Management and techniques for riparian restorations: roads field guide, Volume I

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General Technical Report, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Volume RMRS-GTR-102, Volume I, Fort Collins, CO, p.Not paged. (2002)

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Improperly constructed or maintained roads near riparian and wetland areas may degrade these valuable sites. Degradation affects many aspects of the riparian and wetland ecosystems. This field guide presents information in a practical, user friendly format to help resource managers and professionals. Well-documented evaluation and monitoring strategies are critical in riparian road restoration projects. Learning from mistakes as well as successes helps to improve and protect valuable riparian and wetland sites. This two-volume field guide covers the management and techniques for riparian restoration near roads. The field guides cover the following topics: (1) riparian area considerations, (2) monitoring, (3) planning projects, (4) laws and regulations, and (5) techniques to use in the field.


Reference Code: B02USF01IDUS

Full Citation: U.S. Forest Service. 2002. Management and techniques for riparian restorations: roads field guide. Volume I. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-102.U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO. Not paged.


Keywords: roads, riparian, wetland areas, degradation, riparian and wetland ecosystems, restoration techniques, road construction