth D.L, McCune B., Rosentreter R., Sipman H.JM.  2004.  Lichenized fungi.
[Anonymous].  2007.  Lichen flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert region: Balance of the microlichens, and the lichenicolous fungi. Vol. III.  
[Anonymous].  2004.  Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. Vol. II.